Acer AL2416WD or Sony SDM-P234/B for gaming?


Mar 1, 2003


Looking to get an LCD again and can't decide between these two. Using this for gaming and I'm very concerned about:

INPUT LAG! I'm a competitive gamer at top levels so this is my number one concern. Will I have to run dual display with my CRT for multiplayer games?

ghosting and a "grainy" image. My 2005FPW both ghosted and had a very grainy image and I was very underimpressed by the monitor. Then again 1680*1050 is smaller than 1600*1200 which is what I run on a 19" CRT.

Any help is appreciated :)
I would prolly go with the Acer, as there are alotta strong reviews for it. Newegg has the height adjustable stand one on sale right now for $699 too.
Well I've been reading around and it sounds like the acer is a steaming POS and the sony probably isn't much better. It seems like the NEC 20WMGX2 is the only LCD I'll like. I'll live with the low res.
z3r0- said:


Looking to get an LCD again and can't decide between these two. Using this for gaming and I'm very concerned about:

INPUT LAG! I'm a competitive gamer at top levels so this is my number one concern. Will I have to run dual display with my CRT for multiplayer games?

ghosting and a "grainy" image. My 2005FPW both ghosted and had a very grainy image and I was very underimpressed by the monitor. Then again 1680*1050 is smaller than 1600*1200 which is what I run on a 19" CRT.

Any help is appreciated :)

Don't buy an LCD if a 2005fpw ghosted too much and was grainy. You won't be happy with anything other than a CRT.
I heard the NEC was quite a bit better than the dell... Is it still grainy looking?
Right here in the display section... Numerous posts about input lag on the acer and dell.

I just tried my brothers dell and it wasn't to grainy but it did tear a bit and fast turns were a smear compared to my CRT. How does that acer or the 20" NEC compare to the 2005fpw ghosting wise?
I haven't read anything about input lag on the Acer, but I believe at least two people out of the limited number of people on the forum that have purchased them have received defective panels. At this point I think it's best to wait for another generation of products to pass before buying a 24." However, my CRT is on the way out, so I am probably going to buy in the near future out of necessity.

+ The case looks kick-ass
+all the reviews are generally positive
+supposed to be very good for movies and relatively good for gaming
-most of the reviews that are positive are dated and were done at a time when the standard of reference was pretty low for a monitor of this size
-At 23 inches, it costs more than most of the 24" displays
-some reports of light bleed on the edges and video noise

+good anecdotal information/opinions of it
+relatively new product, so it should have all the latest advancements.
-anecdotal evidence of a high failure rate
-limited connectivity
-ass ugly frame
-have yet to see one review of it where anything was actually measured.
-Their recent 20” monitor sucked wind.
Ive been going over all the threads concerning the lag issue, and most people report its very small or none at all.
50ms on the dell? That's HUGE. If I can tell between 125 and 150 fps in cod2 then I can tell 50ms of input lag. I've talked to a few long time LCD owners I know about tearing/ghosting and they say vsync is a must. 60 fps sucks, I'll stick with my CRT.
posted by someone on newegg "Other Thoughts: The difference between a Sony SDM-P234 and a dell 24" is like the difference between a Ferrari ENZO and a Geo Metro" ouch! :D
I've tried several 23"/24" monitors. The only ones I've tried that don't have any significant lag are the 23" Apple Cinema Display and the HP L2335. The Sony DOES have a little bit of lag, but it's less than the Dell 2405FPW. If the Dell 2405FPW is around 40 ms, then I'd say the Sony is around 25 ms, which most people don't notice. Whatever you do, avoid the Samsung 244T. That thing has around 60 ms of lag, which is ridiculous. I found it unbearable.

Do you notice any lag on the Dell 2005FPW? I've seen a couple of pictures that suggest the 2005FPW has the same amount of lag as the 2405FPW, but I haven't used a 2005FPW myself.
Not sure just did some turnes in cod2 real quick just looking for ghosting and tearing. I'll bring the lcd into my room today and see how it plays at my usual 333 fps.
I ordered the Acer yesterday night. The selling point for me was the higher contrast and 1" larger size. It is not perfect, but the lessor of evils. I'm going to let the market play out for the next 6-8 months. If (when) something significantly better comes along I will probably sell the Acer (it's a lot easier to make a decision when you don't really care :D ).
z3r0- said:
Well I've been reading around and it sounds like the acer is a steaming POS and the sony probably isn't much better. It seems like the NEC 20WMGX2 is the only LCD I'll like. I'll live with the low res.
Acer has a lot of input lag. Hell, using a G5 mouse set to 2000 dpi with this monitor is much slower than 800 dpi on a CRT.

If I can tell between 125 and 150 fps in cod2 then I can tell 50ms of input lag.
Considering the human eye and brain cannot process much more than 72 fps, I highly doubt you can discern what you think you are.
I've had the Acer 2423 for about a week now. I was looking at 2407's but found the 2423 cheaper (especially when I ordered from Tigerdirect through Amazon, putting a bunch of gift certificates into it and getting the price way down) and decided that the specs were similar, without the banding issues. I've been very pleased with the screen, it's a huge upgrade over my previous 19" CRT. I haven't noticed problems with input lag, nor any dead pixels. Awesome for the money, in my opinion.
Totally differnt class of monitor.Sony tank built IPS that costed$1200 short while ago, now it's only $650 because Sony is leaving cheap skates who buy Acer/viewsonic/benQ commoditzed displays and only focusing on professionals, not budget boys.... Acer is a fimsly POS with S-PVA for mass consupmtion. As far as input lag and pixel speed I dont know. But PVA's are slower than IPS dispite advertised response claims and have longest lag in general. Behardwre can confirm. For me, after using the acer 22" a couple hours and understanding the Sony has better panel, I'd order the sony.

Course what I'd really do is wait till spring for the 24" WGX2 from NEC.
No more... page had it for $650+ about eighteen buck shipping when I checked last week,
I bought the Acer 22" last week for $299 and I've been enjoying it immensely.