Apple Approves Of Shaking Babies

What I find hysterical and amazing is that Apple rejected the GL Boobie shaker app... but allowed this.

Polygon boobies in a swimsuit that jiggle when you move the iPhone (and that's ALL it does) is too risque? Wow.

Going by the average sexual orientation of males who hang out at the Apple stores, I would say most of them would find jiggling boobies to be offensive. That may be (most likely) why it was banned. ;)

This is just another form of DRM - some way for a company to tell people how they can and can't use property they own. :p
Interesting. They will pull an app because it's controversial and they get tons of complaints about it, but yet they sure as slow as molasses in dealing with the actual issues with their iPhone amidst waves of complaints.
All that commotion over that?? LoL!! I could see how this could be disturbing to some people if they used real baby pictures, but this? Its a freaking sketch............

I think its a stupid app, but to be in outrage over this?? I have seen cartoons and video games more violent than this......

Man this country is getting soft.
Well, if you have ever attended a post-mortem examination of an infant who was shaken by its care giver, you would not be making jokes about this topic. These case tear your heart out; seeing those little angels of God spraed out on the metal table. Crimes against children are not something to be joked about. Grow up people!!!!!
All that commotion over that?? LoL!! I could see how this could be disturbing to some people if they used real baby pictures, but this? Its a freaking sketch............

I think its a stupid app, but to be in outrage over this?? I have seen cartoons and video games more violent than this......

Man this country is getting soft.

my thoughts exactly... people either need a sense of humor and/or to realize that NOBODY (besides themself) cares that their offended. To keep from derailing the thread I'll leave it at that

this goes for any and everything... not just a stupid piece of software. Hearing how this group and that group are "offended" about [____] is getting really old... no one cares about your cause
i dont give a $33T about that app. I want video rec!!!!!! bluetooth schering!!!! I want to use Iphone like usb storage!!!! landscape keybord!!! copy paste!!! and much more just like my old 3 year old cell phone !!!!!
apple = F****** MO***S!!!!!
Well, if you have ever attended a post-mortem examination of an infant who was shaken by its care giver, you would not be making jokes about this topic. These case tear your heart out; seeing those little angels of God spraed out on the metal table. Crimes against children are not something to be joked about. Grow up people!!!!!

Ya gotta cut the guys up here some slack. They lack empathy, their souls sucked dry by their 1337 gaming rigs and awesome overclocks. The only love they know is the loving glow of their awesome 30" LCDs.
i dont give a $33T about that app. I want video rec!!!!!! bluetooth schering!!!! I want to use Iphone like usb storage!!!! landscape keybord!!! copy paste!!! and much more just like my old 3 year old cell phone !!!!!
apple = F****** MO***S!!!!!

Might I recommend you start with an English textbook. :p
Going by the average sexual orientation of males who hang out at the Apple stores, I would say most of them would find jiggling boobies to be offensive. That may be (most likely) why it was banned. ;)

This is just another form of DRM - some way for a company to tell people how they can and can't use property they own. :p

Yeah, but sexual orientation of males who hang out at an apple store implies that they have vaginas.
So its ok to kill little girls (Bioshock), but an app for shaking babies is over the line? Really? I in no way condone shaking babies, but I also do not condone killing little girls, but I did enjoy the GAME Bioshock. Its just a game...cmon...
Well, if you have ever attended a post-mortem examination of an infant who was shaken by its care giver, you would not be making jokes about this topic. These case tear your heart out; seeing those little angels of God spraed out on the metal table. Crimes against children are not something to be joked about. Grow up people!!!!!

shaking a phone <> shaking a real baby. Learn to separate real life from a fucking phone.
oh man... heaven forbid any of us ever played a videogame and killed someone.

pull gta off the market.


jk lol
Guys guys when we played cowboys and Indians as children WE WERE ACTUALLY SHOOTING REAL BULLETS AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!
and just really bad shots...

honestly the game wasn't that good, its offensive (but who cares...) and was only really funny in context

but hey, someone had to do it!
... Shaking a baby violently till it dies it disturbing. ytf would anyone want to make a game of it? I can't imagine this being fun ...

Shooting people until they die is disturbing. yet would anyone want to make a game of it? I can't imaging this being fun

I was going to reply with something witty, but TF2 is calling my name...
To the people who are offended: This application is a good for awareness, Just like how PETA made their own version of Cooking Mama!

If people had not made humor out of this "serious" topic, you would not have had the chance to bitch at them for doing so.

But I think you people are missing the point, This game can be seen as satire, and satire is both funny and offending. Just like A Modest Proposal By Jonathan Swift who suggests that the poor should have babies to sell to the rich for consumption(EATING BABIES!!!! OMFGFOMFGFOMG!!!)

And to think I might have started sounding intelligent :p

The End
no app should be ever removed no matter who it offends.

I'm sure Apple doesn't care who they are offending. I'll bet that this one app (of the thousands of iPhone apps) just slipped through the cracks and wasn't throroughly reviewed before release. Apple only really cares about their corporate image, and shaking babies doesn't fit in with it. That's why it was removed.

Before you guys get all upset over "censorship," think about this: All web sites restrict something. WoW won't let you post profanity, or even the word "rape" (funny when it's in the middle of a word). Software piracy is a verboten topic in these very forums. Sex and politics shouldn't be discussed in polite company (i.e. everywhere but the Internet). Some guy walks down the street nude, he is quickly removed. Some things are just inappropriate and need to be dealt with.
I'm really getting sick of all these limp wristed liberals, ( I don't mean gays) bitching about how those who aren't offended should grow up. it's only the idealistic world of a child to think no one should be allowed to hurt their feelings.
Maybe it's less about shaking babies and more about trying to cause somebody to accidentally drop their iPhone so they have to buy a new one. :D

And this is probably THE REASON why Apple approved of this app. Everyone's got a Blackberry or iPhone. Sales are stagnating. They're hoping people would break their iPhone and buy a new one ;-)
To the people who are offended: This application is a good for awareness, Just like how PETA made their own version of Cooking Mama!

If people had not made humor out of this "serious" topic, you would not have had the chance to bitch at them for doing so.

But I think you people are missing the point, This game can be seen as satire, and satire is both funny and offending. Just like A Modest Proposal By Jonathan Swift who suggests that the poor should have babies to sell to the rich for consumption(EATING BABIES!!!! OMFGFOMFGFOMG!!!)

And to think I might have started sounding intelligent :p

The End

This. If you pussys really are getting offended by this app I suggest you learn the line between reality and the interwebz please.
I must be dyslexic. The acronym for that group read SNOBS before I took a second look at it.
I mean, no one has pointed out that you are shaking UGLY babies to death. I'm sure it would make more sense if there were CUTE babies that you could swipe to the side.
[UPS] Sorce;1034008700 said:
Kratos' mother isn't in the series, actually.

He accidentally kills Athena, been a while since I played the game and hazily remembered (incorrectly) that she revealed she was his mother. Athena's mother is one of the Titans, so that probably influenced my recollection...

Agh yes forgive me. I forgot that kratos does not really axe his wife AND daughter. I forgot that the titans are really not incestous whores. I forgot that kratos makes it to the afterlife to slay the souls there (chains of Olympus).

Your self righteousness is downright evangelical (in a evangelist "organized cult...errr I mean religion)!!!!

Perhaps you forgot the ;) at the end. :)

While the post was indeed mostly snark, it still has its point... Ares had tricked Kratos (in his bloodlust) into killing his wife and child by disguising them. (Remember, Ares sends Kratos to another dimension where you, as Kratos, are supposed to PROTECT your wife and child by clones of yourself, thinking it was a chance at redemption when it was really just another mindfuck by Ares.) Given all that Kratos does, yes, a lot of it quite gruesome and horrendous... I've still yet to see any specific example of his atrocities that equal shaking a baby until it dies... snark or no snark.
I have to admit that when I first read this article I was offended. Those of you without kids can't relate but as a parent, whenever you see an image or read about kids getting hurt, even if it is fake, it makes you think of that happening to your child. It's not based on reality but on instinct as a parent which is quite normal. It's easy to see who does and who doesn't have children in this thread. But then reality settles in and I remembered that freedom of speech does not mean your feelings won't get hurt.

I think you pretty much summed everything up. I doubt that anyone defending the app even has children. Is it illegal? No. Tasteless? Without a doubt. But yet they feel the need to come flex their tiny epeen by insulting anyone who criticizes the app. At what point does someone draw the line? Is it ok for the KKK to have a minority-killing app on the phone? Perhaps something that lets budding dictator wanna-bes gas innocent people? Mass Pain Olympics minigames for man-hating lesbians?
I think you pretty much summed everything up. I doubt that anyone defending the app even has children. Is it illegal? No. Tasteless? Without a doubt. But yet they feel the need to come flex their tiny epeen by insulting anyone who criticizes the app. At what point does someone draw the line? Is it ok for the KKK to have a minority-killing app on the phone? Perhaps something that lets budding dictator wanna-bes gas innocent people? Mass Pain Olympics minigames for man-hating lesbians?

Yes, it's ok for all of those games to exist. If I wanted to, I could fir up steam and play a game where I kill Koreans (Crysis), kill Germans and Soviets (COD), kill various people of all races (Manhunt, GTA), and so on.

We still live in a society where thinking a bad thought isn't the same as acting on it. So while it is tasteless to play a game where you shake a baby, or are part of the KKK, or go around killing people in wars, it is still very legal, as well it should be. Don't like it? Don't play it. However, it is not your role in the world to tell people what games should and should not exist.
This app should be updated. In V2, every time you shake the baby, and it dies, you get one of the dead babies jokes. Then it would actually serve a purpose.

What's more fun than strapping a baby to a clothesline and then spinning it around at 200km/h?
Stopping it with a shovel.
Thats a crap, poor idea, poorly implemented.

Now, If the idea was extended to pictures of models (no not babies, hotties) and you had to shake their clothes of. That would be something else!

I'd have a go at it myself but I don't have any models handy that are willing to take their clothes off :(
Like most, [H] took this time to put words in their mouth. They dont approve of, "Shaking Babies". They never even said that, so lets stop being ignorant. Its a shaker, that makes noise, for babies. Possibly one of the oldest of "toys" for babies.
Like most, [H] took this time to put words in their mouth. They dont approve of, "Shaking Babies". They never even said that, so lets stop being ignorant. Its a shaker, that makes noise, for babies. Possibly one of the oldest of "toys" for babies.

Wow. You tried too hard to just fail.

An app. That has a sketch of a baby. That cries and won't stop until you shake it, killing it and putting red X's on its eyes.

And you're trying to convince us that it's an app that makes noise for babies? You're gonna give an iPhone for a baby to shake and put in its mouth? That's a pretty expensive shaker there...
I'm really getting sick of all these limp wristed liberals, ( I don't mean gays) bitching about how those who aren't offended should grow up. it's only the idealistic world of a child to think no one should be allowed to hurt their feelings.
