Anyone use ubuntu 9.10,thoughts?

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Jan 14, 2010
My Windows 7 evaluation copy is running out soon(march 1st?) and I don't have the money to pay for it right now and I'm curious from a guy who never touched Linux before if it would be worth installing?What are the differences compared to windows? Would I be better off going back to XP?
Maybe visit, peruse the stuff you can do with
linux/ bsd/ . I prefer bsd maybe because two or three forums
and two or three mailing lists cover most questions. OTOH
sites like cover a lot more (linux) topics. Your decision, though.
Time on upgrades, etc would remove time avail. for other stuff.
I run the newest version of Ubuntu on a laptop. I occasionally throw a live cd in my main system for giggles. It works well enough. I can do most things, except play some of the newer game titles.
What do you use your system for?

BSD is fun. The new Mint looks decent as well. Plenty of flavors to choose from.
Yeah, burn a live CD and try it out for yourself. You can test out Ubuntu without having to install a thing. I personally like Ubuntu and have it installed on one of my hard drives. It's easy to use, even for a new user.
def use a live CD to test out, ubuntu overall is an excellent OS though, so if you *have* to use it, you wont feel much pain other than the small learning curve...

what windows were you using before you installed the eval win7? cant you just go back to that?
My Windows 7 evaluation copy is running out soon(march 1st?) and I don't have the money to pay for it right now and I'm curious from a guy who never touched Linux before if it would be worth installing?What are the differences compared to windows? Would I be better off going back to XP?

If you're not going to be using the computer for gaming then go for it! If you intend on gaming then go with XP.

I'd still download the latest and give the live cd a shot. You can check it out without even installing on your hard drive.
Download the ISO from

I use ubuntu 9.10 on a old Nforce2 box with only 512MB of ram. It runs very well on that computer.
Dual boot and use both. You can go back to XP for gaming but just about everything else can be done in Ubuntu. The annoying flash problem has been taken care of as well.

I love Ubuntu.
Dual boot and use both. You can go back to XP for gaming but just about everything else can be done in Ubuntu. The annoying flash problem has been taken care of as well.

I love Ubuntu.

This /\ :D:cool:
Well since windows 7 runs out in a week I think I will try a full install of Ubuntu the day before 7 expires....since I'll have to format anyway,

I don't game to much anymore so it's no big deal but for things like music and movies like will winamp, Nero,VLC player,AVG,Ad-aware ,google chrome will everyday programs like those work?Do I have to put in lines of code to install programs or use them?

Sorry I'm pretty much a newb when it comes to Linux.
Well since windows 7 runs out in a week I think I will try a full install of Ubuntu the day before 7 expires....since I'll have to format anyway,

I don't game to much anymore so it's no big deal but for things like music and movies like will winamp, Nero,VLC player,AVG,Ad-aware ,google chrome will everyday programs like those work?Do I have to put in lines of code to install programs or use them?

Sorry I'm pretty much a newb when it comes to Linux.

Linux has a package manager similar to Windows' add/remove programs and programs and features. You can pick and chose your software in the package manager before and after you install Ubuntu.

Ad-aware and AVG will not work in Linux, but you won't need it anyways as there's little or no attacks towards them at the moment, unless you're wanting to run a file server or web server, then you should consider some form of protection.

VLC player shouldn't ever be used, even in Windows. It's entirely software-based when you should use a hardware accelerated player, such as Media Player Classic - Home Cinema. As for the Linux version, I believe MPlayer is their choice of video player.
I haven't used Ubuntu Desktop much but VLC & Chrome will work, you won't need any virus checker software and I think Ubuntu already has a good CD/DVD writer built in.

I've also heard lots of people suggest to windows users.
Well since windows 7 runs out in a week I think I will try a full install of Ubuntu the day before 7 expires....since I'll have to format anyway,

I don't game to much anymore so it's no big deal but for things like music and movies like will winamp, Nero,VLC player,AVG,Ad-aware ,google chrome will everyday programs like those work?Do I have to put in lines of code to install programs or use them?

Sorry I'm pretty much a newb when it comes to Linux.

For some stuff, you may have to but if you google "install ubuntu google earth" there will be a thread in a forum or a blog outlining how to do it with the CLI (command line interface).

If you can, download the .deb version of a package because it is the closest thing to downloading and running setup.exe for a program. However, don't be afraid of the CLI. Its not hard, its just different. It will take time for you to learn some of the commands. You may be frustrated at first, but it will make sense if you dedicate yourself to a problem.

Also, since most of the software is opensource, there is pretty much always an opensource version for any widows software that you may need..

If you need help, there is plenty of help around :D.
I use Ubuntu 9.10 as the primary OS on my netbook. It runs great, even all the fancy compiz window manager stuff runs really smooth. Ubuntu Linux is great, but you should familiarize yourself a bit before jumping in.
I love Ubuntu myself. It is more responsive and downloads appear quicker. You can not beat the price. One thing that shines is their forums, pretty descent fellows over there.

Linux has a package manager similar to Windows' add/remove programs and programs and features. You can pick and chose your software in the package manager before and after you install Ubuntu.
lol @ comparing windows add&remove to a linux package manager. thats like saying a fish and a bird are similar because they both need oxygen.

A Linux package manager will install the prog, the dependancies AND keep it upto date w.r.t. the repo version so no need to check if a piece of software has been updated or a driver has been

Ad-aware and AVG will not work in Linux, but you won't need it anyways as there's little or no attacks towards them at the moment, unless you're wanting to run a file server or web server, then you should consider some form of protection.
lol @ AVG not working for linux (its actual need is debatable) likewise there are need for ad-aware like things esp for browser&flash...

VLC player shouldn't ever be used, even in Windows. It's entirely software-based when you should use a hardware accelerated player, such as Media Player Classic - Home Cinema. As for the Linux version, I believe MPlayer is their choice of video player.
lol @ VLC not having hardware acceleration... VLC now has linux GPU accel via VAAPIand Windows GPU acceleration via DxVA

although hte likes of mplayer are better for linux.

@OP ignore Azhar he doesn't know wtf he is talking about.
Ubuntu 9.10 is very capable as a desktop replacement and at work I have a box for 3D FEA simulations on 24/7 which is also used as a normal workstation. Games you will be lacking I am afraid, there are some good linux-native games or if the games are just DX9 games that don't use too many 3rd party netcode (eg games for windowslive and co) you shouldn't have a problem
Replying to the original poster again.
vlc: a version exists for bsd
along with tons of others in /multimedia/
and tons of others in /audio/
you can for example
"cd /usr/ports/multimedia/vlc"
"make config"
"make install clean"
One thing I prefer about BSD vs Linux (although I've not
tried the latter package-mgmt, only heresay) is the ease
of upgrade/reinstall/deinstall (most everything pre-tested,
a quality assurance of sorts, at "tinderbox").
linux-nero exists, as well as others, like gnomebaker,
brasero, and command-line (cdrecord...)
...generally viruses do not exist in linux/bsd in the same manner,
there are however, at
/usr/ports/security/ , /ports/ which can scan your
windows directories, emails, for viruses
you can use text-based (w3m, links, lynx, elinks...)
as well as the usual
Caveats exist though. One learns tricks weekly. I've used BSD
since 2004, just *this_week* I discovered that /ports/ which I
always thought had to compile-through-to-completion could
be halted "cntl-c" and restarted
"make build"
and the restart will pick up where it left off.

Enough from this quarter. One may prefer linux after all ...
lol @ comparing windows add&remove to a linux package manager. thats like saying a fish and a bird are similar because they both need oxygen.

A Linux package manager will install the prog, the dependancies AND keep it upto date w.r.t. the repo version so no need to check if a piece of software has been updated or a driver has been

lol @ AVG not working for linux (its actual need is debatable) likewise there are need for ad-aware like things esp for browser&flash...

lol @ VLC not having hardware acceleration... VLC now has linux GPU accel via VAAPIand Windows GPU acceleration via DxVA

although hte likes of mplayer are better for linux.

Just because I haven't used Linux in a couple years doesn't mean I "don't know wtf I'm talking about". It only means Linux has evolved. Yes, it's a good thing. But I see some of their users remain the same.

@OP ignore Azhar he doesn't know wtf he is talking about.
Ubuntu 9.10 is very capable as a desktop replacement and at work I have a box for 3D FEA simulations on 24/7 which is also used as a normal workstation. Games you will be lacking I am afraid, there are some good linux-native games or if the games are just DX9 games that don't use too many 3rd party netcode (eg games for windowslive and co) you shouldn't have a problem

once again you can't educate people without being an *******, I see.

Just because I haven't used Linux in a couple years doesn't mean I don't know "wtf I'm talking about". It only means Linux has evolved, and that's a good thing. But apparently some of their users remain the same.

Edited for censure - you're not worth getting banned over.
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How is the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit Ubuntu? I know on Windows 64-bit has been the way to go for years, but is this case the same with Ubuntu? Are there more complaints about driver/program issues with the 64-bit version?
How is the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit Ubuntu? I know on Windows 64-bit has been the way to go for years, but is this case the same with Ubuntu? Are there more complaints about driver/program issues with the 64-bit version?

64bit is fine
linux has 64bit JAVA and 64bit FLASH so you can actually use a 64bit browser.
drivers are fine as well. Plus the emul compatibility for 32bit apps (like games) is also fine.
64bit is fine
linux has 64bit JAVA and 64bit FLASH so you can actually use a 64bit browser.
drivers are fine as well. Plus the emul compatibility for 32bit apps (like games) is also fine.

Wow. An actual post without you being asshat-ish. Bravo. Might wanna edit your post before this one so you don't sound like such an ass up there.
Wow. An actual post without you being asshat-ish. Bravo. Might wanna edit your post before this one so you don't sound like such an ass up there.

When a legitimate question is posted or when the presence of FUD is minimized I will respond to topics as required.

IF a post is full of FUD then it will get sarcasm simple as that. but hey don't let facts stop you acting like a dick and jumping on the bandwagon ...
When a legitimate question is posted or when the presence of FUD is minimized I will respond to topics as required.

IF a post is full of FUD then it will get sarcasm simple as that. but hey don't let facts stop you acting like a dick and jumping on the bandwagon ... Azhar basically talking about how good Linux is him spreading FUD? Right.


nice looking win7...

No, THAT'S spreading FUD. GTFO, troll.


Uh, no shit it was in a different thread. A thread from today, and a post of yours from today. FUD in one thread is still FUD, no matter which thread it's in.

/b/? Wow. Just wow...ha ha! I've been waiting to do this for a WHILE, so I guess it's time...

...blocked. (ignored) :)
wow someone suffered from some butthurt
You seem to have a very twisted & misplaced view of what FUD is... You have taken what Azhar stated as "talking about how good Linux YET every fucking point was wrong ergo FUD, go look it up

you use some screenshot, an actual Win7 screenshot as evidence of me spreading +++++++++ Fear, Uncertainty, doom...

I am glad you have me on ignore at least Idon't have to deal with your defamitory statements towards me...

And linux users are the ones with the bad rep...seems to me its the ones that welcome the latest falice shaped OS rammed down their throats that QQ the most and show the most butthurt
wow someone suffered from some butthurt
You seem to have a very twisted & misplaced view of what FUD is... You have taken what Azhar stated as "talking about how good Linux YET every fucking point was wrong ergo FUD, go look it up

you use some screenshot, an actual Win7 screenshot as evidence of me spreading +++++++++ Fear, Uncertainty, doom...

I am glad you have me on ignore at least Idon't have to deal with your defamitory statements towards me...

And linux users are the ones with the bad rep...seems to me its the ones that welcome the latest falice shaped OS rammed down their throats that QQ the most and show the most butthurt

I bet I can Google Linux error prompts as well as you can :rolleyes:

Once again my info isn't FUD, it's simply outdated. As I and a few others stated, you can correct people without being an asshole. It's not that hard. You should try it sometimes.
I bet I can Google Linux error prompts as well as you can :rolleyes:

Once again my info isn't FUD, it's simply outdated. As I and a few others stated, you can correct people without being an asshole. It's not that hard. You should try it sometimes.
QQ more and check history hypocrite
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