Anyone get a new Dell with a warped keyboard?


Limp Gawd
Dec 22, 2002
Hello, just received my new Dell XPS 1530, and it looked a little strange, and I realized that the keyboard is slightly warped (the middle area buckles up a bit, there is noticable separation bewteen some keys). The top area above the keyboard near the little indication LEDs is also a bit warped (not flat accross as it should be.) I haven't had time to give it a more thourough inspection, but I will this evening.

Has anyone else had this issue? If you did, what did you do about it? I've seen reports of this around the web, but nothing about the resolution besides sending it right back. I really don't want to wait another 1-2 weeks to use our new laptop (it'll be a month old by then!) but I also don't want this brand-new laptop I paid over $1500 for to look like garbage from day 1.

Humm.. you could take the hinge cover and keyboard off and see if there is a cable that wasn't routed correctly which is keeping one or both pieces from seating correctly. If its the plastics themselves that are warped, the hinge cover and keyboard are customer-replaceable parts so you could just have the parts sent directly to you and replace em yourself (keyboard kit comes with a screwdriver).
I noticed that my last dell e1505, had a pretty crappy keyboard, not warped though. I feel for ya man. That sucks.