Achieva Shimian QH270| $400 IPS 2560x1440 Korean Monitor

Check, they should have some.

Thanks man. I did find those already last night. The closest one was for a Catleap Q270 SE and I ordered a Catleap Q270. I am thinking the only difference between the two would be the speaker/glass configuration??? Can anyone confirm this. I am trying to use the ICC color file made on a catleap Q270 SE on a Q270 model. It should be fine right?
The ICC profile should work on your model. Try it and see if the profile is to your liking. I tried like 3 different ones for my PCBank and settled on one.
Thanks man. I did find those already last night. The closest one was for a Catleap Q270 SE and I ordered a Catleap Q270. I am thinking the only difference between the two would be the speaker/glass configuration??? Can anyone confirm this. I am trying to use the ICC color file made on a catleap Q270 SE on a Q270 model. It should be fine right?

Correct. They all use the same panel, so you can try any of the profiles for any of the Korean 27" monitors (Catleap, Shimian, Crossover...) they should all work. The only exception would be the PCBank, which due to its CCFL backlight will have a different color profile. Trying that ICC profile wouldn't hurt anything though, just make your colors odd.
Been sitting on the fence over one of the Korean monitors ( most likely a crossover 27QLED-P ) or the "safer" route of a new Asus PA248Q. I ordered the Asus but it doesn't ship for another week from Amazon and the more I read the more I seem to want the Korean monitor and want to cancel the Asus.

I will use this for gaming 50%, photoshop 15%, lightroom 20%, other 15%

Will my 670 gtx provide enough power to run this monitor's resolution and still enjoy bf3, tf2, skyrim, max payne, etc. or will frame rate drop to just "acceptable" but still work?

Thanks for any assistance.......
I've been contemplating getting 3 of the crossovers, but kinda waiting to see how they hold out in the long run. Seems people have had them for roughly only 6-7 months at most, lets see how they hold up another 6-8 mos from now.
Based on the amount of problems I've seen vs amount sold, I'd recommend the Shimian for now. The crossover seems to have a lot of issues with it. Doesn't look quite as nice, but hey!
I understand folks opinions about Glossy vs Ag... as has been mentioned.. though, for me.. I can control my lighting.. so.. Im well pleased with the gloss of the crossover...
Achieva Shimian IPSB with edge to edge glass, are these still productions or still available? I heard that these are getting phase out and replaced by the bezel on top of the glass instead. I have one and thinking about getting another one to match it. Any news?
Achieva Shimian IPSB with edge to edge glass, are these still productions or still available? I heard that these are getting phase out and replaced by the bezel on top of the glass instead. I have one and thinking about getting another one to match it. Any news?

You should email a seller and ask this question. But as far as I know they are being phased out as the new way with the bezel on top seems to catch less dust/debris inside of the glass.
Have a "Crossover 27QLED-P" coming from 'accessorieswhole'.

The smart money would have gotten a Dell, I guess, but there's no adventure in that.
You should email a seller and ask this question. But as far as I know they are being phased out as the new way with the bezel on top seems to catch less dust/debris inside of the glass.

Thanks. Yes, dust and debris is a problems with mine, but I'm planning to take off the glass and clean it out. It does looks great with edge to edge glass.
Do any of the "new crop" of monitors (those that didn't seem to exist when this thread got started like the FSM and the Qnix, Potalion, and Imon) have AG? The Davi that was confirmed to have AG is long gone. The FSM here seems to have photos that show an AG coating, but then it also claims "super clear screen" and shows some images that I think are trying to depict that the monitor has a glossy screen.

Honestly, I just don't understand all the AG hate in this thread. All the monitors I've ever used have one, and I just don't see what all the fuss is about. I bought an LG plasma TV last fall, and it has a glossy screen, and the damn thing is completely unwatchable when there is daylight. Even if it didn't cost more than I paid for the TV to get enough blinds to block the enormous window that faces it, there are six other windows in the room and you would still be able to see your own reflection better than the image on the TV. It'd be one thing if the glossy provided some sort of benefit (like dozens in this thread have claimed), but at least as far as the TV goes, I'm just not seeing any.

My office is the same way. There is a large window behind me and I like having a nice, bright office. The AG coating on my current monitor does everything I want it to and nothing I don't. No AG = completely unusable monitor.

It actually rather amuses me. Folks cringe and wince at the very thought of so much as one stuck pixel, and then they post pics of their monitor in which the entire room (and sometimes the photographer) is clearly visible.

If anyone has bought one of the "new" monitors and can confirm that it has AG, I'd appreciate that information.

If you have a store like Frys electronics near you, they sometimes have monitors like the DELL 30" panel with the hated, ultra aggressive AG coating. If you are ever in front of one, open a window and look at the white background. Not clear and crystal, it is a nasty, rainbow speckled mess. It is disgusting and hideous. I would gladly take occasional reflections than having that grainy nightmare to stare at all day.

As for your TV issue, if it's in your home you need to control your lighting better. It is a home after all and not an office. Are windows directly behind the tv? That's bad. Are you looking at the tv at an angle where the light from a window would reflect directly at you? That's bad. Just need to be smart and not invite excessive reflection issues.
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I've been following this thread since its inception with interest, even moreso the past month as my trusty Soyo has developed some bad burn-in and needs to be retired. However, I will never bite until a non-glossy model is available. It's such a shame to pass up what seems an unthinkable deal, but glossy = dealbreaker, for the reasons you so correctly laid out.

That being said, I kind of understand the hate people have for bad AG. Whatever I have on my Soyo 24" M-VA panel is absolutely perfect, and would never bother anyone unless they were looking for it. However, my friend got an IPS model recently (I believe HP ZR24w?), and I admit to being slightly shocked when I sat down in front of it for the first time. I scoffed at all the violent AG hatred on here for years... and then I saw what it's actually like on some of these current IPS panels in-person. Suffice it to say, I'm about as reluctant to pick up a ZR24w as I am one of these glossy Catleaps.

Well that's rather uncanny. I have the very same Soyo D6, and it's developing an oh-so-subtle backlight flicker from time to time that I expect to get worse over time. I agree with you on the AG of this monitor, it's flawless. It frustrates me to no end that I cannot buy another panel just like it. I'd gladly pay $400.

But, as you and others have pointed out, there is a reason I don't get what all the complaining is about the AG -- I've never experienced the type of coating that folks are complaining about. But I can complain with the best of 'em, so I may just have to go see it for myself so as to avail myself of the opportunity.

As for your TV issue, if it's in your home you need to control your lighting better. It is a home after all and not an office. Are windows directly behind the tv? That's bad. Are you looking at the tv at an angle where the light from a window would reflect directly at you? That's bad. Just need to be smart and not invite excessive reflection issues.

Thanks for the advice, but I'm afraid it's just not practical. Even if I were willing to attempt to turn my living room into some sort of bat-cave, there are just too many light sources to block. I'm sure it's possible, with some effort and expense, to go from "unwatchable" to "sucks", but for now I think I'll just confine my TV watching to after dark.
The way AG is suppose to work, is, it is light and barely noticeable but for whatever readon LG smashed a gob of vasoline on its best panels. Sometimes I actually think apple might have pushed them to do that, because honestly it does not make any sense. We all know LG can product great AG. I know thats a messed up conspiracy but when you have the pull apple does you can do alot and we know they wouldnt be above that.

Anyhow thats the issue here there is no nice light ag coat for these high end 27 - 30 inch monitors. There is super glossy or super AG nothing in the middle. I keep my panel in a light controlled room so I dont care but one thing I have contemplated is getting a stick on AG coating like people do for phones. It would just be damn hard to apply to a 27 inch monitor IMO.
I hear ya. I looked into aftermarket AG films for that very reason. But they are pricey, and give you no real way to assess what "less", "more", and "won't reflect direct sunlight" actually give you. Besides, imagine explaining to the wife how you spent $325 on a snazzy new monitor and, upon receiving it, immediately proceeded to paint it with goop and attempt to slap a huge sheet of paper-thin plastic on it. What could go wrong?
At my office I got no solution to use a glossy monitor since I got windows on 3 sides, and the one side that left without the window there is no way I can put it. However, all the dudes that are close to me agreed to block with blinds the window behind us, so that we can all benefit from it, and the rest of the windows are letting light in as they don't bother anyone else. This is the best control you can get in a business environment.

However, sucks to have to work with light colors when having AG coating.
And there are 2 different types of AG coating that I tested(don't know about the rest):
1. LG IPS like coating look "solid", and it bothers my eyes as I am tempted to focus my sight on it instead of the screen, causing me serious eye strain. Also, the small color shift of every grain affects the text and the huge size of the grains is biting parts of the text and makes it 10 times more hard to read. The only acceptable side of this coating is that I can see it properly, and I can avoid focusing on it, by fixing my focus on the pixels themselves. However, the fact that parts of text are being modified due to the huge grains is really bad, ending up from time to time focusing my sight on it, even if not that often. Also, is a huge effort over time to not focus my sight on the AG coating.

2. Samsung Like coating looks very light at start, making you believe that you won't notice it.
Over darker colors, the fact that the grains are much less present, it seems decent, however, you do notice dots here and there, making every image appear as having darker dots.
Light colors are totally sparkling, just like a diamond. And even worse, you don't notice it directly, but by the fact that you perceive a light color as sparkly, you focus your sight directly on the coating, causing extreme eye strain over time. Every single time I pass with my eyes over a light color, my vision focus is fixing on the coating, having to refocus on the pixels behind it..

I personally started to believe that the biggest problem of the coating is the fact that your eyes focus on 2 different layers and alternating between them, because they are very close to one another. I can't say the same thing with reflections, as the amount of vision focus adjustment that my eyes needs to make so that I can see correctly a reflection, is huge compared to the adjustment needed for AG coating.

For TVs I would not bother having AG coating at all, especially that I don't have to look at a white background for hours. However, since I can control the lightning at my home, and that is not by blocking the windows as someone suggested, but by modifying the TV position, this means I can benefit from the sweet color crispness of the glossy screens.

At home I would never use anything other then glossy screens, especially that most rooms have 1 single big window, and is very easy to find a solution to put your monitor to avoid reflections. I had also the huge problem of not finding anything glossy to buy until I found those korean companies. At home, on my Crossover, I find it hard to see any reflections, since I don't have a tempered glass, and no window light coming directly in my screen. You have no idea how really close a glossy panel is getting to the image quality of a CRT and how bad it makes for the image quality to have AG coating. I didn't believe it until I saw it.

I want to congratulate all those companies that made it possible for us to buy a glossy monitor, even if that means to accept the inconvenience of buying A- monitors . I really want this to be a big hit to the big companies that were thinking "We don't care about glossy screen lovers or input lag haters. If no company offers them an alternative they will do buy one of our screens in the end." And guess what, we got both with those monitors. I hope that one day one of those korean companies would sell A+ panels, no input lag (no scaler), OSD present, glossy screen, and still be a decent price (increased only by the panel difference).
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There is no nice light ag coat for these high end 27 - 30 inch monitors.

Samsung S27A850D is the semi-glossy savoir of the 27-30" high res world, but prepare to pay around 800$ for it. Since people are paying 600$+ for some of the fancier Korean models I think the 800$ price tag is well worth it for glossy haters, plus it comes with a warranty.

I just bought an Asus VG23AH, it uses an IPS panel from LG and semi-glossy coating, but it is slightly different than what is found on the Samsung PLS/VA and EW/VW/BL BenQ VA panels since it is more reflective (it's truly semi-glossy, I would classify the Samsung/BenQ's as semi-matte compared to this) and a tincy bit more noticeable than the coating Samsung and BenQ use, but it isn't grainy or sparkly.

It is the same as the semi-glossy coating found on many matte TV's. It's IPS too, so obviously LG can put semi-glossy coating on displays when forced.
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I ordered my catleap late sunday night and it arrived this (Tuesday) morning... Seriously.. How? I can't wait to get home from work and check it out! BCC shipping > Amazon/Newegg shipping
Those DHL international deliveries are super fast. The shipping fee is high, but well worth it.
Are any of the korean monitors 30" glossy? I know most of them have an AG coating from what I've read but it's hard to tell.
Hi All,

Very interested in these as I don't think I can hold out much longer for the Dell 2713. I was just wondering if one would be able to do 1920 x 1200 with the image centered but not scaled with the Non-Scaler versions of these monitors. I do some casual gaming, and I don't think my future GTX 670 would be able to sufficiently drive 2560 x 1440 so it would be nice to be able to scale down the resolution. Is this possible? What about 1280 x 720 scaled using the Nvidia software scaling? Anyone tried this?

I was able to win the dispute based on the video I made; but it seems like there is no option for me to get back the shipping cost back to the dream-seller as I already shipped back the monitor before opening the dispute. So I am out of around $120 and there seems to be no way to get that back. I would strongly recommend against dream-seller as an ebay seller, its been a crappy experience so far and I have lost the motivation to order from another seller. If you are unlucky one , the process is quite messy. Also a word of advise for anyone having issues with the monitor , it is better to open a dispute on ebay before interacting with the seller so that if he turns his back on you , there is some respite.

He is completely denying that there is anything wrong with the monitor. He initially agreed that there are dead pixels after seeing the pictures/videos but now he is claiming ignorance. I think it was my stupidity to trust him and send something back halfway across the world. Here is the video I created before sending the monitor back,
Hi All,

Very interested in these as I don't think I can hold out much longer for the Dell 2713. I was just wondering if one would be able to do 1920 x 1200 with the image centered but not scaled with the Non-Scaler versions of these monitors. I do some casual gaming, and I don't think my future GTX 670 would be able to sufficiently drive 2560 x 1440 so it would be nice to be able to scale down the resolution. Is this possible? What about 1280 x 720 scaled using the Nvidia software scaling? Anyone tried this?


First off, no, you cannot do centred-image not-scaled with single-input versions of these monitors I was wrong. You can do this. However, The monitor will not function if it is not receiving 2560x1440 pixels. Nvidia Control Panel will let you output black pixels around the outside of any resolution you want to make it 2560x1440.

However, a GTX670 will absolutely crush any game you throw at it on this screen that isn't BF3/Metro 2033/Max Payne 3. I know, cuz I have a 670 and one of these screens. You really shouldn't worry, especially since you describe yourself as doing "casual" gaming. Hell, I'd happily run one of these screens with a GTX 470

EDIT: I was wrong. This can be done.
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First off, no, you cannot do centred-image not-scaled with single-input versions of these monitors.

Not true. You can use GPU scaling.


Setting it to "No scaling" would give him the centered image he wants.
Not true. You can use GPU scaling.

Setting it to "No scaling" would give him the centered image he wants.

That's still sending a 2560x1440 signal to the monitor, though. Sn0_Man is right, the monitor won't accept input that's not 1440p or 720p without a scaler.
Not true. You can use GPU scaling.
Setting it to "No scaling" would give him the centered image he wants.

I know what you are saying, but I'm 90% sure setting it to "No Scaling" would (assuming he is operating at, say, 1920x1200 like he asked) get a nice black screen. And a blinking monitor power light. I can test it later tonight but I'm fairly sure I know how this screen works. Because "No Scaling" is just that, no scaling. It is not "Perform Scaling on GPU" it is "Don't perfom scaling" which simply doesn't work on these displays. I agree it works on most displays.

EDIT: I am completely wrong. I just sucessfully ran my Catleap at 1920x1200 with black bars around the centred screen by using "No Scaling" with Perform Scaling on: GPU.

So you defintely CAN do this. I still think the guy who asked should stick to default resolution, but that is a different matter. I WAS WRONG.
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So you defintely CAN do this. I still think the guy who asked should stick to default resolution, but that is a different matter. I WAS WRONG.

I have an AMD GPU, and unless I have the GPU pre-scale the image by letterboxing it, the monitor won't accept the signal. My Shimian only accepts 1440p and 720p input. Anything else is ignored and results in the flashing power light.
I have an AMD GPU, and unless I have the GPU pre-scale the image by letterboxing it, the monitor won't accept the signal. My Shimian only accepts 1440p and 720p input. Anything else is ignored and results in the flashing power light.

For sure. The monitor won't accept anything that isnt 1440p (I haven't tried 720, what does that do for you?). However, the guy wasn't asking about actually running only sending 1920x1200, he was asking about 1920x1200 centred with a black box around it. Which you can make work, you just have to send 1440p including the black box (by doing GPU scaling + No scaling... silly nvidia).

I'm not sure what "letterboxing" means sorry. I could try this with my 7950 but I'm too lazy to swap it in and reinstall drivers etc.
not loving the icc color profiles from on my catleap. Anyone want to share one that they are using and like?
Order placed with BCC
No pixel or light bleed problems
«::::»«::::»«::p::» «::E::» «::R::» «::F::» «::E::» «::C::» «::T::»«::::»«::::»



I'm not sure what "letterboxing" means sorry. I could try this with my 7950 but I'm too lazy to swap it in and reinstall drivers etc.

Oh, sorry. Just means adding black rectangles to the top and/or sides of the image to make it work on a different resolution or aspect ratio without stretching the image and distorting it.
Has anybody with a 2B measured backlight PWM frequency when overclocked and not at maximum brightness? The 150 Hz PWM on my 2F (60Hz) really bugs out my eyes.
Just a question to all you guys who bought the monitor from Korea.
Does the seller includes custom duties upon shipping? thanks in advance.
If you're in the US, there is no custom duty fee. We have a free trade agreement with South Korea.