Any older BF2 players here?

Man, I hate being 41. Not because of playing video games. Slowing down on the ice hockey rink. Decreased endurance. sucks...

I play BF2 also. I was on a squad recently in Warlord, and my squadmate sounded like he was 12. :D He was okay though.

Lately, I've found BF2 competition in general has been getting fiercer. Much fiercer. I guess the newbies are dying off. I always see players of high ranks playing now.
I'm the Dude said:
Man, I hate being 41. Not because of playing video games. Slowing down on the ice hockey rink. Decreased endurance. sucks...

I play BF2 also. I was on a squad recently in Warlord, and my squadmate sounded like he was 12. :D He was okay though.

Lately, I've found BF2 competition in general has been getting fiercer. Much fiercer. I guess the newbies are dying off. I always see players of high ranks playing now.

Yeah I hear ya. But most of those high rankers have way too much free time on their hands. they really need to get out of mom and dad's basement :)
39 here. I average almost 2 hours a day usually (Oblivion has cut into that a lot lately). That's along with being married, full time job, etc. I get some runs of 3 or 4 hours on weekend days when everything works out well. :D

Almost Second Lt. (without the benefit of Mom's basement).

My BF2 Stats
37 here. I do 21CW's 12 hour BF2 tournament on Friday or Saturday every week. 100's of guys over 30 there.
I used to be able to play a lot more free and loose in BF2 and still get more kills than deaths. Now you gotta be careful all the time.

I've had to put up with higher latencies now too, to find a 24/7 Great Wall server, for example, I have play on an English server. Which is fine, but those 50ms of extra latency really make it hard for me to win as many "quick draw Mcgraw" encounters.

I don't do as well when I get hammered either. Wonder why? :p
I'm the Dude said:
I don't do as well when I get hammered either. Wonder why? :p

I have NO idea what your talking about... at all.. never played while leaning to one side and unable to feel my mousing hand... not me... nope... ;)


41 here and still going strong. I don't think I will ever stop playing games. Because that means I will have to grow up. :eek:
Loved BF2 but been playing lots of Ghost Recon lately. It's not perfect but it has TONS of potential.

My other love is sim racing. LFS and GTL rule . :D
hhookk said:
41 here and still going strong. I don't think I will ever stop playing games. Because that means I will have to grow up. :eek:
Loved BF2 but been playing lots of Ghost Recon lately. It's not perfect but it has TONS of potential.

My other love is sim racing. LFS and GTL rule . :D

Ghost Recon have MultiPlayer?
30 year old semi hardcore gamer still, when im not working or whippin ass at billiards im gamin online BF2 etc. Cant wait for Quake Wars to be released.
41 here. I've been playing FPS games since the release of the original Doom, and BF2 is probably the best I've ever seen. The bugs don't bug me much (except when I can't spawn on my squad leader for an entire round ... that chaps my ass).

I play most weekends with my 36 y/o buddy ... 5-8 hours on Friday and Saturday nights.

I'll never stop gaming.
5x of the guys in my CoD2 clan are in their 50s... so you're not too old! They're pretty good with rifles, but in the upclose shenanigans they get their faces raped. They're a blast to play with too, most immature 50 year olds I've ever met, nothing like hearing a 50 year old saying "Oh you like that huh, rapeage!" and teabagging a dead body.
I'm 36 with a wife, 5 kids and one on the way. My two youngest kids are almost 3 and almost 4. Even with all that I still manage to play almost every day for about 2 hours at a time.

Sometimes I'm lucky and on a weekend I can play for 3 or 4 hours but if I play any longer than that my wife gets upset that I'm not spending quality time with her.

I play sniper about 95% of the time so I don't usually end up with a big score at the end of each round. That being said I have just recently finally made Master Seargent!. Took me long enough! I don't play as commander most of the time because I just don't think about it. I suppose one of these day I should try being commander for a little while so I can get more time as that.
Rofl-Mic-Lofl said:
5x of the guys in my CoD2 clan are in their 50s... so you're not too old! They're pretty good with rifles, but in the upclose shenanigans they get their faces raped. They're a blast to play with too, most immature 50 year olds I've ever met, nothing like hearing a 50 year old saying "Oh you like that huh, rapeage!" and teabagging a dead body.

thats funny shit...
Redleader said:
Im 21 and still find yal old. lol :p

When it comes down to it, ager really doesn't matter - as long as we're all having a good time ... well... mostly... ;)


somecallmeTim said:
When it comes down to it, ager really doesn't matter - as long as we're all having a good time ... well... mostly... ;)


we have faster reflexes ! :p
godamn! and i thought i was a rare old bastige @ 37 here :p

haven't played BF2 yet, and not sure i will if it's so newb hostile as i hear.......

I'm sure I'll jump on BF 2142 uless it turns out that it is a real steaming pile (hope not)

And definetaly quake wars

I don't really play BF2 anymore, but I thought I'd give my support to the old-man crowd.

Game on, brothers.
Im 41 and play once in a while....dont have much time lately.....

if anyone is interested in a good anti-cheat site for BF-2 look here

lots of good info there and a good place to meet honest players and find honest servers....
I have seen a few clans with "old" in their name. OR servers. But when you go there, you hear a lot of snoring.
I'm the Dude said:
I have seen a few clans with "old" in their name. OR servers. But when you go there, you hear a lot of snoring.

yea. This guy sees me from 5 feet away and yet he does nothing...Must be an old old fart snoring on the job.. lol
I tell you this, all this youngins who think their hot sh*t in BF2 because of their uber k:d ratio, or accuracy...I could spank them in Q2 instagib (or Q4, or UT2K4, etc). You know, a game where you can move real fast? Yeah, BF2 is definitely not a fast mover. Dodging does not really come into play.
was on old bastards clan server last nite...whippin it up...

they may be old bastards, but theyve seen and dealt with war long before it was made into 'games' for us kids....

*thinks 25 isnt a kid so much anymore*
so hot headed and eager to attack young one....

fight, fight hard and fast.....then tire as he blocks, dives, runs jumps and out maneuvers you

then off with your head!

havent you seen the 13th warrior?