Aliens: Colonial Marines release date?


Limp Gawd
Jun 22, 2008
I keep seeing conflicting info on this games release date.

Is it due out in the next few months or "Sometime" in '09?:confused:

(I'm looking forward to it either way... :D )
My guess is as good as yours. I haven't read about any specific release date either, though I haven't exactly looked for one either. Still, it's a game I would probably play, since I like the premise behind it. I just wish it was AvP 3 instead. AvP 2 was such a huge amount of WIN! It's, to this day, one of my top games...ever!
Wasn't it canceled? I thought I had heard a news item a while back that it and few other games was on the chopping block.
With the lack of media out there I would guess they're a year+ away.

Usualy in the year leading up to release stuff is shown off and marketing goes nuts.
This is an FPS I'm looking to dive into. It sucks that so many games are a long way off...
Wow 4 player FPS coop! Must buy. Coop is my favorite kind of gaming besides space sims. There aren't many out there.
"Aliens isn't canned," said Pitchford.

On wikipedia the release date is said to be 31 January 2009: though now I believe it will be further delayed :eek:
You didn't read the link, I guess. :(

Ohh...didn't see the link....I doubt it will be cancelled the game is basically almost if they would just dump multimillion dollar game into the bin.:( It will most likely be delayed!
The game has been "halted", but not cancelled. My guess is it is in limbo for the time being. Depending on how bad things are at Gearbox, they may either look at it as the game to pull them out, or sell it to bail themselves out. I doubt it will disappear forever.
From the article:

Update 2: Pitchford has reiterated to Shacknews that production on Aliens is still ongoing, though he did not go into further detail on the status of the project, only stating that to say it has "halted" is an "inaccurate characterization."

Update: Gearbox president Randy Pitchford has responded to the rumors in a comment post, saying that Aliens: Colonial Marines has not been cancelled.

Now, if they would just have an official release date and some more media I would have more of a warm fuzzy on the state of this title.