AMD Hawiian Islands Details - Faster Than Titan 1020mhz, 512bit memory

Gotta love all these bullshit predictions every time a new graphics card is released. Funny thing is nearly every one is all wrong, (especially the ones with 'Leaked Benchmarks' in them).

It will be about the same speed as the GTX 780, but cost $1-200 less, just like always, forcing Nvidia to lower the price of their 780.


Wow... look at that.
Only two days away and you are spewing false BS and blaming others of doing the same.
some non pros had Hynix memory that couldn't take the pro mem speeds

fortunately my 9800 np had Samsung mem :D
I just hope we get some quiet 3rd party models relatively soon after launch. I love my launch ref. 7970's but they are a bit loud and this time around I'm going to be more patient!
And what's with the naming scheme? 2x R9-290X CFX FTW!
I just hope we get some quiet 3rd party models relatively soon after launch. I love my launch ref. 7970's but they are a bit loud and this time around I'm going to be more patient!
And what's with the naming scheme? 2x R9-290X CFX FTW!

Only if they're blowers. They need to approach the quality of the Titan cooler- that's one of the very few things that the GTX780 has going for it. Course, both cards need more RAM. 3GB or 4GB just isn't going to cut it.
fortunately ppl on water don't need to worry about noise, we get to drop $100+ on a water block

Gotta love all these bullshit predictions every time a new graphics card is released. Funny thing is nearly every one is all wrong, (especially the ones with 'Leaked Benchmarks' in them).

It will be about the same speed as the GTX 780, but cost $1-200 less, just like always, forcing Nvidia to lower the price of their 780.


$100-200 less? Keep dreamin buddy.
fortunately ppl on water don't need to worry about noise, we get to drop $100+ on a water block


I'd even considered doing that recently- and I've considered it plenty of times before. It's not like tubes, reservoirs, pumps, or other related items really need to be replaced regularly, nor does the enclosure they're mounted in if it's set up properly the first time- but then there's the whole 'putting water in a computer' thing, and the significant extra cost and extra maintenance required too.

Not that that would stop me in the future, but good blowers fix the problem right quick :).
AMD should mimic nvidia and brand a big red glowing "RADEON" or "RADEON HD" across their card, similar to the GTXTITAN, GTX780, GTX770, and GTX690 with "GEFORCE GTX"
Reality don't know if you know it or not but N cards are using Elpida memory.
And this is the bottom of the barrel stuff.
BUT its sure as hell not reflected in the price.

Knowing N they will not cut prices, but they will come out with a 780 mf or something that will beat the R290 by about 5% and be $700+

when did they release the 460, 2010?
At that time they were beating the hell out of A and bragging they were cheaper too.
Reality don't know if you know it or not but N cards are using Elpida memory.
That had to do with shortages of samsung memory, not because nvidia decided to use bottom of the barrel stuff :rolleyes:. Recent batches of 780 classies, are being shipped with samsung memory, so there is a good chance other companies are doing the same.

The only way I can see nvidia dropping prices, is if this card crushes the titan. Only one can hope.
my 7970 has elpidia...

I believe they were all either elpedia or hynix.
my 7970 has elpidia...

I believe they were all either elpedia or hynix.

Yea, I believe you are right..The 79XX series didn't use any Samsung ram chips IIRC..You got the crappy clocking Elpedia (topped out @ ~1250Mhz) or the insane Hynix (could do 1850~1900 on a good sample like mine!)
apparently I confused somebody. I was referring to the 9800 non pro cards, some shipped with Hynix memory that couldn't run pro stock speeds and couldn't be flashed with a stock pro bios. the non pros that could be flashed had Samsung chips
I love when new GPUs come out, it's always an exciting time. Early leaks point to this being a pretty sweet GPU. Can't wait to see final hardware and reviews. I think it'd be cool if AMD offered two reference models, one with a blower style cooler and the other with an open air cooler.
I almost wonder if NV and AMD have an agreement to stagger high end GPU releases, so instead of releasing at the same time, they release 6 months apart to get more people jumping back and forth to the top of the line cards ,which are incrementally faster than each other.
Digital Viper-X- that would be illegal so you know they would never do that

Yes I am sure they do. Make the idiots pay and pay and pay for big talk and little gains.
Why we are a FULL 2% faster than that other company.
then their shields roll in and tell everyone to buy and if not you are a looser retard.

Any you wonder why all these cards are about 200-300% over what they should sell for?
Digital Viper-X- that would be illegal so you know they would never do that

Yes I am sure they do. Make the idiots pay and pay and pay for big talk and little gains.
Why we are a FULL 2% faster than that other company.
then their shields roll in and tell everyone to buy and if not you are a looser retard.

Any you wonder why all these cards are about 200-300% over what they should sell for?

Same reason we're paying 3 bucks + a gallon for gas. Because they know people will pay it.
I almost wonder if NV and AMD have an agreement to stagger high end GPU releases, so instead of releasing at the same time, they release 6 months apart to get more people jumping back and forth to the top of the line cards ,which are incrementally faster than each other.

given the way Nvidia released the Titan i highly doubt they have any agreement for something like that, Nvidia got caught with their pants down thinking AMD was going to release something in Q2'13 when in fact they weren't.

Digital Viper-X- that would be illegal so you know they would never do that

Yes I am sure they do. Make the idiots pay and pay and pay for big talk and little gains.
Why we are a FULL 2% faster than that other company.
then their shields roll in and tell everyone to buy and if not you are a looser retard.

Any you wonder why all these cards are about 200-300% over what they should sell for?

given how flooded the market has become the prices are about where they are expected to be.. manufactures/retailers are still trying to make profits off the cards released 2-3 years ago even though they are already 30-50% slower than current cards. it's one of the down sides to the tech industry when you go from releasing a new series with 3-4 cards once every 16-18 months to releasing a new series with 5-6 cards every 9-10 months or less. theres to much competition between series. the only way to completely fix the prices is to just flat out tell all the retailers to throw away anything they have once a new series of cards comes out and we all know that won't happen nor will they sell a 3 year old graphic card for 10 bucks just to keep the newer series prices lower.

this is the hole the consumers/manufactures/industry has dug by demanding newer faster cards on a quicker release schedule, now we get to live in it.
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People saying it's equal or faster than a Titan for $400 less aren't really getting it. The competition is the GTX780. If the leaked benchmarks are accurate, and the price expectations (599-649) are accurate, AMD has a solid offering on their hands (~10% better performance than the 780 for the same price or 50 bucks less), but it's not like they really hit a grand slam. Grand slam to me at this juncture would equal 10% better performance for 150+ dollars less, or 25%+ better performance for the same price.
Yes, but will I get BSOD with tri/quad fire when I launch BF4? Will I have to use RC11 drivers for 8 months?
I almost wonder if NV and AMD have an agreement to stagger high end GPU releases, so instead of releasing at the same time, they release 6 months apart to get more people jumping back and forth to the top of the line cards ,which are incrementally faster than each other.

Your talking about an industry that is in bed with competitors while suing them on the weekend, ie: apple/samsung.

I wouldn't put it past them. :rolleyes:
how do you know this? or are you just speculating?

I don't know it, just a bullshit prediction like everyone else.:p

But I have been around since the first GeForce 256 card was released and all the releases have the same things in common.
1. the new cards are never as fast as everyone predicts.
2. they always undercut the "fastest card" on the market currently in price.
3. you can bet it will be only 10-20% faster, then the current "fastest card".
4. it will be a huge waste of money because in a month, the newer faster card will be out and offer 10% more performance from the same chip.
5. in 3-5 months the "other guy" will release the faster card and you will have just spent $500+ on a card that is second or third fastest now.

At the end of the day I'm excited to see what AMD can come up with because I usually root for the underdog. But I sure in the hell won't run out and buy one for $5-700. Its just not worth it to me, especially considering I only game at 1080p.
Can't say I'm terribly impressed... I mean, the Titan came out 7 months ago and AMD is just now catching up. Nobody who has a Titan is going to drool over the performance numbers seen in the OPs link (and you have to wonder what Nvidia has been working on during those 7 months).

Edit: I also notice they list the TDP as 300w, which is 50w more than a Titan. That's a 20% increase in power consumption, but I don't see anywhere near a 20% increase in performance in those benchmarks.

And lets not forget the GTX 690 was released 17 months ago, and it's faster than both this "leaked" card and the Titan by a wide margin.

Wake me up with EITHER side has some actual compelling upgrades to offer...
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Can't say I'm terribly impressed... I mean, the Titan came out 7 months ago and AMD is just now catching up. Nobody who has a Titan is going to drool over the performance numbers seen in the OPs link.

And lets not forget the GTX 690 was released 17 months ago, and it's faster than both this "leaked" card and the Titan by a wide margin.

Wake me up with EITHER side has some actual compelling upgrades to offer...

Sure. But the percentage of people who own a Titan is very small, even on this forum. So plenty of people will be impressed if this ends up being faster and at an affordable price.

The GTX690 is irrelevant, it's a dual GPU, you can't SLI 3-4 of them.
Can't say I'm terribly impressed... I mean, the Titan came out 7 months ago and AMD is just now catching up. Nobody who has a Titan is going to drool over the performance numbers seen in the OPs link (and you have to wonder what Nvidia has been working on during those 7 months).

Edit: I also notice they list the TDP as 300w, which is 50w more than a Titan. That's a 20% increase in power consumption, but I don't see anywhere near a 20% increase in performance in those benchmarks.

And lets not forget the GTX 690 was released 17 months ago, and it's faster than both this "leaked" card and the Titan by a wide margin.

Wake me up with EITHER side has some actual compelling upgrades to offer...

the power consumption figures showed it taking less power than a GTX 780.
Sure. But the percentage of people who own a Titan is very small, even on this forum.
Titan isn't the only current card in that performance class. The GTX 780 performs within a percentage or two of a Titan most of the time (and pre-overclocked editions of the GTX 780 outperform the Titan in gaming already)

So plenty of people will be impressed if this ends up being faster and at an affordable price.
I doubt it'll be much (if any) cheaper than the $650 GTX 780.

The GTX690 is irrelevant, it's a dual GPU, you can't SLI 3-4 of them.
It's perfectly relevant. I'm sure we'd all like to see a single card faster than it for a reasonable price, but so far nobody has delivered.

Most previous dual-GPU cards were a joke by the time the next generation launched. The GTX 690 is still holding its own, 17 months later... that's not good.

the power consumption figures showed it taking less power than a GTX 780.
"The R9-290X is powered by 8-Pin plus 6-Pin connector configurations which denotes a 300W TDP design. The VRM features 5+1+1 phase design (5 Phase Core and 1 Phase memory)."

The hardware sounds like it's geared for more than that ^
If your not impressed by it being just as fast/little faster than Titan for half the price then that's more of a problem with reality than anything else.
If [strike=1]your[/s] you're not impressed by it being just as fast/little faster than Titan for half the price then that's more of a problem with reality than anything else.
Guess I should be impressed with a factory-OC GTX 780, then... Half the price of a Titan and performs faster. :rolleyes:

Like I said, not super impressed with the offerings from either AMD or Nvidia right now. AMD just caught up to the performance of 7-month-old hardware, and Nvidia is keeping very quiet about what they have planned to outperform the Titan/780 on a single GPU.
Guess I should be impressed with a factory-OC GTX 780, then... Half the price of a Titan and performs faster. :rolleyes:

Actually, yes you should be if that's the case...your expecting a whole lot out of the 28nm process from both companies. Get ready for a whole lot of not impressed and disappointment for the next year or so. :rolleyes:
Actually, yes you should be if that's the case...[strike=1]your[/s] you're expecting a whole lot out of the 28nm process from both companies. Get ready for a whole lot of not impressed and disappointment for the next year or so. :rolleyes:
Uh, yeah... I know. That's the point I was making earlier when I said...

Wake me up with EITHER side has some actual compelling upgrades to offer...
I've already got a GTX 780, and from where I'm sitting, nothing coming out right now looks like a worthwhile upgrade.

Edit: The specs on this leaked card should make it an upgrade worth considering if you're on an HD 7970, though... so AMD has, at the very least, properly incremented over their previous card.
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Uh, yeah... I know. That's the point I was making earlier when I said...

I've already got a GTX 780, and from where I'm sitting, nothing coming out right now looks like a worthwhile upgrade.

Oh, by the way where can you get a new GTX 780 for $ know half the price of a Titan?
Guess I should be impressed with a factory-OC GTX 780, then... Half the price of a Titan and performs faster. :rolleyes:

Bingo. This ZOMG it's a Titan for $600 attitude makes no sense when factory OC 780s have been doing Titan performance for $650 for months.

Every forum I go to I see someone saying "100% of Titan performance for 60% of the price!!!!" when the only non-stupid comparison to make appears to be more like "110% of 780 performance for 100% (maybe 90%?) of the price".

It looks like it'll be a nice card, and will definitely steal some 780 sales, but it doesn't look like it's going to be much of an upgrade for anyone with current higher end Nvidia cards (780/Titan).