AMD Adrenalin 2019 Edition 18.12.2 Drivers Released


Mar 3, 2018
AMD just uploaded the "Adrenalin 2019 Edition" 18.12.2 drivers without much fanfare. Unfortunately, as of now, AMD hasn't uploaded any release notes for the driver. Videocardz posted some rumors about features in the big driver update this week, but this post will be updated when we get something official from AMD. In the meantime, brave Radeon owners can download the new drivers from AMD's website.

Thanks. That link is already in the article, but nothing was there 8 minutes ago.


AMD just uploaded the release notes for the new drivers, and there are some big changes. Starting with ReLive, AMD added an in-game replay feature, a "scene editor," GIF encoding support, more platforms to stream to, and support for multi-channel audio. In addition, AMD has added the ability to stream 4K60 gameplay to Android an iOS devices via the AMD link app, and has made numerous improvements to the app itself. Now you can take screenshots, crop, and save video captured on your desktop to your phone, and you can apparently update your Radeon drivers through it too. In addition, AMD added VR streaming support to ReLive, which it says is available through the Steam ecosystem.

Meanwhile, AMD also added in-game controls for Enhanced Sync, complete with "per game real-time adjustment." Until now, Enhanced Sync could only be toggled on and off, so it'll be interesting to see what options AMD added. FreeSync and color controls, WattMan, and an updated Performance Metrics Overlay are also available in AMD's in-game overlay.

Several "advisors" and automated features have been added to the software package as well. Radeon Game Advisor can "measure game performance" and provide suggestions for improving performance or image quality. Radeon Settings advisor provides "optimization suggests" after scanning your system's capabilities, while Radeon Upgrade advisor scans your library and informs you if your GPU isn't up to snuff. WattMan got an automatic overclocking feature, allowing in to overclock your GPU, memory, or even undervolt your GPU with a single click. AMD also claims to have added customizable temperature dependant fan curves, with an option for a threshold to shut down fans, and say they "Unlocked Radeon RX Vega series DPM states for finer power adjustments." Radeon Chill now saves more power, FreeSync 2 supports tonemapping, and VSR supports 21:9 displays. AMD also boosted performance in Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, DOOM, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, and Strange Brigade, and fixed a wide range of bugs.
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Can't wait to try these new features out!
Am a fan of the stream quality using ReLive, very pleased with that but lack of built-in overlay was disappointing and I didn't want to make (or pay) for a custom one!

Will check out this evening!
Wonder if you can share to a Discord channel from IG, that would be amazing.
Now if only their overlay would consistently fucking work. I like being able to easily hit alt-p to toggle performance metrics on the screen but it doesn’t appear 80% of the time.

Interested in seeing how aggressively it’ll undervolt a card compared to what I did myself, and if it will both undervolt while applying an overclock.
Sounds like GeForce Experience. Glad that those features are on AMD cards now.

Haven't ever bothered with most of the GeForce Experience features myself. Probably useful for streamers though.
Now if only their overlay would consistently fucking work. I like being able to easily hit alt-p to toggle performance metrics on the screen but it doesn’t appear 80% of the time.

Interested in seeing how aggressively it’ll undervolt a card compared to what I did myself, and if it will both undervolt while applying an overclock.

Can only undervolt *or* overclock GPU *or* overclock RAM, no combination of the three. Also, the three options seem to be extremely tame.
Sounds like GeForce Experience. Glad that those features are on AMD cards now.

Haven't ever bothered with most of the GeForce Experience features myself. Probably useful for streamers though.

Same here, I am getting tired of 3 different services prompting for 'Press x + y to stream/capture!' Between Xbox, Steam and GeForce, starting a game is quite intrusive on the screen space.
Well, the auto overclock feature sounds interesting. I am going to try it over the weekend on my Vega 56 and my XFX RX570 8GB card. :)
I was kinda hoping that AMD would of trolled Nvidia with a press release that DXR has been enabled on their cards just to rub some salt into Nvidia's eyes. But oh well.

I just downloaded and installed them, so far so good. I wish AMD and EA/DICE would of fixed Multi-GPU with this update.
Sounds like GeForce Experience. Glad that those features are on AMD cards now.

Haven't ever bothered with most of the GeForce Experience features myself. Probably useful for streamers though.

Think there still using OBS :)
The undervolting works great on the vega cards ...finally no need for power play tables for those that were using them. 43 Mh's is a no brainer at 130 watts. Timing does not seem to do much at least on the vega while mining, but I guess will make a big difference on the 500 series. I hope that means no more custom bios mem / timings. Way to go AMD …:D
I'm going to have to side load the Relive game streaming apk on a fire tv to compare it with steam link. Steam link was nearly flawless running a few games on a 2nd gen fire tv and 1080p fire stick, so if this is optimized to reduce latency further this is a game changer for me when buying future graphic cards.
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Yep Had to try the latest AMD BS..First the good It let me install without telling me incompatible hardware or something like that. Then in about a half second it said it installed 18.12.2. It lied This is the ONLY time I saw a panel. No settings , no control panel. and It DID NOT install any driver I still had Ms basic display ( I ran DDU) before I even attempted this. However fortunately I was able to force install driver dated 12.6.18. they appear to work. I then manually installed vulcan just in case. It worked and so did AMD crappy Open GL. There were no installation message errors. I was really hoping that maybe just maybe AMD would show some real concern for owners of Ryzen Mobile APU laptops after their BIG spiel... But to fake us poor pathetic end users out they let us even think we got something and then not even install the control panel !!?....... Okay off my soapbox for a second. question could I possibly use the Control panel from the MS cab files dated 18 Nov? Or is there some other way to install the Control panel? I tried everything in the package file nothing worked. There was only a cimmanifest.xml for cc2. no CC2 setup...

I do apologize for taking up your valuable time...

A poor pathetic stupid buyer of a AMD apu laptop.......X360 R 2500u....
Sounds like GeForce Experience. Glad that those features are on AMD cards now.

Haven't ever bothered with most of the GeForce Experience features myself. Probably useful for streamers though.

eh old ppl, they are sweet...:D
AMD Relive is so much better than Nvidia's GF experience, so many really interesting features, drivers overall are much better than Nvidia imo, quit living in the past.
Too much looking missed the ccc2 install file it was there. I guess being up until three last night might have been at fault anyway its all working now.
Too much looking missed the ccc2 install file it was there. I guess being up until three last night might have been at fault anyway its all working now.
“God damn fucking AMD rada rada rada arrggh. Oh wait, fixed the problem, guess maybe my think pan weren’t firing all cylinders.” :p
I can confirm that mem timings do increase the minimum FPS on a Vega while in BF4. Seems this driver is also keeping the boost clock constant...:D
Had to try the latest AMD BS blah blah blah.... A poor pathetic stupid buyer of a AMD apu laptop.......X360 R 2500u....[/
you bought a HP laptop NOT an AMD laptop.
still dont get it eh?! this is amd trying to alleviate issues from hp being responsible for drivers. you should be thanking them.
and why the fuck are you doing the install piece by piece? use the installer.

edit: drivers seem to be working fine on my 470.
Why the hell should I thank them for the lost time and hassle they caused me. You all accept that companies are okay to be slipshod and not care about their customers. You all despise me because I won't accept what is wrong. For your Info by the the way the installer did not install the drivers or the control panel I had to do it manually. Why should I even reply to any of you I'm just considered a nuisance here... GOOD NIGHT...
HP is the one dropping the ball with driver support not AMD. they built it and supply the drivers and have it locked down. not all laptops are like that and this has been an "issue" for years and years. so stop screaming at AMD and get on HPs case.
HP is the one dropping the ball with driver support not AMD. they built it and supply the drivers and have it locked down. not all laptops are like that and this has been an "issue" for years and years. so stop screaming at AMD and get on HPs case.

I have to wait for ASUS for Intel graphics drivers... :/
The undervolting works great on the vega cards ...finally no need for power play tables for those that were using them. 43 Mh's is a no brainer at 130 watts. Timing does not seem to do much at least on the vega while mining, but I guess will make a big difference on the 500 series. I hope that means no more custom bios mem / timings. Way to go AMD …:D
I have tried auto undervolt and it automatically overrides power limit to 0. Cant raise power limit with auto undervolt on.
5% gainez in Doom 4k for v64?

Sigh. Now to beat this game once again to see for myself!