Audio lagging when playing hd dvd


Limp Gawd
Nov 14, 2007
Hi guys,

I have a problem that has come up recently. A while back I had purchased LG's blu-ray/hd-dvd combo drive for my PC so I that I could watch high def movies, and I never had a problem with playback on Windows Vista and Windows 7 Beta. A week ago however, I installed Windows 7 RC, and now for some reason when watching some of my hd-dvds, the audio is in sync with the video at first, but then tends to fall behind a few seconds and I have to keep resetting the dvd to have it sync again. Does anyone know what's up? I've got all my drivers, codecs, and whatnot installed, and I have not done anything different on the Windows 7 RC, than I have with my past windows installations, so this is really bugging me. As far as blu-ray and regular dvd playback goes, I havent really gotten a chance to try them to be honest, but I will when I get home from work today.

All my stuff is HDCP compliant and I'm using an older version of powerdvd that came with my drive to play the content, since the new version doesnt support hd-dvd. Anyway, if anyone has any clue as to why it worked before and is not working now I would greatly appreciate the help.

I'd probably go back to the original state before Win7RC and reinstall everything driver and PowerDVD maybe its because of Win7RC maybe not but it should help to go back and redo everything. Possibly Vista if you can't do Win7 beta but if it worked in beta it should work easily in RC. this is weird.
Do you have the latest build of PowerDVD 7.3 running on Win7? I think it is build 5105 if so this version is known to have this issue with HD-DVD playback. Try to grab 3730a which is suppost to be the best version for HD-DVD playback but you will lose support for newer Blu-ray titles unless you have AnyDVD.
The best version for HD DVD playback is PowerDVD 7.3 v3319a.

For Blu-ray, PowerDVD v8 or v9 work best.

That's how I run my setup under W7 (and Vista) and it works well. You can install both versions side by side with no problems or conflicts.
That worked! thanks a lot guys! I think what may have happened is that I might have had an older build installed on the beta, but the RC might have gotten an update applied automatically or something to make it that 5105 you were talkin about. Works great now. Anyways, thanks again!