Acer P241W Users!


Mar 4, 2008
Keep reading, this is in Video Cards section for a reason.

Ok, there is a common issue with my Acer P241W monitor. It will not display 1920x1200

properly over HDMI or DVI when using many older cards. It is unknown exactly why this is,

however both Acer and ATI / Nvidia don't seem to care and keep brushing it off as a minor

problem. My x1950 pro is card with this problem. I am in the market for a new graphics

card, and I don't want to run into this problem again. Please post what card you are using if you are displaying at

1920x1200 over DVI using this monitor!

I have this monitor too, but it is hooked up to my crappy laptop right now. I would really like to know the answer to this question also.
I am looking to get a 260, but I am just not convinced it will work for sure.
ok I found out a gtx 260 will NOT have the problem you are talking about.
Thankyou so much!
It still bugs me that this damn problem is not fixed with my current cards though...
You just have to make sure you get the updates. Fry's in Austin had this monitor on a gtx 280 and it was fine. and my buddy has had no problems on it with a gtx260. good luck buddy.