Any way to get access to hot deals forum pre-50 posts?

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Limp Gawd
May 18, 2008
I bought the lifetime subscription, but can't post in Hot Deals until I get 50 posts...

But at the same time, I'm not too knowledgable and don't want to clutter up the board with ill-informed posts...
Buying a lifetime subscription isn't a free pass into the FS/FT forums. Even if Kyle let you in, you could scam somebody for $100 and make an $85 profit.

Since you have access to GenMay, why don't you just post in there? Don't need knowledge about computers to post in there, I can tell you that much.
Buying a lifetime subscription isn't a free pass into the FS/FT forums. Even if Kyle let you in, you could scam somebody for $100 and make an $85 profit.

Since you have access to GenMay, why don't you just post in there? Don't need knowledge about computers to post in there, I can tell you that much.

He never said anything about FS/FT. Maybe he's found something he thinks is a hot deal.
He never said anything about FS/FT. Maybe he's found something he thinks is a hot deal.

He could pm it to someone else that can post it in the hot deal section....though could that be considered spamming. The other thing is he could just post some additional posts to bring him up to 50 posts.
That wouldn't be a good idea to have someone cross post it. Either ask an admin for the rights or get 50 posts. It's frustrating for me because I have to PM my offers in, but everyone else dealt with it. :)
He never said anything about FS/FT. Maybe he's found something he thinks is a hot deal.
You can scam people in the hot deals forum just as easy as you can in FS/FT. There's a reason why Kyle blocked out both forums and not just the one. . .
well you have genmay access, it should be easy to spam your way to 50 posts there
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