ASUS M4A88T-I Deluxe AMD 880G Mini ITX

My lame setup for now,

A few closer looks



So Dimms :(

Clearance is good with this heatsink, Cooler Master TX3


Sorry for not having in photography skills, but I got to use a really nice camera!

I love this board. Very nice options for how small it is. Only con is it runs kinda hot, Maybe its because Im using the Intergrated Video for now, but the north/southbridge heatsink was very hot to the touch so I put a fan on it. The mosfets also run hot too, need to find some heatsinks for those.

AMD Athlon II X4 630 @ Stock
Cooler Master TX3 with AC5
2x2gb Hyundia
30GB OCZ Vertex SSD
500GB Seagate
Soon I will get a GTX 460 or maybe something stronger, and a SG07, then I will be set. I might put it all into a little shoe box or something until then.
I like your little pc, especially how the heatsink is like 3/4 the size. :p
I am also a member of the "ASUS M4A88T-I Deluxe" club. I Will try to snap some pictures & Get them up, but here is what I am running.

ASUS M4A88T-I Deluxe
AMD Phenom II x2 555 Black Edition > Unlocked to Phenom II x4 B55 & Then under clocked & under volted to 2.8 Ghz
Cooler currently is the stocker from a Phenom II x6 1055t
2x 2GB Kingston HyperX 1866 SODIMM's
MSI Hawk HD5830 1gb
Antec 300 ATX case until I get a smaller video card & The Lian Li PC-q11 gets released

The only con I can really see is the 95w TDP, But since I prefer power savings over raw power anyway its not a big deal. I Dont see the Sodimm's as being a real con since the premium isnt huge (the same memory, but in standard size is 116 compared to the 120 for the sodimms). The only downside of the sodimms is that there is a lower selection, However I think that as time goes on we will see more & more enthusiast grade sodimms.
Nope.. I am waiting for the Lian Li PC-Q11

I had the q07, but it cant hold shot for video cards, but I loved the case size. So the q11 being able to hold a 460 or a 5770 is what I went mitx for..
Ah, I already have a SG05, and am waiting on Thuban X6 95W CPU to hit retail before I decide. I am going to upgrade my Dad's SG02 mATX e7200 to something better (something with a real GPU, and not some Intel DX8 IGP), so this is what this mITX build I am planning will likely go to.

How well does the integrated WiFi work? Does it have any sort of connectivity issue?
My wireless works great. Great speeds, havent had any lag in Source like I did on my linksys usb. It is wireless N.
the wireless is connected by usb right? shoul it possibile to connect another usb port bracket instead the wi-fi adapter?
the wireless is connected by usb right? shoul it possibile to connect another usb port bracket instead the wi-fi adapter?

It's connected via a custom link on the motherboard, that looks like a very short PCI slot (but I am sure it isn't a PCI slot).
It's connected via a custom link on the motherboard, that looks like a very short PCI slot (but I am sure it isn't a PCI slot).

it's not connected here?
can you see in this picture the internal connector under the "usb78" called "usb910_wfg", that I thought was about the wifi adapter

it's not connected here?
can you see in this picture the internal connector under the "usb78" called "usb910_wfg", that I thought was about the wifi adapter


It is connected there, I was looking at an overhead image and counted 6 pins and immediately threw out any possibility of an USB port... :(

I'll only know if I buy one, so this will end up being a question for ASUS AM3 mITX owners.
when I will sell my actual mini itx pc, 'cause I need money :D
I'm also waiting for september, cause I would like to put inside a phenom X6 1055t 95w ;)
Oh sweet! Hopefully by then I will have a case and a vid card for mine.
uhmm...from asus site remove the amd phenomII 1055t 125w from the "cpu support list", and now remains only 95w version... :(
Like this board for an allround student pc... but im wondering what brand of wireless lan is included ?
Yep just looked in Device Manger and its Ralink. I just got everything into a SG07. Waiting on 90 degree sata cables so I can close her up!
I was thinking that as well. What are the height restrictions because if the SO-Dimms
Well I'm finally putting my money where my mouth is and pulled the trigger on this board and 2x2gb kingston ddr3 1866 memory for it. Gonna order the am3 bracket for my h50 and see if I can squeeze it into a q08.
Very nice! Loving my board right now. Gonna try and see if I can get an X6 to put in it.
I am also a member of the "ASUS M4A88T-I Deluxe" club. I Will try to snap some pictures & Get them up, but here is what I am running.

ASUS M4A88T-I Deluxe
AMD Phenom II x2 555 Black Edition > Unlocked to Phenom II x4 B55 & Then under clocked & under volted to 2.8 Ghz.

You pretty much made it into the CPU I just ordered, x4 555 BE. It is 125tdp but I figured underclocked and undervolted a bit it would run. If it doesn't I can trade it.

What voltage do you have it at now? I also have an old Opteron heatsink, the copper pipe, and will use that.

BTW does it boot straight into windos or do you have to acknowledge that it is a cpu that uses more than the 95tdp. Read somewhere that you have to press f1 or something similar.

You pretty much made it into the CPU I just ordered, x4 555 BE. It is 125tdp but I figured underclocked and undervolted a bit it would run. If it doesn't I can trade it.

What voltage do you have it at now? I also have an old Opteron heatsink, the copper pipe, and will use that.

BTW does it boot straight into windos or do you have to acknowledge that it is a cpu that uses more than the 95tdp. Read somewhere that you have to press f1 or something similar.


x4 555 BE????? There isn't a x4 555 BE as far as I know. Its a x2 555 BE & thats actually the chip I have. Just fully unlocked. Also no I don't have that message after I underclocked/undervolted it. I Did before hand though when it was running at stock b55 (3.2Ghz).
I know this is probably ridiculous, but what are the downsides to using too-high a TDP CPU? Would an X6 (125W) work in this board at all (water cooling is an option)?
I know this is probably ridiculous, but what are the downsides to using too-high a TDP CPU? Would an X6 (125W) work in this board at all (water cooling is an option)?

I think it has more to do with the amount of power consumed, not the actual heat generated.
I have seen people use x6 125w, just need heatsinks on the mosfets. They get toooo hot.
I have seen people use x6 125w, just need heatsinks on the mosfets. They get toooo hot.

If you attempt to overclock the Onboard video to play SC2 while you wait for the AMD 6k series to drop it gets too hot also.. Overclocked like a champ till it shut itself down.
If you attempt to overclock the Onboard video to play SC2 while you wait for the AMD 6k series to drop it gets too hot also.. Overclocked like a champ till it shut itself down.
Oh god it gets sooo hot haha. Yeah wouldn't recommend doing that unless there is a direct fan on it or a different heatsink.
Oh god it gets sooo hot haha. Yeah wouldn't recommend doing that unless there is a direct fan on it or a different heatsink.

Yea there isnt.. I am just trying to get by without buying another high dollar card.. My next thing is that I am going to buy a 4350 & run hybrid CrossFireX. Thats about a 35 dollar investment & it will hopefully get me atleast enough uumph to play on medium with my reduced res.
I have seen people use x6 125w, just need heatsinks on the mosfets. They get toooo hot.

That's what I figured. I'll probably just stick with my X4 955 since its over the TDP anyways, and I can just grab some small copper heatsinks for the vregs. Plus I have it undervolted at stock by about 0.1v so it should work.
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