Azureus bandwidth cap


Feb 2, 2005
Well, I'm having a problem with Azureus that is making me want to throw a brick at someone.

At the bottom of the window you have lined up the upload and download caps. I know that the more bandwidth you set aside for upload on torrents the more download speed you can get.
The settings I have specified for Azureus' download ceiling is set to unlimited. And my upload is set to 50k. Which I know is damn well enough.
Problem: Whenever I am downloading a torrent I get a problem where me DL speed will shoot up quite high, sometimes up into 300kb/s range. The speed will hang up there for a few seconds and quickly degrade down to the 19kb/s range. And the cap that is shown at the bottom of the window as mentioned earlier, stays at 20kbs down ceiling and 5kbs up ceiling. When I use the bandwidth management at the bottom bar to increase the speed cap of the download, I can click on unlimited, and the download speed will shoot up pretty high and later come back down tho that 20k cap again. I do this to both the upload and download settings. And no matter how many times I try to save the cap settings in the options panel, it still stays there. DL cap at 20kbs and the DL speed at 19.9kbs. same with UL it will stay at 5k cap and will upload at max 4.9.
This problem however has only now recently started to happen after I updated to the new version. I didn't change any settings. just all of a sudden, boom, its starts doing this crap to me.
I know its not the torrents' seed status that is the problem because some have alot of seeds. I used to get constant 200kbs+ dl speeds on my torrents all the time then right after updating it decides to go "lol bandwidth capz".

Any suggestions as to what this might be from? And a solution to the problem? I am not using the autospeed plugin because that just makes the problem worse. And yes, I have the port forwarded on my router, there are no NAT errors what so ever.

Thanks in advance for any help :)