Asus a bit over the top? Asus StarIce

I saw it in a picture mounted on a motherboard cause I thought it was a joke about the cooling needs of cpu's today. lol guess a was wrong.
it would be funny to see it moded to look like a keg. :p
How that thing is that huge AND it doesn't cool well unless on full blast is beyond me, and even then it's not better than stock cooler (which weighs substantially less)....yeah, okay, I'm running right out and buying 10 of these :rolleyes:
Despite its poor performance, people at lan parties would "ooooohhh and aaaaaahhh" at it since it looks "cool" (should I say "different, instead?) :rolleyes:

Asus has it listed on their website. Looked like a crap idea. I mean it looks like a badly put together Thermaltake Tower (but smaller) with some crappy keg shell and a fan blowing on it. Plus it's got uber gay cycling lights!!! :eek:

Well Tom's Hardware was rather gentle from their review. From what I read of it the thing looked like it cooled worse than the boxed Intel Cooler. Plus it had to be run at insane speeds in order to accomplish that. Plus the damn thing was noisy. As far as I am concerned it's a piece of crap.

It's about as functional as 9 foot wings and fart pipes on Civics.
for some reason, after i saw this product...i got really pissed off.

so typical of companies throwing shit to consumers. i am sure they tested it and found out it was a POS. the guy who made this must be a complete idiot and should be fired.
It looks a lot like the Thermaltake towers. Almost to the point where I think this is a slightly modified and rebadged Thermaltake. And that's not a good thing. It even performs like a Thermaltake! :p
It looks rather fun acctually, seems to perform badly though.

One reason might be that it can be mounted to blow hot air into the middle of the case not towards the exhaust fan.
At least that is the way it would be mounted on a A8V iirc.
It is WORSE than a stock cooler. Why is the post this long? Its possible the worst Heatsink fan made EVER for its price.
Toad21 said:
It is WORSE than a stock cooler. Why is the post this long? Its possible the worst Heatsink fan made EVER for its price.

Yes but it looks cool :)
It looks like there are many places on the heatsink that lack proper thermal contact.

Just another manufacturer cashing in on the PC ricer market :rolleyes:
hehe I can actually imagine my computer next to someone with that and a celeron at a lan. He'll be like vr00m vr00m and set his to high and then I'll set my 120 mm fan on my thermalright xp-120 to high and we benchmark. Of course I win ;)
I don't like Tom's benching methods. Why can't they use plain old temps instead of this thermal resistance crap? I don't understand it. They tested a bunch of 775 coolers awhile back and said none was as good as a boxed heatsink. They used this thermal resistance stuff then too. Also, they never test good heatsinks, like the XP-90 or XP-120, so that I can see their thermal resistance.

The main problem I can see with the ASUS StarIce is that it won't get any air flow to the mosfets, which get really hot on a prescott system. They must have airflow. I didn't notice Toms mentioning that though.
Jonsey said:
I don't like Tom's benching methods. Why can't they use plain old temps instead of this thermal resistance crap? I don't understand it.

Because measuring thermal resistance actually measures the efficiency of the unit, unlike listing temps. If i put my computer outside, I could probably get 20C load temps. What does that tell you about my cooling system?
Companies need to learn that bigger aint better and that LED's on HSFs are ghey. I mean, the best air HSF ever made was the SP-94, it beats the XP-120 and the lot, and its tiny compared to this new POS asus one. Asus should learn to stick to mobos and leave cooling alone.

Side Note: That thing hits friggin 65db, thats more than 120delta ffs, so lame.
Strap a paper bag on the end with a rubber band, make a battery pack for the power and voila, instant portable vacuum cleaner!
only thing that could potentially save it is the fact it looks like it could be ducted quite well to get external air direct to the heatsink. Other than that it's huge, cheesy, and sucks as a cooler.

as a joke you could get that thing and put one of those whiney spin whistlest to the end and it would sound like a jet engine.
Or, if you have a hole/window on the side of your case, put your case on its side (with the starice facing down), use LOTS of uberthin nylon string to hang your case from the ceiling and say it's the fan ;)
zer0signal667 said:
Because measuring thermal resistance actually measures the efficiency of the unit, unlike listing temps. If i put my computer outside, I could probably get 20C load temps. What does that tell you about my cooling system?

The thermal resistance numbers are useless because they give you no idea how they are calculated or what they mean.

Contrast that to how does their heatsink ratings. They too give a rating (they call it C/W), but they explain what a number like ".18" means:

First, understand what C/Ws are telling you: The difference between a kit with a C/W of 0.30 and 0.35 is 5 C at 100 watts under stress. At 50 watts, it's half that. Closely ranked kits may show little or no difference at the desktop.

Then they include this handy chart for a CPU of 100 watts:

CT... 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
40 C 55 C 60 C 65 C 70 C
35 C 50 C 55 C 60 C 65 C
30 C 45 C 50 C 55 C 60 C
25 C 40 C 45 C 50 C 55 C
20 C 35 C 40 C 45 C 50 C

Where CT is case temp and the decimal numbers are C/W ratings.
So, theoretically, knowing the wattage of your processor and case temp, you could calculate your processor temp based on the C/W rating.

Toms doesn't give you any other info other than "lower is better."
Looks like a piece of crap. Sorry, but what the heck was Asus thinking when they distributed this? I would be embarrased to be caught with that thing!

Let me spend $50 so I can downgrade my cooling ability :p
HEY, come on man! Who cares about cooling ability, underclock your processor if you have to. It's all about style ! :p
who in the fuck comse up with this crap??? amazing to think about the time and production costs and it cant beat a stock cooler. I would fire the dickhead who came up with the idea.
I bet somewhere, somehow, there's some computer geek reading this thread and is starting to crawl under his desk... :p
2Fresh said:
who in the fuck comse up with this crap??? amazing to think about the time and production costs and it cant beat a stock cooler. I would fire the dickhead who came up with the idea.

LMAO, I know what you mean :D
Despite its name, the StarIce cooler from Asus does not deliver subzero temperatures. To keep the CPU cool more than just marginally, the device has to spin for all it's worth. This makes a racket, which we think is too much. Then there's the whistling from the cooler at low speeds, which is not exactly conducive to concentrated work.

welcome to air cooling

just not worth it IMO.,. my a64 3000+ is at 2.5 right now with a vantec (sunon) tornado 119CFM 57dB... is it loud as hell? of course... i had a thermaltake smartfan on here before.. about 74CFM/46dB.... with the smart fan turned all the way down id crash due to high temps.. with this fan i can turn it all the way down with the nexus fan controller (im assuming the lowest is 6 volts), and im totally stable to do all the simple stuff like post this thread :D.. knowing that this huge fan asus made still makes a noise at its lowest setting just makes me want to cry

im just curious to see a noise and airflow rating
omg does that fit in a shuttle? lol

looks almost as big AS a shuttle hahaha
sweet! that is just the cooler i was looking for, i just ordered one from newegg. thanks for the link!