Asus P5Q Deluxe or Gigabyte EP45-DS4?


Mar 16, 2007
Those are about only available reasonably priced motherboards with right features.
(third "big" PCIe slot for x4 operation without halving speed of primary/graphic card's slot)

Asus seems to be good safe choise but what reviews there are for Gigabyte's P45 boards they seem to be possibly faster.
CPU will be either Q9450 or Q9550 and intention is to overclock it what it goes without major voltage increase.
I haven't used the Gigabyte, but I have owned the p5q deluxe for a few months now and I have never been happier with a motherboad purchase. I have a rock-stable overclock with my q6600 at 3.6Ghz (450x8) and I haven't had a hitch with it.

Highly recommended.
P5Q Dlx has some nasty vDIMM overvolt problems, mine was at .08v above the BIOS setting. It also didn't seem to like ratios other than 1:1 past 425 FSB

I haven't tried the EP45...I can't get past the horrid color scheme