AC Cuplex XT di mounting question.


Sep 11, 2005
Can anyone tell me if the mounting kit of the AC Cuplex XT di will fit the standard Cuplex XT? It looks like it does, but looks can be deceiving.

I'm about to change my mobo and cpu to a 790FX and Black Ed 6400+ but don't want to retire my modded Cuplex XT. Rather than buy just a new mounting kit for it, I thought I would get a XT di and pit it against my XT tri :p using the same mounting parts.
Can anyone tell me if the mounting kit of the AC Cuplex XT di will fit the standard Cuplex XT? It looks like it does, but looks can be deceiving.

I'm about to change my mobo and cpu to a 790FX and Black Ed 6400+ but don't want to retire my modded Cuplex XT. Rather than buy just a new mounting kit for it, I thought I would get a XT di and pit it against my XT tri :p using the same mounting parts.

Using the same Parallel Hex case ?

Using the same Parallel Hex case ?

Yes indeed.

The weak point of that system is the crappy DFI RD200 mobo. I want to replace it with a 790FX and make a few alterations to the water cooling circuit. This time forget north bridge and hard drive cooling and all the stupid lighting. You see my 6 loop design could be very easily rearranged for 4 video cards....but I'm thinking aloud now!
CrossfireX with four cards would be hardware pr0n bliss :)

About your cpu block, I cannot help since I don't own one. Try to PM Shoggy here since he is a AC rep I think.

I think it's probably safer to get a mounting kit anyway as well as the di. I may not be able to use my 1-in 2-out in my future plans. It would be easier to sell on my modded XT if it had a mounting kit for the newer motherboards.

It would be nice to have the mounting issue confirmed though.
According to Wes at Sharka the first batches of DI's are not compatable with the CuplexXT mounting hardware.......
Thanks R1ck.

I'm kinda set on getting a XT di and a mounting kit for my existing XT. I'd like to compare the performance of each. I wonder if the bases are interchangeable too.
Thanks R1ck.

I'm kinda set on getting a XT di and a mounting kit for my existing XT. I'd like to compare the performance of each. I wonder if the bases are interchangeable too.

The good news is the NEW double impacts work with the XT mounting kits! As for the base, not a chance. Take a look.

Shoggy would certainly know, but he doesn't work for AC. He is simply a Moderator on the AC company forum.

I have my own desk at AC since almost 3 months :D
Times goes by, things change ;)

The mountings of the cuplex XT and the XT di are compatible. There was a very small amount which is not compatible but it is very unlikely that you have one of them.
The mountings of the cuplex XT and the XT di are compatible. There was a very small amount which is not compatible but it is very unlikely that you have one of them.

If it was bought from Sharka, they are not........

Shoggy - get AC off their butt and get the order out to Sharka!~!