AT&T Sues Louisville To Make City Less Attractive To Google Fiber

As a Louisville resident, I just hope like hell they hurry. My Time Warner cable service is honestly very good, but I want AT&T driven from the area. They're a cancer
Right now we are on the poles for one of the local power companies, they needed to put up new poles that are 15 feet back from where they are now. They didn't just move our fiber from the old poles to the new poles by taking out the slack and moving the fiber over to the new poles. They told us they needed us to move the fiber to the new pole lineup and gave us a time frame for when it needs to be done. Currently we think it can just be moved, however we might need to cut the fiber and splice in about 25 feet.

I'm in a Verizon area here, and I've seen a few areas where the PoCo moved their pole a few years back, and Verizon still hasn't moved their lines over. It's gotten to the point where the township has had to keep sending letters to the PUC to try and get the lines moved so the poles can be removed from the ROW. But that does answer a question I've always had, if there isn't enough slack how do they move it. Splicing, makes sense, which is probably why Verizon hasn't moved their lines yet, you can tell they're all pretty tight in relation to the other poles.