Anyone know how 802.11n is going?

Jul 5, 2005
Any new news about 802.11n's progress? I'm holding off getting my house wi-fi until this standard comes out - which is soon, right?

Meanwhile Pre-N crap is pretty much useless considering most places don't even have the expensive as anything Pre-N routers
I havent heard anything about it for a long time... whats the speed that they are proposing? and the routers shouldnt matter.... all they would have to do is throw up new AP's...
About a month ago it had not made it to final draft. Once it does, and it might be by now but I doubt it, your still looking at 6 months or more between finalization and Wi-Fi certification testing. So, soon? Depends on what you consider soon. It won't be 2005. And it might be well into 2006. I'd expect it by next summer.