about to pull the trigger on 2 x 680's!! help

Minimum System Power Requirement 550 W that is for one GTX680 card according to nvidia
500W for one GTX 670

with overclocking i personally would get a good 1000 or better extra power NEVER hurts.
is there a big difference in performance in a 670 sli to a 680 sli???
wow acordding to that link the difference is like 5 to 10 fps at the very most lol

680 is definately not worth the 200$ more price.

plus my ax850w should be enough to OC these cards and plus have some spare left.
i probably wont be OC'ing now anyway ... ill just wait till games start getting slow on it

gtx 670 sli it is
If you care about noise I'd reconsider getting anything with a blower fan (hamster wheel style). Generally they will be louder than a fan with fan blades.
If you care about noise I'd reconsider getting anything with a blower fan (hamster wheel style). Generally they will be louder than a fan with fan blades.

But in SLI, on the majority of motherboards, external exhaust cards are the only way to go.
Reference 670's are much noisier than reference 680's at idle. That's part of the $100 price difference I guess. If you can get good spacing between the cards definitely get 2 non-reference 670s.
At worst, a stock clocked 680 will draw no more than 200W. 850W should be plenty for two of those cards plus the rest of your hardware. For a time I had a GTX 680 and GTX 570 running in my system on 750W and it didn't pass ~550W or so with the CPU, 570, and 680 running at full load.
If you have the cash flow for two 680's I would spend a little more and get an AX1200 or a 1000 watt something or another. Even a Corsair Gamer Series 850watt or whatever the current model rating is. Why try and push the limits with a underpowered PSU just to save $100.00 in the long run to blow the PSU or your cards or lose your data or worse and then have to shell out to replace it anyways.
The AX850 will run SLI 670s or 680s no problem, and you will have headroom to overclock them as well.
1000 or 1200 watt psu is a total waste on 680s. 850 is more than enough. The 680s themselves only pull at most about 200 watts each. A 2600k stock is what 95 watts? So lets say you run a crazy oc and get it up to 200 watts. Even then you're only talking 600 watts of usage. Add mobo, drives, etc for probably another 50 watts but lets be conservative and say 100. Now we are looking at 700. An 850 is still more than enough.
1000 or 1200 watt psu is a total waste on 680s. 850 is more than enough. The 680s themselves only pull at most about 200 watts each. A 2600k stock is what 95 watts? So lets say you run a crazy oc and get it up to 200 watts. Even then you're only talking 600 watts of usage. Add mobo, drives, etc for probably another 50 watts but lets be conservative and say 100. Now we are looking at 700. An 850 is still more than enough.

Yeah a 850w is fine for even OC'd 680s in SLI.
But in SLI, on the majority of motherboards, external exhaust cards are the only way to go.

True, it does depend on your overall setup as to whether or not alternatives to external exhaust cards are feasible.
People need to stop with the 1000-1200 nonsense for two video cards. With this generation, a quality 750W is more than enough for two cards OC'd and an OC'd CPU. Even SB-E is fine.
Minimum System Power Requirement 550 W that is for one GTX680 card according to nvidia
500W for one GTX 670

with overclocking i personally would get a good 1000 or better extra power NEVER hurts.

well the 680 will be faster but 200 dollar more fast, I think not. I would put that 200 toward the bigger PSU.


good grief. the most I have pulled at the wall is around 300 watts with an oced gtx670 and oced 2500k. an ax850 watt psu would be WAY more than plenty for a oced gtx670 sli oced 2600k setup.
Even 750 is enough!
yeah a high quality 750 watt psu is plenty too. even with overclocking he would likely never even hit 600 watts at the wall in any game. 750 watt would be the lowest I would personally go though as I like to have lots of headroom so the psu never has to work too hard and the fan stays quiet.
ok guys i pulled the trigger! i ended up getting 2 gtx 680's

670's are just as good but i rather have the new stuff's lol
idk i dont like the idea of having something that feels to be "good enough"
reading lots of reviews saying that a gtx670 was a failed 680... not just 1 forum but 4 diff ones report this and include this one. is that a bad thing?? NOPE!

nvidia just has other plans for the 680's and the 670's can perform just as good with a little more noise is all!

thanks for all the help guys!~