Accursed Audio Glitch


Limp Gawd
Apr 2, 2007
Sorry my first post is a plea for help, but if it's any consolation I've been lurking awhile. That being said:

I have a P5B-E, Core 2 Duo, 2GB RAM, an X-Fi Extremegamer and an ATI X800XL, running Vista Business. Nothing astounding. I am having an impossible-to-track problem with sound--every 60 seconds or so, the audio glitches up (slows down and stutters) for between .5 to 2 seconds. It then clears up. This occurs no matter what I'm playing sound from, and removing the X-Fi didn't help (the onboard HD audio still did it.) It's not my speakers, as I hear the same problem over my headphones. A few people using either XP 64 or Vista release candidates were able to track a similar problem down to faulty RAID drivers, but I'm not running a RAID setup. Does anyone have any ideas for me to pin this problem down?
Do you overclock your CPU? If you did overclock it, you can try to use the stock speed and see whether the problem is still there or not..
I can say that OCing is not the problem. I've had the problem since I built this PC but only OCed in the last week.