ATT Captivate: Release Date and Pricing

Well we use a hosted provider who automatically forwards any received emails to the server to that push service, so it is pretty immediate.

Yes but YOUR email client probably only pulls on an interval, no???

Interesting. Here's their return policy though:

However on THIS page, it looks like there will be either $325 ETFs or $150 ETFs, on this page there is no $175 ETF: <<<---- Edit... Maybe they haven't updated this for Captivate yet??

So what the ETF will be on this thing? LOL... Take your pick?

Another question, how well do Android phones keep their value? The iPhone xxx does a pretty good job considering its age, whats the likely hood that in 1 year this phone will still be worth 200 bucks?

Android phones are such a fast moving market its hard to tell I would think.
Well we use a hosted provider who automatically forwards any received emails to the server to that push service, so it is pretty immediate.
I see... And how do you connect to the server that pushes again??? They have an iPhone app with a push notification or something?

Another question, how well do Android phones keep their value? The iPhone xxx does a pretty good job considering its age, whats the likely hood that in 1 year this phone will still be worth 200 bucks?

Android phones are such a fast moving market its hard to tell I would think.
iPhones don't keep their value. I bought my 3GS in February (read: $700 "retail")... I'll be lucky to get half that out of it 5 months later.

Also considering this device will only cost $350 to get it out of contract... Obviously it won't have a high resale like that. Unless ATT is doing this cheap thing as some sort of promotion.
Hmm yeah I guess thats a major part I didnt mention. There is an app that accepts the push notification payload.
Hmm yeah I guess thats a major part I didnt mention. There is an app that accepts the push notification payload.

Well then you'd be SOL if they don't offer an Android version, and you've GOT to have push email...
are you sure the phone is only 350 without contract from at&t? if so I might hold off aria for 350 as my backup phone........
are you sure the phone is only 350 without contract from at&t? if so I might hold off aria for 350 as my backup phone........

That's what ATT has said... Except some people are skeptical about that price, obviously. Believe it when I see the order page.
I don't remember exactly where I read it, but someone said that they called in and a rep confirmed that price. Still taking it with a grain of salt, though, since it sounds too good to be true. I'll keep hoping, though.
I don't remember exactly where I read it, but someone said that they called in and a rep confirmed that price. Still taking it with a grain of salt, though, since it sounds too good to be true. I'll keep hoping, though.

I've confirmed a few different times myself on their FB rep that it'll cost $350. There's also lots of other people asking the same questions... So... It seems like it'll be $350. I just can't believe they would've let it go on that long if it was wrong (TMobile's incorrect pricing got pulled immediately, and if you talked to your reps they would all tell you it would be wrong).

So- I'm optimistic.
That's what ATT has said... Except some people are skeptical about that price, obviously. Believe it when I see the order page.

I say it will be 500 dollars haha. the aria is being sold without contract for 400 with at&t haha. No way this top android phone be 350!
Yeah you got a point, I never checked the Aria's pricing. Most likely it'll be at least what T-Mobile will be offering it for off-contract.
The problem for me is I need Lotus Notes to support Android OS's. Once that gets resolved, I'll jump on the Android phones.
I say it will be 500 dollars haha. the aria is being sold without contract for 400 with at&t haha. No way this top android phone be 350!

Unless they're trying to appeal to those users that are staying away from ATT... Cheap phone, a great Android phone... Both areas MANY people stay away from ATT on.
Epic should be coming in about 2 months (as soon as 1.5 months). I was selected to be the guy who gets the Epic early in my store, should get in in a week or two.

Too bad I have my third interview with AT&T tomorrow...
Thanks for the update. Been using the Touch Vogue with SERO 3 years strong. I can hold out for a bit longer. Hope your interview at att goes well, but keep us posted if you can!
That's an unbelievably impressive price for an impressive phone.

What kind of monthly cost would I be looking at if I were to add one of these to my existing AT&T iPhone plan?
Man I think im sold on the phone.

Im probably going to buy an iphone 4, sell it, buy a captivate and pocket the extra cash.

That is if it is actually $350 bucks.

BTW whats with sprint getting a slide out!?
From what I've been hearing, all of the Galaxy S series feels pretty cheap. Basically heard it was a great screen and a great processor, and that's about it. As soon as I get the Epic in hand, I'll be sure to give out some info, the Vibrant and the Captivate will be out WAY before then.
impossible that this will be 350
where the source again?

The source was AT&T official page on FB. In the comments, someone named Mark asked what the off contract price will be. The AT&T poster replied, "Hi Mark - the Captivate is $199.99 w/ contract, and $349.99 without." It has since been reiterated by the person posting for AT&T numerous times as the correct price and not an error.
Too bad I can't get this as a back up for my iPhone 4 :( as far as I know this is not a micro sim phone right?
Too bad I can't get this as a back up for my iPhone 4 :( as far as I know this is not a micro sim phone right?

All you have to do is call ATT and activate a new sim I think.

Does the captivate come with the google apps? The turn by turn map app?
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That is what I was afraid of, the phone seems awfully locked down? Am I being overly critical?
phone will be rooted soon, on the side note I kind of understand why at&t does that(locking down nonapproved apps) so idiots won't be messing the phone up kind of like the idiots don't know why their phone don't work right because they keep dropping it every hour

why not flash cam tho?
is it really 350?!
same screen as evo?
are htc the only company making android phones now? hah
Just because the Navigation App isn't preinstalled doesn't mean you can't install it from the Market. Probably a ploy from AT&T to get the uninformed into paying for their navigation instead of looking for it on the Android Market.
I understand. Never handled a android.

I guess i am used to the iphone, even though its closed down, I know I have access to what is accessible. Seems like theres a lot of caveats with the Android and ATT.

Phone needs to get released now!!
That is what I was afraid of, the phone seems awfully locked down? Am I being overly critical?
Get the T-Mobile version. It's supposed to be released as early as the 15th. That's the one I'm getting.

Fuck AT&T!!!
I say it will be 500 dollars haha. the aria is being sold without contract for 400 with at&t haha. No way this top android phone be 350!
FYI: WireFly is offering pre-orders for the Vibrant at $149 with new contract. It's $569 without a contract. :eek: I hope it's less than that directly from T-Mobile.
Get the T-Mobile version. It's supposed to be released as early as the 15th. That's the one I'm getting.

Fuck AT&T!!!
If ATT is your only real option though...

FYI: WireFly is offering pre-orders for the Vibrant at $149 with new contract. It's $569 without a contract. :eek: I hope it's less than that directly from T-Mobile.
They won't hope to steal iPhone users if they use that kind of pricing.
About that $350 price, Samsung may have decided to cut AT&T a sweetheart price on the Captivate, so that it would be attractive to AT&T "captive" customers (pun intended).

It's a win for AT&T, they still sell a phone and prevent a customer from going over to the competitors, it's a win for Samsung as they get mindshare, and it's a win for customers as they get a damned nice phone for a really good non-contract price.

And it's a win for Canadian residents, since we can buy one off-contract and use it up here on any of the networks. :)
About that $350 price, Samsung may have decided to cut AT&T a sweetheart price on the Captivate, so that it would be attractive to AT&T "captive" customers (pun intended).

It's a win for AT&T, they still sell a phone and prevent a customer from going over to the competitors, it's a win for Samsung as they get mindshare, and it's a win for customers as they get a damned nice phone for a really good non-contract price.

And it's a win for Canadian residents, since we can buy one off-contract and use it up here on any of the networks. :)

We all know the actual cost on the device is probably $200, so it's still profit for both Samsung and ATT if they did indeed sell it at $350.

I checked ATT's Facebook page and they're still (brand new week, my guess is they've had meetings, etc) saying $350 is official.

I feel sorry for all the international users that were paying $650 for this thing :D

I hope it's really $350. I can deal with "potential" issues if it's only $350. And hell, if it's $350... resale value will SUCK on these things, so it's not even like I'm going to worry about a case to protect the resale value of it.
Now, this probably sounds silly, but couldn't a T-Mo user buy the cheaper captivate and use it on the EM+ plan? Would it still need to be unlocked or rooted? Would T-Mo's 3g network work?
Now, this probably sounds silly, but couldn't a T-Mo user buy the cheaper captivate and use it on the EM+ plan? Would it still need to be unlocked or rooted? Would T-Mo's 3g network work?

The 3G bands are different so you'd only get TMobile's 2G network, but other than that it could be used on TMobile.

And yes, this is part of the reason why I'll "believe it when I see it" price...
Maybe ATT is making enough profit off of it that they won't care if people buy it to use off TMobile?
I currently have an unlimited media net data plan on my basic flip phone. Do you think if i switched to this phone I could go to the unlimited data or would I have to get the 2gb plan?
Sometimes they will let yo keep your existing data plan. I have a $30 unlimited, hopefully I can keep it.