Amount of drives in a Raid 5 Array?


Feb 16, 2007
I currently have 2 raid5 arrays. 6 drives in one and 8 drives in the other. Each array has 1 drive set aside for a spare.

The 6 are 250s and the 8 are 320s. I've been tossing around getting 4 more 320s and switching out the 250s for those new 4. I was going to grow the 8 drives with the new 4 into a 12 disk array (1 spare). My question is: is there a point of diminishing returns on drives in a raid5 array? Would it be better to have 6 and 6?

This is in linux using software raid.

When I did benchmarks between my 4x320 and my 8x320 arrays, my write speeds were about 10Mbps slower in the 8x320. I don't see why you wouldn't have 1 big array, but there are some things to worry about, more drives may be a higher failure rate to the array, meaning,

Failure rate * number of drives = dead array

If you have 2 arrays, in theory your data is kept safer overall than in one big one. But, I also have to say this now, keep backups. Raid =! backup ;)
Depending on your card you should see better results with more drives. There are benchmarks on this all over the web just do a search for them. If you have a cheap low end card 2 arrays will probably be better than 1. Also consider going to Raid 6 if your card supports it. Also you should be able to install several raid cards in your system and have them all use 1 array so like 3 raid cards 1 array 12-24 disks you would probably see a significant rate of return with that setup granded you have the pcie slots open or pci whatever you are using.

If you are bandwidth limited on a pci bus not much is going to help you there cept more cards.
Thanks for the info Oplin. Unfortunately no pcie slots for me, just pci. But I've desided to make 2 separate arrays. The biggest reason is I didn't want to have 5 drives in one case and 8 in the other. If either power supply pops, that takes out a big chunk of the drives and I'm afraid the array would suffer. So I'm going to keep the arrays built based on which case they are in.