Anyone tested QTP3 with 48xx?


Aug 22, 2008
Longtime lurker, but no more. :D

Just wondering if anyone has tested Oblivion with texture/LOD mods on the new ATi cards? PCGH did the GT200s, back in June. I want to get silky smooth performance @ 1920x1200 with 4xAA at least, OUTSIDE! Currently these settings are playable only in dungeons on my G80 GTS.

I'm waiting for the price to come down on the 4870X2 (UK retailers are gouging like crazy) so I can pick up 2 for xfire, but I'm itching to finish this game. I heard it uses 700MB VRAM with the mods, does this actually matter for the 4870? Would I experience crushing framedrops or just mild stuttering?

BTW I've given up on the 1GB 4870s, lol. Seems like they're gonna come out alongside Duke Nukem Forever.

Thanks for any replies. :)
While I haven't played it on a 4850/4870, I've seen upwards of 1GB of memory usage with all of the highest quality texture replacement mods, but you do sort of have to try and find ways to get the VRAM usage that high, and reportedly the engine doesn't report usage correctly (RivaTuner supposedly shows lower VRAM usage, and RivaTuner can generally be trusted). What I can tell you is that you do want more than 512MB of VRAM, but with recent versions of Streamline and with reduced variants of QTP3, it isn't strictly necessary.

I would guess that a GTX 260 would handle what you're looking for well enough, but obviously a 280 would handle it better, and the X2 would no doubt handle it better than the 280 (at least under most circumstances). Do use the latest version of Streamline regardless of which route you take and configure it as conservatively or aggressively as you need to.

Oblivion is stuttery as it is, and cell loading is anything but seamless on even the fastest rigs, so you'll never find "perfection". I'd think the X2 (or two) is as close as you're likely to find.