Anyone disappointed with Xbox 360?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 12, 2003
Granted, I know it hasn't been released yet, but so far I find myself highly disappointed. It's probably the major advancements that's come in computers lately. Back when the first Xbox
launched, 99% of the games on the market for computers ran on the two year old Quake 3 engine. Xbox was a refreshing thing to test out. But nowadays, we have lots of DX9 capable cards, ranging from Radeon X800's to SLI GTX's. This is all at high resolution. What is the draw of Xbox 360? I ask myself that alot. On a good TV, sure it'll look good and all...and it's certainly a big step up in the console world, just not impressive imho. This is not a flame, simply an opinion. On top of this, not one console title that seems to be a must have. A few good ones that are acceptable, but no big "ace". I dunno....your thoughts? :eek:

I do have a whacked out GTX that's probably why. :)
If you're basing your opinion on the walmart demo boxes you might wanna check out the 360 at final, as those are poorly configured and unoptimized (part m$ fault, part walmarts)
I haven't seen a demo kiosk yet, but just from screen shots the 360 looks incredibly impressive. Plus, those are just the visuals pre-release, or 1st run titles. Think back to how the first wave of PS2 titles looked, not much better than PS1 games for the most part, but now they are far and beyond that. Developers need time to learn how to work with a new system and really squeeze every bit out.

Plus, a 360 is similar in price to a single GTX, you pay out an assload for the rest of the computer to get similar performance. The 360 makes sense for those who want to game with very good graphics (albeit not quite as good as a top end PC, but very close) on big TVs, not deal with the hassle of computer gaming, and pay a lot less to do it.
I became disappointed with the ps3 and xbox 360 upon learning that most developers have no idea how to take advantage of the multicore hardware and everything I've read that has a clue seems to indicate that developers wont come close to harnessing the xbox 360's hardware let alone the PS3 so really the PS3's beefier specs mean nothing...and the less beefier xbox 360 specs are just as much a let down.

Luckily though dev's think they'll have a handle on this hardware by the next consoles so this wont all have been a waste. I guess I wont be making the jump backwards to console games anytime soon.
Plus, a 360 is similar in price to a single GTX, you pay out an assload for the rest of the computer to get similar performance. The 360 makes sense for those who want to game with very good graphics (albeit not quite as good as a top end PC, but very close) on big TVs, not deal with the hassle of computer gaming, and pay a lot less to do it.

You're assuming a nice TV is something everyone has. The cost of the TV plus the Xbox 360 and games (or even the mega expensive bundles) are not worth it imo. It's practically the cost of a excellent computer (maybe even more).
A quick search on Froogle shows no HDTVs below $1000. A 17" LCD is routinely below $300. With that $700 difference + $300 for an Xbox360 = $1000, with which you can put together a pretty solid gaming PC - that will get you a Venice, DVD Burner, X800/6800+, 1GB of RAM, etc.

You can play Xbox360 on a 480i SDTV, it will just look like crap :)
My biggest argument with 360, and other platforms for that matter, is that you have no control over the performance. I like being able to tweak the performance on a PC, to make things look and sound better. I just don't like the idea of being locked into something you can't change. Certainly don't get me wrong, the Xbox360 does look very nice. But that one game that has jaggies or runs slow in one spot you’re stuck with. Just my opinion.
Current consoles still look decent on SDTVs, so I see no reason why next-gen ones would look worse.

Plus, it is safe to assume most people have a TV (not necessarily an HDTV, but those who are hardcore gamers running GTXs most likely have money for one of those, and are techno-savvy enough that they have already made the leap) so you can't really factor the price of one into the equation. If you don't have your own TV (underrage, no job, living at home, etc) you at least have access to one in your house.
Well, you have to remember that the system is $400 and if you want to play it on a computer monitor you can as it has a VGA cable accessory. For $400 it beats the pants off any comp. However, it's never going to be as good as someone with a high end PC with GPU from this gen. I'm not disappointed just amused by all the pointless hype. The 360 is a nice piece of hardware, it just isn't a PC game replacement for those of us with the cash to get the best.
Bar81 said:
Well, you have to remember that the system is $400 and if you want to play it on a computer monitor you can as it has a VGA cable accessory. For $400 it beats the pants off any comp. However, it's never going to be as good as someone with a high end PC with GPU from this gen. I'm not disappointed just amused by all the pointless hype. The 360 is a nice piece of hardware, it just isn't a PC game replacement for those of us with the cash to get the best.

I like gaming on PCs, I like gaming on consoles much better. It looks better, the framerates are always smooth, it just works, and I can play on a bigscreen TV without dragging the tower across the room.

They are two different worlds, different strokes for different folks.
NulloModo said:
Current consoles still look decent on SDTVs, so I see no reason why next-gen ones would look worse.

Plus, it is safe to assume most people have a TV (not necessarily an HDTV, but those who are hardcore gamers running GTXs most likely have money for one of those, and are techno-savvy enough that they have already made the leap) so you can't really factor the price of one into the equation. If you don't have your own TV (underrage, no job, living at home, etc) you at least have access to one in your house.
The IQ will be passable on a SDTV, however, it won't run with current PC graphics. As others have pointed out, you don't need a HDTV to play Xbox360, but you do need one, or a VGA conversion, to enjoy IQ on the same level as a PC. 1280x720 looks quite a bit better than 720x480 interlaced.
I've been a pc gamer since the days of Commander Keen, Duke Nukem, and anything else that ran on a 286. I'm probably going to end up going with a console and sticking with it for many reasons:

1) I have a 3 month old baby. I can't afford to buy a $500 video card every 6 months when a new one comes out. Hell, I can't afford to buy a new pc at all. Those days were great when I could dump tons of money on hardware and always be up to date, but looking back, god I wasted a lot of money on stupid ass hardware coughvoodoo5cough. Shit, my friend blew $500 on a 16MB RAM chip when they first came out.

2) When someone makes a game for an xbox360, they make it for an xbox360 and not 3 million computer configurations, making gaming more fun when trying to play with friends. Have any of you ever been to a LAN party with more than 5 people? It's absolute hell. You get there at 7pm, wait until at least 9:30 for everyone to talk to each other, figure out what idiot has out of date drivers, make sure everyone's running the latest patched version of the game, and then when everyone's squared away, we've only played for an hour and it's time to go home. I played some console LAN parties and we started the game by pressing the power button.

3) I have an HDTV, granted, it's not huge or one of the best, but i'll still be able to run a 360 in at least 720p and have it look pretty nice. I also have a Media Center 2005 pc upstairs in my office, so the wife will be very happy that the extender is integrated right into the OS, and she'll be able to schedule shows right on the tv. WAF (wife acceptance factor) is definately a plus.

So basically, anyone that can afford to buy new pc hardware all the time and play their games at 093420349234 x 3429083423 resolution with 300x AA and 600x AF, enjoy it while you can. My friend just dropped $3k on a new pc and is running 2 7800's in SLI with a top of the line Athlon64 and 2 gigs of ram, and ya know what? He still gets hiccups and slowdown and framerate drops. To me, that's more unacceptable than anything else.
DougLite said:
A quick search on Froogle shows no HDTVs below $1000. A 17" LCD is routinely below $300. With that $700 difference + $300 for an Xbox360 = $1000, with which you can put together a pretty solid gaming PC - that will get you a Venice, DVD Burner, X800/6800+, 1GB of RAM, etc.

You can play Xbox360 on a 480i SDTV, it will just look like crap :)

Sorry...froogle lied. Best Buy has a 26" Widescreen HDTV for 350$$, Sears will be selling a 27" HDTV on Black Friday for 369$. Bottom Line is HDTV are finally coming down in price.

Shoot, BestBuy has 15 HDTV's listed for below $1000 all the way up to a 36" Sony HDTV for $899

so now the question becomes 26" + Xbox360 or 17" + 400$ computer....I think it is a no-brainer that there isn't a single 400$ computer out there that can match the X360 or any nextgen console for that matter....not yet at least.
Or you can pay 300 for that monitor and plug it into the xbox via the vga cable and have a HD setup for $600. There are options this time around.
DougLite said:
A quick search on Froogle shows no HDTVs below $1000. A 17" LCD is routinely below $300. With that $700 difference + $300 for an Xbox360 = $1000, with which you can put together a pretty solid gaming PC - that will get you a Venice, DVD Burner, X800/6800+, 1GB of RAM, etc.

You can play Xbox360 on a 480i SDTV, it will just look like crap :)
thelead said:
Or you can pay 300 for that monitor and plug it into the xbox via the vga cable and have a HD setup for $600. There are options this time around.

Ok, I got to look at the 360 first hand and im pretty impressed though its only the kiosk. With my new girlfriend and limited budget, im starting to think I may have to back away from keeping my machine "loot" and high end as I simply can't afford it like I used to when I lived at my folks home *I was rich, but damn I felt like a idiot*

In any case, I can't seem to get any definitive info on how good a Xbox 360 would look on my 2405. Anyone offer any personal input on how well this monitor will display it if I wanna use it instead of purchasing a HDTV or am I better off getting one as Im gonna have a quality trade off on the 2405? It would be cool to play my XBOX 360 and PS3 eventually on one screen but the idea of being able to relax on the couch on a bigger screen has its merits.

Anyone had some personal incite in how well these monitors do with consoles plugged into them. I'd probably have the xbox via the VGA connector and the PS3 on the component eventually.
IceWind said:
Anyone had some personal incite in how well these monitors do with consoles plugged into them. I'd probably have the xbox via the VGA connector and the PS3 on the component eventually.
Right now I have a Playstation 2 and an Xbox hooked up to mine using Monster component cables (they were 1/4 retail price when I got them, so meh).

I was playing Shadow of the Colossus on the PS2 yesterday and even on progressive mode there were many jaggies when I looked at the monitor 7" away. Once I backed up to about 4 feet it was a bit better, but the problem remained. Other than that the image is quite sharp and I had as much fun playing on a 2405 as playing on my 32" TV outside. IMO it was a bit clearer than my TV.

Now, on the Xbox, it's pretty much the same. Dead or Alive Ultimate had the same annoyance, and just like the PS2 it had a clearer image.

If the X360 games has some kind of AA enabled I'd say I would have a better gaming experience on the 2405 than my big curved CRT TV.
IMO 360 is nothing but a junk box console games mostly and games in general are going down hill i remember when hot neew games were coming out weekly no theres like 2 or 3 hot games a year
MasterShredder said:
I've been a pc gamer since the days of Commander Keen, Duke Nukem, and anything else that ran on a 286. I'm probably going to end up going with a console and sticking with it for many reasons:

1) I have a 3 month old baby. I can't afford to buy a $500 video card every 6 months when a new one comes out. Hell, I can't afford to buy a new pc at all. Those days were great when I could dump tons of money on hardware and always be up to date, but looking back, god I wasted a lot of money on stupid ass hardware coughvoodoo5cough. Shit, my friend blew $500 on a 16MB RAM chip when they first came out.

2) When someone makes a game for an xbox360, they make it for an xbox360 and not 3 million computer configurations, making gaming more fun when trying to play with friends. Have any of you ever been to a LAN party with more than 5 people? It's absolute hell. You get there at 7pm, wait until at least 9:30 for everyone to talk to each other, figure out what idiot has out of date drivers, make sure everyone's running the latest patched version of the game, and then when everyone's squared away, we've only played for an hour and it's time to go home. I played some console LAN parties and we started the game by pressing the power button.

3) I have an HDTV, granted, it's not huge or one of the best, but i'll still be able to run a 360 in at least 720p and have it look pretty nice. I also have a Media Center 2005 pc upstairs in my office, so the wife will be very happy that the extender is integrated right into the OS, and she'll be able to schedule shows right on the tv. WAF (wife acceptance factor) is definately a plus.

So basically, anyone that can afford to buy new pc hardware all the time and play their games at 093420349234 x 3429083423 resolution with 300x AA and 600x AF, enjoy it while you can. My friend just dropped $3k on a new pc and is running 2 7800's in SLI with a top of the line Athlon64 and 2 gigs of ram, and ya know what? He still gets hiccups and slowdown and framerate drops. To me, that's more unacceptable than anything else.

EXCELLANT POST!! My feelings exactly. I just bought a new 7800 with a superfast athlon 64 and 2gigs of ram, and I cant even run COD2 maxed out. How is this even possible? What are they developing for? non existant hardware? Why not develop for what we have? I think its going to be consoles for me boys, its cheaper and more fun. I might even sell off some of my high end pc parts to purchase an xbox 360.
Deadsexy said:
I became disappointed with the ps3 and xbox 360 upon learning that most developers have no idea how to take advantage of the multicore hardware and everything I've read that has a clue seems to indicate that developers wont come close to harnessing the xbox 360's hardware let alone the PS3 so really the PS3's beefier specs mean nothing...and the less beefier xbox 360 specs are just as much a let down.

Luckily though dev's think they'll have a handle on this hardware by the next consoles so this wont all have been a waste. I guess I wont be making the jump backwards to console games anytime soon.

The only thing disappointing about PS3 and Xbox 360 are their complete lack of innovation. The Cell and Xenon CPU, which are very close cousins, are not nearly as capable as a current Intel or AMD 64 bit multicore processor. The Cell and Xenon both have too little cache, Cell is overly complicated in the SPE array, and neither are capable of speculative execution, branch prediction, out-of-order execution, etc. They're basically stripped down PowerPC processors, with Xenon having 3 cores and Cell getting the SPE arrays, which use an *entirely* different set of instructions from the main CPU.

The sole savior of either console are the GPU's from nVidia and ATI, which from all indications, are pretty evenly matched. Overall the advantage really goes to MS, though, since at least they're box has full DirectX compliance while PS3 developers get to labor with nVidia's failed CG language from several years ago.

Bodydroped03ram said:
IMO 360 is nothing but a junk box console games mostly and games in general are going down hill i remember when hot neew games were coming out weekly no theres like 2 or 3 hot games a year

True, but there *are* plenty of mediocre games coming out weekly :) Look at PS2!

MasterShredder said:
I've been a pc gamer since the days of Commander Keen, Duke Nukem, and anything else that ran on a 286. I'm probably going to end up going with a console and sticking with it for many reasons:

1) I have a 3 month old baby. I can't afford to buy a $500 video card every 6 months when a new one comes out. Hell, I can't afford to buy a new pc at all. Those days were great when I could dump tons of money on hardware and always be up to date, but looking back, god I wasted a lot of money on stupid ass hardware coughvoodoo5cough. Shit, my friend blew $500 on a 16MB RAM chip when they first came out.

2) When someone makes a game for an xbox360, they make it for an xbox360 and not 3 million computer configurations, making gaming more fun when trying to play with friends. Have any of you ever been to a LAN party with more than 5 people? It's absolute hell. You get there at 7pm, wait until at least 9:30 for everyone to talk to each other, figure out what idiot has out of date drivers, make sure everyone's running the latest patched version of the game, and then when everyone's squared away, we've only played for an hour and it's time to go home. I played some console LAN parties and we started the game by pressing the power button.

3) I have an HDTV, granted, it's not huge or one of the best, but i'll still be able to run a 360 in at least 720p and have it look pretty nice. I also have a Media Center 2005 pc upstairs in my office, so the wife will be very happy that the extender is integrated right into the OS, and she'll be able to schedule shows right on the tv. WAF (wife acceptance factor) is definately a plus.

So basically, anyone that can afford to buy new pc hardware all the time and play their games at 093420349234 x 3429083423 resolution with 300x AA and 600x AF, enjoy it while you can. My friend just dropped $3k on a new pc and is running 2 7800's in SLI with a top of the line Athlon64 and 2 gigs of ram, and ya know what? He still gets hiccups and slowdown and framerate drops. To me, that's more unacceptable than anything else.

Excellent post! I have gotten into pc gaming, and it is very nice indeed, but I simply will not drop the dough for high end stuff when it won't even play everything maxed out in the newer games.

I will, however, continue to upgrade when the price becomes more resonable for things like, oh lets say, a gtx.

I'll keep playing pc games, but just not with everything maxed out.
wiskeychris said:
EXCELLANT POST!! My feelings exactly. I just bought a new 7800 with a superfast athlon 64 and 2gigs of ram, and I cant even run COD2 maxed out. How is this even possible? What are they developing for? non existant hardware? Why not develop for what we have? I think its going to be consoles for me boys, its cheaper and more fun. I might even sell off some of my high end pc parts to purchase an xbox 360.

Im thinking of doing the same. My new girlfriend means alot more to me then any uber e-penis size increasing pc gaming machine. I have alot of fun with it, but now that i'm on my own, I have limited income to spend on stuff like this now.

Maybe someday when I have the cash flowing outa my ears I can go back to this, but for now, it aint happening, especially being in the tech industry.
I'm considering converting PC > Xbox360 also. What's going to be the deal-maker-or-breaker for me is whether a dead nuts accurate keyboard/mouse peripheral comes out. I can't stand playing competetive fps game with analog sticks, and that's my favorite kind of game.

One advantage to consoles that I almost never see mentioned is the ability to rent games. There is nothing like this for PC gamers (piracy not included). Rather than spending $50 for a game I'll play through once having the option to rent is a godsend.

I do hope the 360 gets its fair share of innovative, quirky games like Katamari or Shadow of the Colossus. These games have traditionally found their way onto the Sony or Nintendo consoles. If the 360 is limited to sports, racing, and generic fps games I'll be disappointed.

AceTKK said:
I'm considering converting PC > Xbox360 also. What's going to be the deal-maker-or-breaker for me is whether a dead nuts accurate keyboard/mouse peripheral comes out. I can't stand playing competetive fps game with analog sticks, and that's my favorite kind of game.

One advantage to consoles that I almost never see mentioned is the ability to rent games. There is nothing like this for PC gamers (piracy not included). Rather than spending $50 for a game I'll play through once having the option to rent is a godsend.

I do hope the 360 gets its fair share of innovative, quirky games like Katamari or Shadow of the Colossus. These games have traditionally found their way onto the Sony or Nintendo consoles. If the 360 is limited to sports, racing, and generic fps games I'll be disappointed.


Rather then having that narrow minded logic, buy both the Xbox 360 and PS3. Wallah, problem solved.
Exactly. I am halfway on the 360, I mean, my PS2 is still kicking strong as of now, and will be for years to come (hell, Sony still makes and sells new PS1s, the PS2 and development for it isn't going to dissapear with the 360, or even the PS3 release) but I do like the 360 eyecandy, and the fact that it isn't clunky and ugly like the original Xbox (yes, that was a deciding factor in me never getting one...)

I will definately pick up a PS3 when it comes out, if for no reason than it will be a Blu-Ray DVD player for under $500, which I'm betting is going to be one of the cheapest still by March or whenever next year.
Deadsexy said:
I became disappointed with the ps3 and xbox 360 upon learning that most developers have no idea how to take advantage of the multicore hardware and everything I've read that has a clue seems to indicate that developers wont come close to harnessing the xbox 360's hardware let alone the PS3 so really the PS3's beefier specs mean nothing...and the less beefier xbox 360 specs are just as much a let down.

Luckily though dev's think they'll have a handle on this hardware by the next consoles so this wont all have been a waste. I guess I wont be making the jump backwards to console games anytime soon.

Yeah, I read that virtually single launch game is single threaded. It sucks that there's all that potential for power going to waste in the first gen, and probably even a lot of later gen games.

IceWind said:
Rather then having that narrow minded logic, buy both the Xbox 360 and PS3. Wallah, problem solved.

Are you being sarcastic? How exactly is that narrow minded? With a wife, child, mortgage and insurance the budget for toys is fairly diminutive. Besides, we're not talking about the PS3. I was just expressing some of my thoughts about the 360.

AceTKK said:
Are you being sarcastic? How exactly is that narrow minded? With a wife, child, mortgage and insurance the budget for toys is fairly diminutive. Besides, we're not talking about the PS3. I was just expressing some of my thoughts about the 360.


The sarcasm took a direct flight over your head apparantly :p

But seriously, im sick of this "Console is better because bla bla bal, so its the ONLY one im owning"

You could buy all three next gen consoles and still spend less then you would building a higher end computer.
When I read these topics of guys with families, I thank God that i'm a bachelor. Disposable income rocks!! :D
btf1980 said:
When I read these topics of guys with families, I thank God that i'm a bachelor. Disposable income rocks!! :D

So did I, not to long ago. But then came moving out and my new girlfriend. Sorry but i'll take having sex over playing a video game any day. ;)
IceWind said:
So did I, not to long ago. But then came moving out and my new girlfriend. Sorry but i'll take having sex over playing a video game any day. ;)

... until we have fully immersive 5-senses virtual reality and they can be one in the same...

I'd pick up a XXXBox in a second.
IceWind said:
So did I, not to long ago. But then came moving out and my new girlfriend. Sorry but i'll take having sex over playing a video game any day. ;)

Who says being a bachelor means you don't have sex? Tsk...tsk!! ;)

If anything, my married friends are envious of me!! They have to barter with their wives for sex, and just about everything. My coworker wanted to buy an XPS m170, but he's not allowed on orders from his ball and chain.....oh but she just leased a cadillac....haha. Poor guy.
btf1980 said:
Who says being a bachelor means you don't have sex? Tsk...tsk!! ;)

If anything, my married friends are envious of me!! They have to barter with their wives for sex, and just about everything. My coworker wanted to buy an XPS m170, but he's not allowed on orders from his ball and chain.....oh but she just leased a cadillac....haha. Poor guy.

To each his own. My girlfriend finds it rather "cute" that I still play video games so she doesn't give me hassle. You friend sounds like he's got a relationship problem but Im not gonna even touch that subject.
IceWind said:
You could buy all three next gen consoles and still spend less then you would building a higher end computer.

Immediately, yes, but in the long run games for ALL THREE consoles will add up to make the consoles together cost more than the PC
retardedchicken said:
Immediately, yes, but in the long run games for ALL THREE consoles will add up to make the consoles together cost more than the PC

I can't solve that problem
Whoa....this is like some trippy pr0no the hell did Xbox 360 turn into a discussion on sexual intercourse? ;) :eek:
ShuttleLuv said:
Whoa....this is like some trippy pr0no the hell did Xbox 360 turn into a discussion on sexual intercourse? ;) :eek:

QFT, back to the topic at hand please.
From what I've seen so far of the XBOX 360 at various Kiosk's, I 'm not impressed either. I'll be sticking with PC Gaming probably for a long time coming. I may pick up a 360 or PS3 after they are out for years or if I can grab one off EBay like I did with my GC. (And that cost me 80$ with 5 games included:)) But probably only because of another Resident Evil Title or something similar. The Gcube sits collecting dust right now after I beat RE4.

Right now with my measley Athlon XP 2400+ which I bought when they first came out ( 2002 I think?) 1 Gig of 2700 DDR ( Generic RAM), Stock Sound on my Nvidia Nforce 2. And my recently purchased 6600GT OC for 200$. I can play all of the current titles with respectable eye candy without a hitch. Right now I'll take COD2 as an example only because it's the only game I've seen on both my machine and an XBOX360. COD2 on my System looks much better on my CPU, then it does on the XBOX I saw @ BBuy.

So I spent 200$ on this computer in the past 3 years. And have had enough system to play every title that has come out since 2002.

This upgrading your whole computer argument is ridiculous. You don't have to purchase an entirely new machine to play newer titles.
Depends...Computers will always be #1 with hardware, but they usual fall in second with games. I know there are a lot of good PC games out now, but theres nothing that screams AMAZING. Lets face it, Call of Duty 2, Quake 4, F.E.A.R. and Serious Sam 2 all fall short in the gameplay area. These games were also in developement for a while! Xbox 360 needs some time. The developers need time to get to know the hardware and ways to make good games while being efficient. I mean, there are some games on Xbox and PS2 that just look AMAZING, and look how "crappy" thier specs are. Am I disappointed? Not really. Launch games never really do much for me. But, considering it has Perfect Dark Zero, Project Gotham Racing 3 and Kameo for LAUNCH...theres not much to be unhappy about. All three of these games look amazing, and I doubt they're even pushing 360's hardware.

Give it time people.

As for the people judging 360 based on those crappy kiosk settings, I seriously don't know what to say. I don't think CoD or that King Kong game are 360's star titles...hell, I doubt there was much time put into the CoD port. Judging 360 off games like that is pretty lame. Most of the kiosks aren't even setup right! They're running at 480i on a 720p TV, which makes it look like CRAP.