Adding Files to UPnP Media Drive


Mar 19, 2006
I recently set up a an external hard drive as a UPnP media server through my router. My media devices and my computer can see the drive fine. My question is, what is the best way to add files to the drive? It seems like a hassle to plug it into a computer directly every time I want to add more files, and FTP is kind of clunky. Is there any sort of software I can put on the drive or any better way to drop files onto it?

I'm using a Seagate 2TB USB Drive formatted as FAT32 connected to a lemonade-equipped Westell 7501 router. I understand that it may be that I'm trying to get too high tech with my $7 router, but it seems that there should be a better solution.
I recently set up a an external hard drive as a UPnP media server through my router. My media devices and my computer can see the drive fine. My question is, what is the best way to add files to the drive? It seems like a hassle to plug it into a computer directly every time I want to add more files, and FTP is kind of clunky. Is there any sort of software I can put on the drive or any better way to drop files onto it?

I'm using a Seagate 2TB USB Drive formatted as FAT32 connected to a lemonade-equipped Westell 7501 router. I understand that it may be that I'm trying to get too high tech with my $7 router, but it seems that there should be a better solution.

7$ router is 10/100 ? slow ?
7$ router is 10/100 ? slow ?

10/100 should be fine for streaming non-HD content, no? I'm not planning on going external with it, only between devices in my home. The write speeds might be slower, but largely I plan to just write a file once and access it, not constantly moving files around.