And the sloppiest launch title honor goes to? BF4..


[H]F Junkie
Apr 7, 2003
What a mess BF4 is on the PS4 and it seems somewhat on the Xbox One. Error codes so abundant that I can't even finish one game of Conquest which is another point to be added , Conquest JUST started functioning today which just HAPPENS to be the official Xbox One launch day. The frame rate in Conquest 64 player mode drops to BELOW 30 fps making it a total slide show and completely destroying the experience and to add insult to injury it happens pretty frequently even when there isn't any action on screen! Not only that but I can't even finish Single Player because it bugs out and throws an error code and corrupts my save file! Yay!

Complicate that whole experience with the fact that the PC was also a total mess until about a week ago and I must say EA/DICE .. you absolutely launched a turd wrapped in "beta" cloth and sold it as a finished product.

You made the PC be the beta test for the PS4 which was also the beta test for the Xbox One. A fucked up "Inception" type beta test at the expense of your consumers paying full price for an unfinished product.

I'm going to take my physical copy (thank god I didn't buy a digital one) and I'm going to sell it on Ebay and attempt to make up what I lost as much as I possibly am able to.

I have to say EA/DICE , across all platforms nearly (these problems also effected the 360 and PS3 ..naturally) you've really managed to fuck up your launch royally. You've managed to get PS4 gamers so angry that finally fixing and enabling Conquest and Commander functionality today managed to calm the fires on your official "Battlelog" forums to some degree (although .. that nasty error is turning up the heat , better not make them wait another week to fix it).

I , without question , will not buy another Battlefield game at launch ever again. I never thought EA/DICE could top BF3 and its utterly broken state (took months to fix , rampant with cheating which took further months to fix) but wow you've really outdone yourselves in terms of releasing an even more broken lump of human chocolate of a game then last time.

Feel free to vent your frustrations if you feel the same way. I'm sure you Xbox One folks won't be experiencing these issues (or at least to a lesser degree) as you were last on the chain of shit so you got the most polished product in the end.

/rant off
Yup. Can't even blame hardware, consoles, etc. The fault lies squarely on EA/DICE.

Feel free to vent your frustrations if you feel the same way. I'm sure you Xbox One folks won't be experiencing these issues (or at least to a lesser degree) as you were last on the chain of shit so you got the most polished product in the end.

Theoretically although I won't be surprised if I see plenty of issues on the XB1 as well.
Yup. Can't even blame hardware, consoles, etc. The fault lies squarely on EA/DICE.

Theoretically although I won't be surprised if I see plenty of issues on the XB1 as well.

Seems Xbox One users are just as fucked as PS4 users.

Wow. I can't believe this isn't getting ANY traction with the gaming sites at all. Its all about the Xbox One's "Disc Drive of Death" problems and Playstation 4's "Blue Light of Death" problems.
DICE has finally responded to their grand fuck up with an offering of Double EXP and a previously developer locked Pistol to say "I'm sorry we released a broken game on purpose to soak up your money in what we felt was the best way possible. Here is one week experience bonus and a pistol you'll rarely use unless you are in a gameplay mode designed for pistol only play."
DICE has finally responded to their grand fuck up with an offering of Double EXP and a previously developer locked Pistol to say "I'm sorry we released a broken game on purpose to soak up your money in what we felt was the best way possible. Here is one week experience bonus and a pistol you'll rarely use unless you are in a gameplay mode designed for pistol only play."

People want them to fix the game, not that stuff.
People want them to fix the game, not that stuff.


Sorry for the caps.

I couldn't give a shit about double exp and some lame pistol. All I wanted was to play and enjoy the game. Now its tainted by their obvious push for the next gen rush.

Still selling my game.
So many next gen hiccups, it's not really funny. These game review sites could easily make a top 20 next gen problems article for Wii U/PS4/XBOXONE.
Looking at it from a glass half full. Aside from the save profile exit to main menu, profile corruption and multiplayer issues the game actually runs fine and looks damn good on the PS4 in single player campaign. First time playing through the whole campaign it exited three times to menu. Annoying but not a show stopper. Just hope they fix it soon before my patience runs out.
Looking at it from a glass half full. Aside from the save profile exit to main menu, profile corruption and multiplayer issues the game actually runs fine and looks damn good on the PS4 in single player campaign. First time playing through the whole campaign it exited three times to menu. Annoying but not a show stopper. Just hope they fix it soon before my patience runs out.

Based on how long it took them to fix BF3 I wouldn't count on it.
It's why I've started warning off people from Battlefield, since the "beta" period goes for a good 6-12 months after launch...
I never have frame rate problems in conquest?

Just laggy tonight, frame rate was fine.
I couldn't give a shit about double exp and some lame pistol. All I wanted was to play and enjoy the game. Now its tainted by their obvious push for the next gen rush.

Agreed. And it's not even a pistol, it's just a pistol scope for a 1911 according to the article.

They should at least give us the Second Assault expansion pack, or something similar for putting up with this broken mess.

I also demand a special "CRASH: CE-34878-0" Battlefield trophy or dog tag ;)
Agreed. And it's not even a pistol, it's just a pistol scope for a 1911 according to the article.

They should at least give us the Second Assault expansion pack, or something similar for putting up with this broken mess.

I also demand a special "CRASH: CE-34878-0" Battlefield trophy or dog tag ;)

If that could be a Trophy I'd have the fucking Ultra Gold version. I keep getting that error ARG!
It's why I've started warning off people from Battlefield, since the "beta" period goes for a good 6-12 months after launch...

yet people still buy it in droves at launch...guess they don't wanna miss out on the bugs and instability...I say give it 2-3 months...6-12 is too long and almost time for the next Betafield game to be released
And this explains why sometimes I would get one shot when I was barely hit even with network smoothing completely turned off.

This is awful , can't believe this hasn't even been addressed in any of the PC patches. It does effect every version of the game.

Further proof this game is garbage.
I gave up on Dice after BF 2142 suffered from from many of the same bugs that were already fixed in BF2. Dice is an exceptionally sloppy studio with horrible quality control, but when the games work they are very fun.
EA/DICE don't give a shit about integrity, the quality of their products or the satisfaction of their customers....all they care about is MONEY, without realizing that all of the former points are prerequisites to making money in the long term.

BF3 was the writing on the wall, it was a horrendously sloppy pile of shit which rather than fixing they chose to pump out overpriced map packs which they can do now thanks to their insistence on encrypting files to prevent community modding.

Everything EA/DICE has done subsequent to BF2 has been to the detriment of the community and the IP's mod tools, no community servers, focus on grinding, monetising of unlocks, competing with CoD, etc.

The only way EA/DICE will change is if people stop pre-ordering/buying their rushed buggy games. I'm glad I followed my gut by not buying BF4, because everything I have read and watched on youtube indicates that EA/DICE are doing a great job of burying the IP in the same grave as MoH.
Conquest 64 player mode works now but the frame rate is shit still and in order for them to get Conquest 64 player mode working they had to disable the Battlelog.
Yet you will all buy the next one. It's how it works. They'll keep doing it because you keep buying it. You say you won't, but you will. Sheep.
What they call a release today we called a pre-distribution of base binaries so that you could save bandwidth at launch day (only getting a patch). I'm not sure it's even intended to be played.
Yet you will all buy the next one. It's how it works. They'll keep doing it because you keep buying it. You say you won't, but you will. Sheep.

Indeed. Call it foolish hope but we see trailers , we're fed screenshots and previews from gaming "journalists" and then Youtubers post stuff and we get excited and think things will be different.

Its much more similar to a bad x-girlfriend on a lonely Saturday night when she suddenly texts you and you feel compelled despite good common sense to actually strike up a conversation , one thing leads to another and you wake up the next morning in bed with her and the kind of regret only the Republican party feels towards the Tea Party.

And then there are people that no matter what is said in these forums or what their own friends tell them or what they see for themselves stops them from either preordering and/or buying on the spot out of boredom. I'm going to say that lots of people buy these games out of sheer boredom more than anything. Most gamers don't think of the messages they send to gaming companies or manufacturers AT ALL.

"Cool! So if I prebuy this $50 DLC AKA Premium pack I get all the DLC plus some neat tags and some extra experience and some golden battlepacks and priority access to server ques! Sounds like they just want me to avoid the hassle of actually thinking about all this! TAKE MY MONEY!!"

So its a mix of willful ignorance and insecurity that keeps these games on track.
If EA has been involved in a game in the last 2 to 3 years and it WASN'T fucked up somehow, that was the mistake. They seem determined to destroy every property they currently have control of.
I finished the single player campaign on hard mode 2 days after release with no issues (garbage story btw) on PS4 but still havent got a conquest match, been playing domination with a occasional rush mode. EA is a bunch of greedy bastages
DICE has no plans to implement any sort of pre-match squad lobby or party system to join a game with friends:

I've only tried to play with a friend once (he works out of town during the week and can only play weekends) and it was a hassle to try and get in a server with free slots long enough for him to join me. Going to be a major pain when other friends pick up the ps4 in the coming months and we want a larger squad.
Broterfield 5: X Bro Edition EXTREME!

You can play it with friends!
So I got a new update for bf4 today... Conquest is still fucking broken for me. After showing the map it's loading it goes to a black screen with the cursor in the top right. After 5 inters or so it says I need to rejoin because I've been kicked. This is getting old real quick.
I'm still getting a lot of crashes. It seems to only be certain servers though. Some servers I crash out in a couple minutes consistently. Other servers I've never crashed out of no matter how many hours I've played on them. The game runs great though, when its not crashing, silky smooth locked at 60fps.
Now rush is even crashing for me... Where it wasn't before. The double points weekend will be pointless for me because I still won't be able to fucking play.
2142 was the last 'good' BF game. After that it was down hill. Bad Company started the downhill trend into run-n-gun idiotville.

now it is just pump out games because thats what we were told to do and all the devs know that people are stupid, buy the games, and they'll fix them later.
It doesn't. In fact its fucking WORSE. I was able to play Conquest just fine without crashing in the last few days but thanks to the new patch I crash at the end of every match.

I'm trading this game in tomorrow. I'm done with BF for real , not joking around I don't care how good BF5 ends up looking or playing or becomes the new Half Life.

I expected some issues being a launch title but to the extent of this? Unforgivable and for those willing to tolerate this nonsense I must add that you are the reason they are continuing to do this. Stop supporting this junk at least until it runs properly and send them a clear message. I was dumb to buy this game thinking the console launches would force them to act professional and I won't make the same mistake again.
EA/DICE don't give a shit about integrity, the quality of their products or the satisfaction of their customers....all they care about is MONEY, without realizing that all of the former points are prerequisites to making money in the long term.

BF3 was the writing on the wall, it was a horrendously sloppy pile of shit which rather than fixing they chose to pump out overpriced map packs which they can do now thanks to their insistence on encrypting files to prevent community modding.

Everything EA/DICE has done subsequent to BF2 has been to the detriment of the community and the IP's mod tools, no community servers, focus on grinding, monetising of unlocks, competing with CoD, etc.

The only way EA/DICE will change is if people stop pre-ordering/buying their rushed buggy games. I'm glad I followed my gut by not buying BF4, because everything I have read and watched on youtube indicates that EA/DICE are doing a great job of burying the IP in the same grave as MoH.

Agreed...hey, I have an idea. Let's nominate EA for worst company of the year. If they win that notorious award once or twice, everyone will know what a shitty company they are. Which will lead to decreased sales. Which will force EA to mend their ways...

So, who is with me?