Anonymous and LulzSec Fire Back at Police

Easy for you to say when neither you, your family, or your friends are likely to get caught up in that crossfire. What you're essentially saying is "Ho hum, I wouldn't prefer if FaRKle's friends/family/ect get killed/maimed even though they didn't do anything, but if it has to be done for the 'greater good' then so be it."

Sounds familiar doesn't it? This is the price we pay for being lazy for so many generations. So many people who didn't vote, who sat on their lazy ass and allowed things to get so out of balance, who allowed government to get far too large. This is the price we pay. The debt isn't going away.
Sounds familiar doesn't it? This is the price we pay for being lazy for so many generations. So many people who didn't vote, who sat on their lazy ass and allowed things to get so out of balance, who allowed government to get far too large. This is the price we pay. The debt isn't going away.

The difference is we're not "solving" the problem by killing/injuring our Senators', Representatives', and Presidents' friends/family.
Easy for you to say when neither you, your family, or your friends are likely to get caught up in that crossfire. What you're essentially saying is "Ho hum, I wouldn't prefer if FaRKle's friends/family/ect get killed/maimed even though they didn't do anything, but if it has to be done for the 'greater good' then so be it."

Actually, I am out doing something and yes I and my family will get caught in the crossfire should it happen. I likewise have put my life on the line for this country. Have you done anything except be an Armchair quarterback and complain about the methods others are using? I doubt it. Don't like the way those of us out there are trying to get this screwed up world changed? Then come up with your own plan and get people on board. If you aren't willing to get involved, then kindly sit back and be quiet like the good little sheep you have been for the government thus far.

Oh and no I am not associated with lulzsec, I was lumping everyone who is fighting for change in some way under the same banner.
I kinda doubt Lulzsec is actually some noble crusade fighting for change. Also, they've both misused the term antisec.

Antisec involves hacking white hats that release exploits. There were a bunch of zines for it back in the day. Lulzsec or anon probably aren't from the hacking scene, they're not really hackers. They're just using web app exploits to irritate people. They're not out there with 0-days of their own wrecking services and getting shells. It looks like a few of their dudes are just programmers or sys admins who read up on web exploits.

They're getting into almost everything through sql injection, I don't think there have been any actual overflow exploits used at all so even calling them script kiddies might be a stretch? They've been effective, but they're not really on the level.

All this does is funnel money into security consultants' pockets... is that really want they want? That's probably the opposite of what I'd want to do.
Have you done anything except be an Armchair quarterback and complain about the methods others are using? I doubt it. Don't like the way those of us out there are trying to get this screwed up world changed? Then come up with your own plan and get people on board. If you aren't willing to get involved, then kindly sit back and be quiet like the good little sheep you have been for the government thus far.

Read again. I'm in LE.

It's nice to know you support the same methods that the mexican drug cartels are using since they want "change" in our system too.
They always act like they are getting some kind of payback... when the truth is they are the very ones who start it every time. They hack a Government website and steal everything, and they actually expect the FBI to do nothing about it. Just complete idiots.

Then they try to get sympathy on their side by attacking a Syrian website, acting like they are all for human rights and are some kind of good guy. Yet this very same group goes and will release logins, passwords, credit card number, social security numbers, of everyone else in society. Just pure hypocrites.

Now they claim that their Anonplus website wasn't really theirs. Yeah right... they even posted previously that they were starting that website, after Google banned all their accounts. Anon/Lulzsec won't admit anything that makes themselves look bad.

They also claimed Mr. Cleary in the UK who was arrested was a nobody in their group. Then later when Topiary got arrested, Sabu posts that he thinks Mr. Cleary ratted him out. Well if he was such a nobody of the group, how did he rat him out then.

I could go on and on.
Actually, I am out doing something and yes I and my family will get caught in the crossfire should it happen. I likewise have put my life on the line for this country. Have you done anything except be an Armchair quarterback and complain about the methods others are using? I doubt it. Don't like the way those of us out there are trying to get this screwed up world changed? Then come up with your own plan and get people on board. If you aren't willing to get involved, then kindly sit back and be quiet like the good little sheep you have been for the government thus far.

Oh and no I am not associated with lulzsec, I was lumping everyone who is fighting for change in some way under the same banner.

Lulzsec/Anon are NOT judge and jury of this world like they seem to think they are.
What sort of change are Anon and Lulz hoping to achieve? If they keep this up, all that I can forsee changing is our internet access rights being restricted or removed.
lol these guys, makes me wonder what kind of attention deficit disorder they have to really still push their so called savior of humanity syndrome. hey anon/lulzsec/ or whatever, can't you take a hint "WE DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU ANYMORE" :eek:

From what I read, they are attention whores. They love reading the news about themselves (from chat logs that were posted).

They hide behind their computers, not revealing themselves, yet they have no problem posting the personal information of everyone else in life, and I'm talking normal citizens who have done nothing wrong. All for the lulz.

I wouldn't be surprised if some of the supporters are from their group here. They have stated that they have people who post on the forums to get support for their group. They want people to join so that they will take the fall for them (get arrested).