Apple Acknowledges iOS 10 Security Flaw


Aug 20, 2006
iOS 10 has a security flaw that allows hackers to crack passwords 2,500 times faster. Apple is working on a fix, but for now, the company recommends that users ensure their devices are protected with strong passwords.

“We’re aware of an issue that affects the encryption strength for backups of devices on iOS 10 when backing up to iTunes on the Mac or PC. We are addressing this issue in an upcoming security update. This does not affect iCloud backups,” an Apple spokesperson said. “We recommend users ensure their Mac or PC are protected with strong passwords and can only be accessed by authorized users. Additional security is also available with FileVault whole disk encryption.”
I figure that this is more of an iTunes-related issue than an iOS-related issue. More than likely we're going to be seeing iTunes version 12.5.2 coming soon. iTunes does the backup of the data, not iOS. iOS simply feeds iTunes the data during a backup and iTunes packages it up.
Doesn't affect iCloud backups this time, so I guess there won't be a Fappening 2.0 any time soon. But I recall that actually had more to with Apple's joke of a "forgot your password?" system at the time, now that I think about it.

Doesn't affect iCloud backups this time, so I guess there won't be a Fappening 2.0 any time soon. But I recall that actually had more to with Apple's joke of a "forgot your password?" system at the time, now that I think about it.


From what I remember, it was that there was no real security in place for brute forcing that was the real issue.
Doesn't affect iCloud backups this time, so I guess there won't be a Fappening 2.0 any time soon. But I recall that actually had more to with Apple's joke of a "forgot your password?" system at the time, now that I think about it.


There was The Fappening and then The Fappening Second Coming aka fappaning2 already...
It's always why I wait until August to get the last revision of the operating system before the new iOS comes out.