App Store Opens Special Education Section

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Apple has added a new special ed section to the App store. I know the whole place may have felt like that before, but I assure you this is a new feature.

Audrey Watters reports in Read Write Web: “Some educators have found the iPad in particular to be well-suited for Special Education programs, as it can provide multiple paths for engagement and expression for struggling learners and special needs students.”
Users will be able to choose between the traditional touch interface and a new tongue lick system of control.

Helmet mount sold seperately.
As someone with years of experience in education IT, I have to say that special ed was always one of the iPad's (and other tablets') obvious applications. Having seen the impact of a single touch-based interactive whiteboard on a special ed classroom, it's obvious to me that tablets are the future of education for children who can't function in normal classrooms.

Early education is also a field where they would make great tools. Children learning to read and write could benefit greatly from the interactive tablet.

Older kids would benefit more, I think, from netbooks and other devices that provide more sophisticated software and interfaces.
Early education is also a field where they would make great tools. Children learning to read and write could benefit greatly from the interactive tablet.

Can't write on an iPad, not by modern standards. Remember if you need a pen, you've failed.;)
Too much money is spent on special education. People need to man up and just give them the easy manual labor jobs.
Too much money is spent on special education. People need to man up and just give them the easy manual labor jobs.

No such thing as easy manual labor.. even bagging groceries isn't easy if you aren't that smart.
Man, I haven't visited [H] forums in years. Good to see that they've regressed to making fun of the handicapped.

It's all fun and games until one of your kids has Down's or Asberger's, and the only way to communicate with them meaningfully is through a tablet.
Man I havent visited this thread in 10 minutes. Good to see we still have trolls that have regressed to complaining about whatif's yet still posting in the thread.

"Don't like it fine? It cost you nothing, pay us no mind."
Man, I haven't visited [H] forums in years. Good to see that they've regressed to making fun of the handicapped.

It's all fun and games until one of your kids has Down's or Asberger's, and the only way to communicate with them meaningfully is through a tablet.

Apple set themselves up for this.
Man, I haven't visited [H] forums in years. Good to see that they've regressed to making fun of the handicapped.

It's all fun and games until one of your kids has Down's or Asberger's, and the only way to communicate with them meaningfully is through a tablet.

Nah, Apple users are being made fun the expense of the handicapped. I wouldn't call it regression either; it has been years since someone had the balls to do what In Living Color did with handicap jokes. I suppose South Park does it pretty well too.
Nah, Apple users are being made fun the expense of the handicapped. I wouldn't call it regression either; it has been years since someone had the balls to do what In Living Color did with handicap jokes. I suppose South Park does it pretty well too.

That show was so good. I miss Jim Carrey.
From a father of an autistic son; I have been scraping and trying my hardest to purchase one of the Ipads for my son, but $500 is a lot to swallow.

It is truly great to see Apple taking this seriously, watching my son have such a [H]ard time with life in general and then seeing him use a computer it brings tears to my eyes.

I realize the Ipad is a joke among power users, but for special needs children, it is nothing short of a miracle watching what they have accomplished since these have been released.

He loves helping me "fix" computers for people, you need to watch him like a hawk though, within minutes he can disassemble cases, he is handy with a screwdriver!
