Added a 9800GT


Dec 5, 2005
So, I added a 9800 GT to the media server, and am out the door to go pick up my 280GTX from UPS. The multi GPU guide was very helpful once I figured out the -forceGPU flag wouldnt work. I had to plug the second card into the plasma. It seems to be happily folding away...With everything up and running, I should push 22k a day or so. WooHoo!!!

You will be popping up on quite a few threat lists with that ppd. ;)

Let the mowing commence!

(if you add much more you are going to show up on mine :eek:)
Ok, update. Got the 280 GTX installed and humming along. FahMon shows 28000 PPD, not including a PS3 client. It sure would be nice if there was some way to have FahMon monitor the PS3 client.

Lets hope everything stays stable!

That will put you right below me on the PPD rank (after I get my boxen stabilized)
I'm still getting the small kinks out of the farm, and I have 4.5k ppd at the neighbors house waiting on an access point so I can get my network to the other side of the street :mad:

That is one heck of a Farm you have put together. Enjoy. You have many to mow over, and many ranks to climb (albeit quickly ;))

Thanks to nVidia and Stanford for the GPU2 client. Couldn't have done it with just the CPU client. It's easier to explain a new graphics card (But I need it for the latest games) than a whole new computer...

Unfortunately, we move in about 2 weeks and I'll be gone for 5 weeks, so that leaves about 3 weeks of no folding at all. My wife isn't going to be to concerned about getting the farm set up if you know what I mean...

Unfortunately, we move in about 2 weeks and I'll be gone for 5 weeks, so that leaves about 3 weeks of no folding at all. My wife isn't going to be to concerned about getting the farm set up if you know what I mean...

You're just not providing the proper motivation... bling usually works. Whispering sweet nothings in her ear sometimes a little less so.

Seriously, good luck with the move. Can't wait to see that farm back online again! I knew you'd be back to mow me in no time... :D Looks like I've got a short reprieve for some ramping.
