AtomicMoose Issues

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Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
On the subject of AtomicMoose and his demodding: This is not a knee-jerk reaction and was rationally discussed by ALL admins here at HardForum and was agreed upon by all admins here. Do not assume you know the entire story and truly it is none of your business. I will say that his demodding is not simply the result of one situation, but rather the culmination of many. That is all you need to know on that.
Well, I am just going to flat out say it, I think it is wrong of you to have posted this. At least to me, it undermines everything Chris did here. Yes, there were issues between him and King, both now, and in the past, but between said issues he was one helluva mod, and an exceptionally great guy. The bottom line was, the issues between him and King needed to stop, and Chris was more expendable than King, given that King runs and in team caption, yadda, yadda, yadda. If that is the way it has to be, then so be it, but it is not fair to try to make Chris look bad for standing up for the team and its best interests.
Mods are here to enforce forum rules, that's it. At least, this is my understanding.

Did Moose cross this line, a few times, yes in my opinion. Did the aspect of team spirit/best interest of the team and such things of that nature influence Moose's actions, I personally thing so.

My guess is none of this matters as it's strictly a matter of forum rule enforcement.

Does King drive me nuts? Yes. Has Moose crossed the line with King in the past? Yes. This time, no.

King wants a medal for coding with notepad near as I can tell. Why use notepad, no clue. Why the web master can't post any news which is not self serving, I don't know.

Posted By: King (Wednesday December 13 2006 - 11:40 PM)

Update regarding new features. Yet, why no mention that the entire UD project was shutdown? Is that not news worthy? Made front page of OCP yet no mention on No news was posted until I made a thread asking WTF is the deal with this.

Point: I pick the guy who posts to rally team spirit, answers the new guys questions and tries to help for the cause- Moose. When is the last time King posted anything which was not negative in nature?

I'm sure there is much that I don't know regarding all this. All I know for sure if this team has grown to stronger levels (in terms of production) with King being quit and Moose being active.

I pick the guy [H]elping for the cause.
Not to jump into the thread. But I didn't understand anything Marty just said.

And while we understand that it is [H] Forum, [H] Team, [H] sub-forum, it does seem very abrupt for such a big action, and no mention of thanks for all the work he HAS done for the team since he came back to us.
Not to jump into the thread. But I didn't understand anything Marty just said.

And while we understand that it is [H] Forum, [H] Team, [H] sub-forum, it does seem very abrupt for such a big action, and no mention of thanks for all the work he HAS done for the team since he came back to us.

Basically, it is pretty obvious that King and Chris have had issues in the past. In the end, King does his work on hardfolding, but every time he visits the forum's, it's almost always unpleasant.

Chris is the one who day in, day out, answered questions, encouraged newbies, and just generally kept spirits high... nevermind all the contests he did work on, and other various things he did to make this team excellent. (For the record, all this applies to Jason also. We had the best damn mods I could have asked for in those two). Basically, when you look in the forums, you see the mods going out of their way to make this place great... not King.

Who would you stand behind?
Kyle, feel free to Brand me, Ban me, or whatever you must.

Enough of this crap of who to stand behind or for.

Moose has done a great job, he put hours, energy and effort into the team that cannot be repaid.

So has King.

They are our teammates. There is no picking between them. We are all a team together, not apart. Sometimes you just have to agree to disagree. Learn from the mistakes. And then move on.

Each one of us who has donated even one work unit to any of the official projects that [H]ard|OCP supports I feel is a very strong member of the [H]ard Community as a whole. We all have worked tirelessly with our machines, energy, time, and money invested in these teams to work towards a common goal of helping humanity. In addition, it brings a lot of people to the forums to check out where the Number One F@H team hangs out, and where the (RIP) Number 10 (should have been number one...) UD team hangs out.

All of our team members have done what we can to make the world a better place to live, and [H]ard|OCP/Forums a wonderful place to hang out.

Let's work to find a solution together.
I share the same sentiment as most of you...

Throughout the last week Chris and I carefully deliberated over how we were going to go forward with a new project. As such all decisions were made together, and I feel equally responsible for what happened. In light of this, I've also requested to be stripped of my moderator duties as I couldn't do it without Chris's support and assistance.
What happened. I am lost.... Damn school makes me miss all the drama...
Posting opinion only here.

Moose has done an excellent job as a mod in DC, and in other forums also.
If there is a disagreement between someone outside the forum with Moose's actions, then the repercussions should be outside the forum.

I've folded here for a *long* time, and Moose has *always* been helpful, from what I can see ethical, and tried to do the best thing for the team and these forums. If that means that he gets demodded, there's something very, very wrong somewhere.
What happened. I am lost.... Damn school makes me miss all the drama...

It more or less stemmed from issues between the mods and King on how a new project should be handled. There is a lot to it that has no business being posted... but that should give you an idea.
p[H]ant0m;1031004642 said:
I've also requested to be stripped of my moderator duties.

Understood for reasoning. but in 50/50 foresight. Where does this leave us as a team?

Are we stepping into a new era similar to following behind DR_K13 with the team held together so loosely it was about to fall apart, with no real direction?
The community is strong, but we need strong leaders that we are loosing today.

I am curious as well, to see how our Illustrious [H]ard|Folding Council feels on these changes, I have seen only BillR being a participant in these recent
threads that will help determine where the team goes.
I don't know what happened, but to demod AtomicMoose is flat out stupid.
He helps other new people when they have issues with starting to fold as so the rest of us. How often does KingN come in here and offer assistance to new folding people, not to often if any. So he codes the HF database, is that about all he does?

Duster is held up with work and life, it should be nice for the person who codes hardfolding to at least post up some news while Duster is gone, like take over until he comes back or till you find a replacement.

The only thing I have seen of late is some tidbit of on Hardfolding:
Posted By: King (Wednesday December 13 2006 - 11:40 PM)

Something about an upgrade to UD, but how about something as of now on the Site, that UD has closed and [H]ard]OCP was in the process of choosing a project to replace UD.

Sorry that is was long, but it's the truth, just my take on why you should not demod Moose.
guys, kyle posted above what he and the admins did "and truly it is none of your business"

it's time for the team to decide what it wants to do with the business of folding

1. Put up and shut up

2. Jump Ship and don't put up with this nonsense
3. Try to make things right.

I think that when you see the attitude of the leadership and the actions of the team owner, his admin and's telling you something.

Ever have your heart broken?.................just happened at [H}
I hold out on aces, loose women, luck, and occasionally things just working the way they should.
I hold out on aces, loose women, luck, and occasionally things just working the way they should.

I can't speak for aces, loose women, or luck... but I can tell you that this shit certainly is not working out the way it should.
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