Anyone still play Bad Company 2?


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 27, 2004
Amazon has BC2 digital download for $4.99 right now. I played the hell out of the multi on 360, but is anyone still playing PC multiplayer? Lots of servers? Basically is it worth the 5 bucks as far as longevity? Thanks!
If you buy ME3 via Origin you get Battlefield 3 for free just as a heads up.

But no , I would imagine even for that cheap many players have moved on to BF3.

aplenty. forget it. dead game.
Even after I loaded up BF3, i reinstalled BC2. I rarely play it but wouldn't call it a dead game. When ever I do fire it up, there are plenty of servers to find.
I play it everyday, no hackers and it's far from dead.

Good. Last time I played it. There were 4 people at 50+ kdr ratios in the server. Maybe they got bored and left. Hope so. It is a better game for infantry than bf3 is. Just better and more vehicles in bf3.
And speaking of BC2, does anyone know how to get my BC2 veterancy to show up for BF3? It says all I have to is log in to BC2 and play a round. I have played several rounds, back to back, on several different occasions and still nothing.

Also, since BF2 is currently really laggy for me, anyone up for playing some BC2 tonight?
And speaking of BC2, does anyone know how to get my BC2 veterancy to show up for BF3? It says all I have to is log in to BC2 and play a round. I have played several rounds, back to back, on several different occasions and still nothing.

Also, since BF2 is currently really laggy for me, anyone up for playing some BC2 tonight?
If you have both on the same Origin account it should show up without a problem. I know for a fact that after I got BF3 I never even touched BC2, but it still shows up for me. I would contact live support and see if they can help you out.
There are people playing it but it's a crap shoot what kind of people they are. The last time I played (a few weeks ago) the game was rife with hackers and psychopathic server admins.
i quit playing BFBC2 when the server i regularly play on went down and was moved to BF3. i refuse to play on any other server except that once since almost all the players on it were regulars and there was always an admin on or available in their mumble server to get rid of any idiots.

And speaking of BC2, does anyone know how to get my BC2 veterancy to show up for BF3? It says all I have to is log in to BC2 and play a round. I have played several rounds, back to back, on several different occasions and still nothing.

Also, since BF2 is currently really laggy for me, anyone up for playing some BC2 tonight?

use the guides on how to get the veterancy for BFBC2, they won't even bother confirming if you own any of the games and just give it to you. it works exactly the same for BF3.
Not wanting to use Origin I might actually go back to BC2, it was a solid game which i spent many hours in, which is surprising considering its console background.
I played up til about four months ago. Once I get my new rig with a bigger HDD that puppy is going on there for some gaming. I liked BC2 almost as much as I did BF2.
AKA I suck at shooters. :p sorry I couldn't resist.

I do? Funny. I have won a couple of cal and twl championships so far. Maybe that doesn't meet your level?

No I don't suck. Not the best but far from the worst.

I joined the hackers squad and watched them just stand in place and just hold the fire button down hitting people I couldn't see at all and I was standing behind them? What kind of skill level was that?
Amazon has BC2 digital download for $4.99 right now. I played the hell out of the multi on 360, but is anyone still playing PC multiplayer? Lots of servers? Basically is it worth the 5 bucks as far as longevity? Thanks!

totally worth 5 dollar. most hardcore players are on bf3. that means most people playing bc2 are noobs.

i still play regularly, i enjoyed the game even more mainly due to opponents are not skilled. i got way more kills than before.

i have not seen any cheat recently, hadcore cheaters moved to bf3 too.

my suggestion,BUY.
The only games with hackers are the newest ones. I occasionally load up some Battlefield 1942/Desert Combat and there are zero hackers, it's also 10 years old :p
I played the bejeezus out of BC2 and loved it from the start. Now I haven't played in a few months since BF3 came out but for $5 and reports that there are apparently some good servers still out there, go for it.
The only games with hackers are the newest ones. I occasionally load up some Battlefield 1942/Desert Combat and there are zero hackers, it's also 10 years old :p

Nice,.. me, i occasionally play some Nocturne, Project IGI 2, Home World 2, SOF 2 Double Helix and Clive Barker's Undying.

- Those games we played many years ago sometimes its kinda nice to play them again and maxing out all its settings and see how
they look now specially if you have a new gaming rig. :)
I actually miss this game. As good as BF3 is in a lot of ways there's a few things and a certain feel in this that I think I prefer a little bit more. I'm more of a CQB/Infantry guy.

I'll have to revisit soon. :)
Just opened up the server browser. 60 active servers with users playing at 10:52 AM on Thursday. I wouldn't call the game dead.
this happened just a couple of hours ago...


we always play in the same servers (mostly Isla only servers, KOS/SPN/TV2/etc) but this time I was in a random one and my friends followed me, and one of us got banned for hacking!

this is how that round ended


if anyone has a very aggressive style, come join the rape party :D
I miss the maps. Rush was much, much more fun in BC2 to me. A few of the maps in conquest were awesome, too (Panama Canal!!). Now that you bring it up I really want to play Laguna Presa again

BF3 maps are total shit by comparison.
this happened just a couple of hours ago...


we always play in the same servers (mostly Isla only servers, KOS/SPN/TV2/etc) but this time I was in a random one and my friends followed me, and one of us got banned for hacking!

this is how that round ended


if anyone has a very aggressive style, come join the rape party :D

hahaha, 'how the hell u use machine gun on uav' these guys are so funny. i told u, all hardcore fans already moved to bf3. only noobs left in bc2.
I do? Funny. I have won a couple of cal and twl championships so far. Maybe that doesn't meet your level?

No I don't suck. Not the best but far from the worst.

I joined the hackers squad and watched them just stand in place and just hold the fire button down hitting people I couldn't see at all and I was standing behind them? What kind of skill level was that?

I challenge you to a Unreal Tournament or Quake 3 match Sir

"Glove Slap"

resurrecting an old thread,

played BFBC2 yesterday with my friend, haven't touched the game in ~5 years.

Its still fun as hell! and there are a decent amount of servers too.

I couldn't remember how to customize the loadouts too well or what the best weapons were, but i did pretty well for not playing for so long, went like 60-20.

Anyone gave the game a whirl recently?
For some reason the game wont go full screen 2560x1440 so i cant even play =[
I loaded this up about 6 months ago after taking a very long break from it. I had no trouble at all finding populated servers to play on. That said, I just couldn't take the frantic action anymore and I wasn't having fun playing it like I used too. I must be getting old.
For some reason the game wont go full screen 2560x1440 so i cant even play =[

Really? when i tried it it automatically was 3440x1440 which surprised me for such an old game, even newer games don't always do 21:9.
I replay it for the storyline every now and then just because it's hilarious with the banter between the squad.

Glad to see MP isn't dead might have to reinstall it.
I tried playing it for a couple of days about two weeks ago, the amount of hackers is unbearable now. I tried multiple servers not even for that long and i got to see hackers full admitting what they were using, chats being spammed for with paid hacking advertisements. Cheaters have ruined yet another game.
I tried playing it for a couple of days about two weeks ago, the amount of hackers is unbearable now. I tried multiple servers not even for that long and i got to see hackers full admitting what they were using, chats being spammed for with paid hacking advertisements. Cheaters have ruined yet another game.

That's a shame. It was a fun game. But this is what typically happens to a game when the developer no longer supports it.
Well i play from time to time but today i just get kicked...

You have been kicked from the game. The reason
is: Punkbuster kicked player 'Deadly Ramon' (for 0
minutes) ... RESTRICTION. Service Communication Failure.

i tryied remove pb from game files, re download and let it update everything says updated still getting booted... and i have no firewall or something that blocks... stupid game
I play it from time to time, still a bunch of populated servers. I like to cheese it up with Carl Gustav + SAIGA, so fun and people get so mad :)