

May 29, 2006
From the creators of ARK: Survival Evolved comes ATLAS - a massively multiplayer first-and-third-person fantasy pirate adventure. ATLAS will host up to 40,000 players exploring the same Globe simultaneously, with an unprecedented scale of cooperation and conflict! Stake your claim in this endless open world as you conquer territory, construct ships, search for buried treasure, assemble forts, plunder settlements and hire crew to join your powerful growing armada. Start small then expand your spheres of influence from a small island, up to an unstoppable pirate empire that spans across the oceans. Wage battle against enemy fleets as you singlehandedly can command large ships of war using the captaining system (or divide up to the responsibilities among your trusted lieutenants), or take control of any weapon directly with your own character. Dive deep into the briny water to explore permanent sunken wrecks and recover salvage, unearth the loot from procedurally-generated Treasure Maps and challenge zones, or complete challenging main questlines. Team up with other aspiring adventurers and sail into the vast ocean to discover new lands rich with region-specific elements, tame exotic natural and mythical creatures, raid forgotten tombs, confront powerful ancient gods and even build and administer your own colonies, cities, and civilizations to dominate the ATLAS in this ultimate quest for fortune and glory!

MMO On the Grandest Scale

Physically sail in real-time across throughout the vast oceans with the proprietary server network technology. Explorers will voyage to over 700 unique landmasses across 45,000 square kilometers, with thousands of Discovery Zones, and ten distinct world regions each having their own unique resources, creatures, secrets, and environment hazards! There is a separately PVE ATLAS for players who don't wish to play any PVP.

ARK was also visually pleasing... but we all know how that turned out.
Was watching the reveal last night , and it looked like a completed game that Sea of Thieves was the pre-alpha of.

In other words , devs that put effort into it.
Yeah hoping this doesn't turn into Sea of Thieves 2.0, should find out tomorrow - of course it's Early Access, so there's no telling.
This game launches on Steam tomorrow looks to have Pirate themes not sure how the old Pirates vs: Ninjas thing will go.
Has already been delayed several times, and its also from the same folks who made ARK: Survival Evolved.

Wait for the user reviews least.
I have my eyes on this, warily. On the surface it could looks great, like ARK but with a greater MMO style immersion feature... but I am skeptical to see if it won't become a PVP gank-fest; I can only hope they have not only PVE server options but also "Timed Raid PVP" server options. One of the best things Conan Unchained (one of my favorite Survival games of its type) did was including not just full PVE with actual content, but also PVP that was only active during certain days and/or times. You could destroy others constructions and high value items, PVP etc.. but only during certain pre announced server hours (usually during a server's peak play hours), so you didn't log on to find out that someone raided and ruined weeks of work as soon as you logged off last night, or spend all of your online time defending your construction. This is not to say there weren't fully open PVP servers for those who wanted them, but much like full PVE servers, the "limited/timed PVP" was a great feature.

Atlas seems to have NOT released on schedule and there is discussion that streamers and e-celebs are the only ones playing at this point, whereas regular players can't purchase the game. On its possibility alone I'd go in for a copy but I withhold judgment and am cautious, especially as day one doesn't seem like a fantastic start when they aren't selling the game!
I was watching this for a little bit today. It's basically Ark: Boat Edition. Nearly all the mechanics are identical, and I've read that people actually found folders for one of the Ark expansions in the Atlas install lol. It's not necessarily a bad thing since Ark has turned into a decent game over time. I'll have to see more of the "end game" stuff before I decide what to think of the game. If ship battles and stuff are cool, the game might be pretty fun.
Reviews are about on par with Just Cause 4 mainly with login attempts not working people have no right to review early access games like that.
Well this certainly turned into a shitshow...a multifaceted, shit-flinging shitshow. Overwhelmingly Negative reviews on Steam, and not just for connectivity either... Here's a copy of one of the reviews that, if true, really shows how shitty a cashgrab this might be.

"Opened a hidden Ark Menu in the Main Menu screen with a controller. (Go down in the menu til the cursor goes off the screen and press A)

Clicked on "OCEAN" under the list of ARK DLC's.

Clicked on "Start In Singleplayer"

Game booted in a single player mode and threw me into the character creator screen.

This game was originally a DLC planned for ARK, but because all the hardcore ARK players bought the season pass then that means they won't get money, so they released this piece of trash to take as much money from you as possible with little to no effort. Please stay away from this game, don't support the developers.

Well this certainly turned into a shitshow...a multifaceted, shit-flinging shitshow. Overwhelmingly Negative reviews on Steam, and not just for connectivity either... Here's a copy of one of the reviews that, if true, really shows how shitty a cashgrab this might be.

"Opened a hidden Ark Menu in the Main Menu screen with a controller. (Go down in the menu til the cursor goes off the screen and press A)

Clicked on "OCEAN" under the list of ARK DLC's.

Clicked on "Start In Singleplayer"

Game booted in a single player mode and threw me into the character creator screen.

This game was originally a DLC planned for ARK, but because all the hardcore ARK players bought the season pass then that means they won't get money, so they released this piece of trash to take as much money from you as possible with little to no effort. Please stay away from this game, don't support the developers.


Oh boy, I was really looking forward to playing a pirate MMO after the sea of thieves no content was crap.

I know ARK was complete dog crap and I never touched it. When I hard same devs from ARK were making this game I was like uh oh that's not good.

Its a shame they wrecked it , could have been fun.

Why is it that there are just no good MMO's out there? Every single new MMO that comes out is crap! (back to ESO I guess).
Pretty abysmal launch, they should have just delayed it another week or two, I couldn't even connect to a server the first day and a half. They did finally release a patch around 930pm EST last night and I could finally connect. Played around an hour and it was relatively stable. I'll reserve judgement of game play until after tonight.

My god the world really is huge though, had some friends come pick me up and we were on a boat for like 30-40 minutes before we even saw another island on the map... we were relying on the wind with the cheapest boat out there, so it sort of makes sense I guess, considering they said it would take 30 hours to sail the whole map end to end.

It has potential, I'll be interested to see how things progress over the next few weeks/months.

I'd hate to be the devs working on this project.. releasing the weekend before Christmas and those guys were working like 18 hour days trying to just get it functioning for a large portion of the population.
I'm fairly disappointed in what this game turned out to be even for early early access from what I've seen on twitch it looks like a vitamin management game with some boating aspects. Was hoping for something a mix between Rust and Sea of Thieves, with less survival aspects and more exploration and pirating.

I don't see this game allowing you to be a proper pirate. Atleast in Sea of Thieves you can literally go to someone elses ship and stow away stalk them without them even noticing you then plot your ways to rob them and kill them.

As far as I know if you're anywhere even out of their LoS on this game you can see their name so it looks like there won't be any proper, maybe I'm wrong but that's what I'm gathering from watching it on Twitch. It also looks like you need a lot of friends for boat PvP which I don't really have. As a solo Sea of Thieves PvPer this is disappointing.
Pretty abysmal launch, they should have just delayed it another week or two, I couldn't even connect to a server the first day and a half....
Another week or two, more like another month or two. This was clearly rushed out so it would be available for Christmas to try and cash in on holiday sales.

Games like this is why early access needs to not be a thing. Either your game is done and ready to be released or its not, none of this half ass stuff.
So, with Sea of Thieves and Atlas both being dumpster fires does this mean we're stuck relying on Ubisoft to hopefully release at least a half-way decent pirate game?
This game looks so bad it looks fun I bet the developers did that on purpose.
Looks like Studio Wildcard is trying the CIG approach to developing a game. All it needs is a marketplace to buy images of pirate ships for $20 to $2,000.
This really seemed cool based on that trailer. Is the current version early access or are they actually claiming it's the final product? I actually have Sea of Thieves, but haven't really messed with it. Performance suuuuucked at launch and I don't know anyone else who owns it now that I can play it.