Adding "N" to my network


Sep 21, 2003
I currently run everything in my house off a D-Link GL-4300 plus a couple of their green switches. If I were to replace one of these switches with an additional router (with Gigabit of course, and wireless N- preferably dual mode), could I successfully add the N capabilities, along with extending the A/B/G range?
Mostly because APs aren't that much cheaper than full blown routers and the ones that are, you've never really heard of the manufacturers before. By the time you do start seeing some recognisable names you're more expensive than same name wireless routers are.

It is possible to do this you just have to disable any WAN functions like NAT, firewall, DHCP, probably a few others I'm forgetting, and change the IP of the box to one on your network that isn't your existing routers IP. Just hook up a computer to one of it's LAN ports with nothing on the WAN port, change all the settings you need to, then swap it out for a switch.
Any recommendations for the router? I want the lowest cost, reliable solution. I need Gigabit switch, a/b/g/n, and a USB port would be sweet
A coworker offered me a Cisco m20 (I think) new in box, for free! I'll certainly try that out. Hopefully it works out ok.