AMD - Green With Envy

Still funny how it can be misinterpreted. AMD (in letters) with an arrow pointing its competitor's logo and commenting 'green with envy'.
As if ATI turned from red to green because it's envious, lol.
I really wish AMD was still with Nvidia I dont know if it was ever official but I always paired them together, now they've gone and betrayed me =(. hello intel :)
Same here, it was always AMD/Nvidia and Intel/ATi.

Sorta feels weird, Intel actually making good processors:p
Just like the old proverb: "don't bite off more than you can chew." AMD has more than a mouthful right now. I just hope they can swallow before they choke on the financial drain that was ATi...
Well this is nothing compared to what i saw at siggraph, the ati demo booth was running those giant nvidia renerding things, and there was a sign that said unleash the power of amd,graphics provided by nvidia, I have a picture on my phone I'll put it up some other time.
I always looked at it this way, Intel/Nvidia, AMD/ATi

You must have skipped the whole socket A, nForce 2 generation that carried Nvidia through their socket 754 nForce 3 and pinnacled with the socket 939 on nForce 4 boards. Its been downhill for AMD ever since. The best platforms for AMD pre AM2 processors were all nForce boards.
Yer with Intel chipsets only allowing Crossfire and nvidia chipsets being the daddy on AMD. It seemed normal that it was AMD/Nvidia and Intel/ATI.
I always thought Nvidia was green and ATI was red. But AMD is also green. So ATI is now officially green. :D
RangerSVT, cute. I was shocked, thought some admin decided to play a prank on me.
I was always AMD and Nvidia. Now I am Intel and Nvidia. I go with whats best at the time I have the cash to upgrade. I expect AMD to stumble with their current card. It really wasnt even their card. It was the last gasp of a dying company. I expect their next generation to be pretty cool though.
...I expect AMD to stumble with their current card. It really wasnt even their card. It was the last gasp of a dying company. I expect their next generation to be pretty cool though.

They actually do some rather 'elegant' engineering, so if their graphics are eventually inculcated with that elegance, they could well wipe the floor with their current competition. If... could..., big ones at that. But the potential is there, if they can keep their business model afloat long enough. Anyway, OP's advertisement is indeed very much out of context. The original doesn't lead one to such, ahem... misunderstandings.
ROFL! So true. :p

I always looked at it this way, Intel/Nvidia, AMD/ATi

No way dude, NVIDIA made AMD what they are today. AMD would still be a nobody if they were relying on crappy VIA chipsets and motherboards.

They actually do some rather 'elegant' engineering, so if their graphics are eventually inculcated with that elegance, they could well wipe the floor with their current competition. If... could..., big ones at that. But the potential is there, if they can keep their business model afloat long enough. Anyway, OP's advertisement is indeed very much out of context. The original doesn't lead one to such, ahem... misunderstandings.

Engineering is only as good as its implementation, no matter how elegant. See: Hypertransport versus FSB. There's no question that HT is a better technology, but which one is faster in the real world?
AMD+NVIDIA always seemed to fit, along with Intel+ATI.

Now Intel is making good processors, NVidia cards have the best image quality and the whole world is all upside down. Next thing we know, white people will be rapping and black people will be playing golf. ;)
AMD+NVIDIA always seemed to fit, along with Intel+ATI.

Now Intel is making good processors, NVidia cards have the best image quality and the whole world is all upside down. Next thing we know, white people will be rapping and black people will be playing golf. ;)

Intel always made good processors. They just took a detour with p4 architecture.

Yes Nvidia does have better image quality with the G8X core. Textures look sharper than ever.
I think AMD is a very good processor, just Intel's price to performance ratio is unbeatable.
On the contrary. AMD has better in terms of price to performance...unless you are overclocking.
I think AMD is a very good processor, just Intel's price to performance ratio is unbeatable.

On the contrary. AMD has better in terms of price to performance...unless you are overclocking.

Well, I would have to say, Via's chips are pretty good too, but if we're to compare chips from different companies, Via would be beat hard by AMD chips, and AMD chips would get beat by Intel's chips. I think Via's chips are still better price to performance IMHO :rolleyes:
at one time, AMD worked with Intel. Those were the days lol.
Yer with Intel chipsets only allowing Crossfire and nvidia chipsets being the daddy on AMD. It seemed normal that it was AMD/Nvidia and Intel/ATI.

Intel chipsets don't "only allow Crossfire"
the only thing Intel determines is if the physical layout of the board is compatible with SLI/Crossfire
the reason Intel boards don't have SLI is because Nvidia won't release drivers that support it on anything but their boards, it's not like Intel is doing something to keep you from using SLI on their boards
that's why you can get SLI on Intel boards with hacked drivers
i agree that amd was with nvidia, nforce2 + athlon xp, use that combination to boot into your win xp and rocks!!
nösferatu;1031390920 said:
i agree that amd was with nvidia, nforce2 + athlon xp, use that combination to boot into your win xp and rocks!!

nvidia's been better at making chipsets than ATI. Now that AMD's purchased the worse out of the two chipset makers, I don't know where AMD's trying to go with their chipsets. RD600 was a disaster, atleast for the intel side. If ATi's chipset performance on the intel side is telling of what Ati's got for AMD, it's not going to be good.
Considering history, this might be bad in the long run for intel. AMD is driving itself into a grave head first, once AMD/ATi go down either both quality for intel chips is going to go down (yet again, AMD was the only real reason quality ever improved) and/or price for intel chips are going to go up (another yet again, AMD got Intel to drop prices on there chips, major price cuts in the early day). I mean we can see it already with Nvidia/ATi, do you think for one minute Nvidia would of released this called an 8800Ultra for the price that they (just saying with reasonably competition what we know now as the 8800Ultra would of come out $100-200 bucks cheaper under the name 8900GTX and the revisions of the 8800GTS we have now would have been known as the 8900GTS).
AMD+NVIDIA always seemed to fit, along with Intel+ATI.

Now Intel is making good processors, NVidia cards have the best image quality and the whole world is all upside down. Next thing we know, white people will be rapping and black people will be playing golf. ;)

Ever heard of Emeinem and Tiger Woods :p
kinda funny looking logo. though i doubt a marriage between Intel and Nvidia, as Intel did make a new GPU the X3100 and X3500 which was the 1st onboard DX10 supporting chip.
I didnt say say AMD is faster

I know you didn't, and that's what I was pointing out: price/performance is important, but overall speed is even more important, and this is the something AMD is Green with Envy over. :p

though the 6400+ is already fast enough.

Why are you bringing the underperforming, overpriced, power-hungry 6400+ into this after you opened the price/performance can of worms? :confused:
Why are you bringing the underperforming, overpriced, power-hungry 6400+ into this after you opened the price/performance can of worms? :confused:
Yeah, I remember now we were comparing video cards. And yes I agree with what you said, but this is AMD's flagship, and it is quite fast (comparable to the E6750 at stock).