At what time does Newegg put up the 285s?

i was going to buy one of this but after seeing the price think i will buy old one congrats nvidia for gay pricing methodology oced gtx 285 is only 90 dolar cheaper than gtx 295 haha
Damn just as with the gtx 295 when it just came out I can't find it on newegg. Can someone post me links to the other 285s besides the EVGA and BFG? I'd really appreciate it.
i was going to buy one of this but after seeing the price think i will buy old one congrats nvidia for gay pricing methodology oced gtx 285 is only 90 dolar cheaper than gtx 295 haha

True man it's very expensive. I'll probably still just get 2 280s for sli.
What a strange pricing system.
Are they planning price cuts? I mean the 260 and 280 should move down a price point, and the 285 occupy the 280's original price?

That would be amazing.
not everytime but its basically two gtx 260 280 hybrids may be not twice performance everywhere but worth the price at least
Yeah the thing with the 295 is u can't go much farther than that since quad sli isn't that good.
Darn, was hoping for $350. I'll pass for now. I have to hand it to ati anyway since they delivered the goods with the 8.12HF/9.1beta drivers anyway. I'll stick with the 4850's until I see 20% movement on prices for these nvidia cards.
285's are now at Newegg, but you knew this now already. :p

I'm going to probably go with the XFX one.
Does the 295 have twice the performance? u sure?
not quite but the gtx295 is within about 10-15% or so from being twice as fast as the gtx280 sli setup. IMO the gtx285 needs to be way more than just 100 bucks cheaper than a gtx295 to make any sense.
not quite but the gtx295 is within about 10-15% or so from being twice as fast as the gtx280 sli setup. IMO the gtx285 needs to be way more than just 100 bucks cheaper than a gtx295 to make any sense.

Where are those numbers from?
I think he meant it was near 280 SLI performance. Not twice as fast..
This is what my post referred to,
not quite but the gtx295 is within about 10-15% or so from being twice as fast as the gtx280 sli setup. IMO the gtx285 needs to be way more than just 100 bucks cheaper than a gtx295 to make any sense.
Notice it doesn't say a quad SLI 295, but the as in one 295.

I was stating what he didn't take as obvious.
This is what my post referred to,

Notice it doesn't say a quad SLI 295, but the as in one 295.

I was stating what he didn't take as obvious.
okay you are confusing me a bit. I posted the link to show that the gtx280 sli setup is only barely quicker than a single gtx295. so that means the new gtx285 looks overpriced compared to the gtx295 since it will essentially be just a little more than half the performance for only 100 bucks less.
Yeah I was thinking of getting one, but not at those prices. I think that is a total rip off. I would have thought maybe $329-349 at the most. And from the numbers I've seen on the 4870 1 gb and the 9.1 beta drivers, the 4870 is only about 10 fps behind the gtx in most games and yet its about $200 cheaper, imo a much much better buy..
Multi-GPU options have way more problems across the board. Theres a reason so many people go back to using single GPU or SLI/Xfire. You get marginally more performance at the very top end out of the X2 and 295, but it makes just about 0 difference to actual gameplay, If you're a benchmarking fiend, then yea, go with the 295/X2, otherwise an SLI or xfire solution with single GPU cards will probably end up being better.
Multi-GPU options have way more problems across the board. Theres a reason so many people go back to using single GPU or SLI/Xfire. You get marginally more performance at the very top end out of the X2 and 295, but it makes just about 0 difference to actual gameplay, If you're a benchmarking fiend, then yea, go with the 295/X2, otherwise an SLI or xfire solution with single GPU cards will probably end up being better.

I believe we must have traveled down the same road :)
yeah if people stop for just a second and use some common sense they should realize that the gtx285 is ridiculously priced especially that model.
I think the term "ridiculously" is overstating it greatly. The GTX 285 pricing starts at $380. A quick check on Newegg shows the 4870 1GB cards are selling for $235-$275 and the 4870x2 sells for $429 on up. The performance of the 285 is right in the middle between these two cards in most games. Perhaps a better price would be $350 but $380 isn't that bad.
I think the term "ridiculously" is overstating it greatly. The GTX 285 pricing starts at $380. A quick check on Newegg shows the 4870 1GB cards are selling for $235-$275 and the 4870x2 sells for $429 on up. The performance of the 285 is right in the middle between these two cards in most games. Perhaps a better price would be $350 but $380 isn't that bad.
yes it is ridiculous considering you can get the gtx295 for only 100 bucks and get nearly twice the performance. hell you can get a 4870 X2 for just 20 bucks more than a gtx285 so I still stand by what I said.
You're cherry picking your pricing and including rebates to prove your point. Most 4870x2's are quite a bit more than $20 above a GTX 285. Plus dual GPU solutions have their own inherent set of problems (microstuttering and extra heat come to mind).
You're cherry picking your pricing and including rebates to prove your point. Most 4870x2's are quite a bit more than $20 above a GTX 285. Plus dual GPU solutions are inherent to their own set of problems (microstuttering and extra heat come to mind).
cherry picking? so what... they are cards that are available and even the regular 4870X2 price is $449. the gtx285 at 380 bucks and above is NOT a very good deal. if you and others think it is then you are having trouble with basic math. I do agree with you on the dual card issues and I too would personally take a single card IF it was at a good price.
yes it is ridiculous considering you can get the gtx295 for only 100 bucks and get nearly twice the performance. hell you can get a 4870 X2 for just 20 bucks more than a gtx285 so I still stand by what I said., double performance is not accurate. Sorry, its just not. In some titles you may see an ~60% increase over the 280(stock) but we have no numbers as of yet on the 285, which at stock is clocked significantly higher than a stock 280.

EVGA 280 stock: 602/1,296/2,200M
EVGA 285 stock: 648/?/2484 - couldn't find the number on the shader clock, double performance is not accurate. Sorry, its just not. In some titles you may see an ~60% increase over the 280(stock) but we have no numbers as of yet on the 285, which at stock is clocked significantly higher than a stock 280.

EVGA 280 stock: 602/1,296/2,200M
EVGA 285 stock: 648/?/2484 - couldn't find the number on the shader clock
well the gtx295 is NEARLY double(about 85%) the performance of a gtx280 so it would still be about 75-80% faster since the gtx285 is just clocked slightly faster than the gtx280.