Audio Spectrum Display?


Limp Gawd
Jul 2, 2005
Hello folks, does anyone know where one can get a small spectrum analyzer that I could either mount in a 5.25" bay or 2 or something of similar size that could be modded in using custom mounts. I would like it to be independent of the system taking in only power and audio in. The more bling the better :D

I once saw a whole audio "enhancer" bay but that was a bit too simple and the enhancing unit unecessary.
There are alot of do it yourself electronic kits you can buy that will do what you want, I have seen 10x2 LEd kits as well as alot of other smaller ones.
There are alot of others but I lost my bookmarks so I no longer have links.
Thanks for the suggestions, however I was hoping that someone would might know where to find something more "elaborate". Suprisingly, I found a image of something exactly as what I want to do on *gulp* THG:

Nevertheless, that particular display is dependent on the host computer and doesn't do the processing itself so it requires the correct software/audio player to run. I would prefer to find a stand alone display like that led star in Darkala's post except with a more convensional HiFi display (hmm if nothing else is available on the market I just may have to get that and resolder a bargraph display to that star controller)

A lot of car stereos have nifty looking displays, but unfortunately they are too integrated into the players themselves to have any potential salvage value.