"All in" CM4 mod entry


Jun 21, 2004
Hey guys haven't posted in awhile but im still here daily. here's the pics of my 2005 Pcclub mod entry enjoy. Please post comments or questions. Side panel is fiberoptic
pics are being naughty and not working, but judging by the previous posters post (3 p's in a row)it sounds good.

Hope you win :D
Where did you get the parts from... Vegas??? :D

Great mod... hope you win something for your efforts....
Yup hit Vegas for the more authentic look. Great minds think alike.
Holy Gambling adiction Batman!
That is just AWESOME!
You had better not post again untill part or full Worklog is post!
That is just too sick!
Yes the front slot is fully operational and the roulette table on the video card spins and is fully functional
I ended up with 6th place but at least i won the side contest where Gigabyte gets to choose their favorite case so i won a belkin nostromo control system and choice of gigabyte's new aluminum case or watercooling system :) Thanks for all the support it is much appreciated.