Aired HD and capture card.


Aug 28, 2007

I guess just like any noob's question, this should be covered many times before. I know enough about other things but when it comes to capturing and cable tv and aired HD, I have no idea and all are so confusing.

First of all, we don't really watch aired or cable TV other than what I bring from my brother's house(Korean show, movies etc) using external HD. That's why I didn't even bother with cable TV and stick with tuner with antenna. Basically all I need to do is to watch aired HD and record it with my media pc(can't really call it a HTPC now)

I do have tuner that receives digital signal but output is composite so it's not showing HD quality. I'm assuming I need tuner and antenna with HDMI output see quality picture rather than receiving HD and use composite to connect to TV. Any cheap/affordable recommendation for this?

Also, I think my wife is showing interest of record TV shows(Korean) mainly for my mother-in-law from Korea who is going to stay with us for a year(oh no~~~~!!! :( ) What is good capture card for that? I don't think Korean shows are in HD but I would like to record other channels that are HD too.

My media PC spec:
Q6600 @2GHz
80GB HD (I only use it to load windows and attach external HD to watch media) but probably 1TB if getting capture card.


ugh.... Mother-in-L...................:(
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