Backlogs Blow - Whats Next Vol.6734


[H]F Junkie
Dec 14, 2004
Alright you bunch of meatsacks. What's next on the q? Just finished up The Force Unleashed, trying to figure out what's next in the list. Shorter the better right now, I don't really want any 20hr+ epics right now. Want to whittle the list down a bit first.

3D Dot Heroes
Castlevania SOTN
Demons Soul

Deadly Premonition
Alone in the Dark
Shadow Complex

Metro 2033 (9.99? Buying NOW!)
Far Cry 2
Just Cause 2
Man I really gotta advise against Far Cry 2. It is just plain awful. It forces you to do 2/3 of the fetch quest missions, non of them are interesting. There's an enormous amount of backtracking. You can beat the game without ever buying/unlocking a gun(which are all awful). You'll use the Ak and G3 the entire game. I wasted so much time unlocking guns that were all crap. The ending is worst than borderlands.

Castlevania is pretty long

I think enslaved is just a movie you use a controller to play so that should be easy to run through.

I hated batman but everyone else seems to like it. Maybe you should start with that.

I think I spent 50 hours on Far Cry 2 and got around 60-80% so 25 hours minimum
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3 of the best games ever are on your list:

Castlevania SOTN
Shadow Complex

None of them are very long.
Just Cuase2 will give you dozens up to hundreds of hours of gameplay. Batman: AA is awesome I haven't beat it yet. I would put that on your list to do first. I would play Just Cause 2 last since it will take up a ton of time.
Enslaved was an awesomely unique experience imo but I don't remember how long it took to beat. I think it was around 12-14 hours?
batman aa
claptrap dlc for borderlands
halflife 2 episode 2
shank (just got this, seems cool but i think i will need to pick up a 360 controller)
bulletstorm - sometime ill finish this. i bought it on release day and was incredibly disappointed with the lack of competitive multiplayer and the repetitiveness of the gameplay.
Don't buy Metro on Steam! Get it from GamersGate for $5 then activate it on Steam with the key.

Also, I vote Batman.
I vote for Batman as well. I'm about 50% through on PS3, I already got 1000/1000 on 360, time go get a platinum trophy for it too :p

My backlog is:

Demon Souls
Kings Bounty: Armored Princess
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Half Life 2 EP2
Demon's Souls is a game that can give you many hours of enjoyment, but it can also be beaten in less than 20 hours.
Doing SOTN. Figure oldest first eh? I had played it pretty deep yeaaaars ago, but never finished. Amazing how easy and smooth it is to get into.
After you beat SOTN I suggest clearing Metro 2033. The FPS should be a nice change of pace from 2D and it's a short, immersive game.
Enslaved was an awesomely unique experience imo but I don't remember how long it took to beat. I think it was around 12-14 hours?

I'd say it was 8 to 10. You're right though, it was a fantastic experience and I'd recommend starting with that to the OP too. Next would be Metro 2033 which is about 10 hours long, then Batman which is around 15.
Demon's Souls... I played it for two hours and made literally zero progress. I had to quit before I ended up smashing my controller. Don't get me wrong, it's a fun game, but it's stupidly hard, and it's only hard because it's unfair. That, or I suck at it. Take your pick. I'd advise against it if you're impatient and/or bad at hard games.

Arkham Asylum and Just Cause 2 are two of my favorite games this generation. I'm not sure how long AA lasts as it doesn't give you a playtime, but I'd guess somewhere between 8 and 12 hours. JC2 is around 20 if you do a fair share of sidequests, and much much longer if you're a completionist.
I've got a long list like everybody else...

For Xbox 360 I bought Darkstalkers and Bayonetta to play over Christmas break, but they arrived a bit late and I didn't get much play time in. I liked Darkstalkers, but still have a pretty long way to go I think. I haven't even opened Bayonetta yet. I'd also like to give Vanquish and Red Dead Redemption a go. Oh, and I started Fallout New Vegas last fall and would like to finish it, but I just never could get into it like I did Fallout 3. It's still on my "to do" list, though.

On the PC, I've recently started STALKER: SoC (w/ Complete mod), Metro 2033, and Batman AA. STALKER seems like it could be fun, but I'm having a hard time getting into the setting. Batman seems OK but highly over rated, the drivel that passes for writing in that game is pretty poor, even by gaming standards and the game play seems pretty simplistic. I played a little bit of Metro and really like it, but then it crashed on me :(

In the queue I have Bioshock 1 (and then probably 2 when it goes on sale again), Braid, the Company of Heroes series, finishing Dragon Age Origins, Mirrors Edge, finishing the campaign in the first DoW II, then Chaos Rising.

I've been making some progress cutting into my steam backlog, but once Torchlight 2 comes out, all bets are off.
Batman, DO IT.

Not too long but depends how fast you move, how much you explore and how many secrets and whatnot you want to get, I personally ended up doing 100% complete in the end, I thought the extras were really good, one of the few console games I actually really enjoyed on the PC.
BTW Just finished Castlevania SOTN with the under 196% ending. Got 178% or so, good enough and I googled the difference between the two endings. I'm all set, was a good time.

Just to gauge how long it takes me to finish a game, what did that take? 16 days?

Next up is Batman:AA. Bump the thread again in 2 weeks I guess!
Wow just found this thread again. It's taken me over a month to kill Batman AA and Enslaved I guess eh? On the flipside both killer games. Should I bother with the Piggsy DLC for enslaved or just goozex it out?

Next is Shadow Complex or Metro 2033? What say ye?
Demon's Souls... I played it for two hours and made literally zero progress. I had to quit before I ended up smashing my controller. Don't get me wrong, it's a fun game, but it's stupidly hard, and it's only hard because it's unfair. That, or I suck at it. Take your pick. I'd advise against it if you're impatient and/or bad at hard games.

It's difficult but it's not unfair. It just requires some effort to figure out the nuances of combat system and the mobs. Once you've put the practice in it's not that bad.
It's difficult but it's not unfair. It just requires some effort to figure out the nuances of combat system and the mobs. Once you've put the practice in it's not that bad.

Unfair may not have been the best word, but I can't think of another to describe it. The checkpoints are far too scarce, and there's no good reason for that. The devs just decided to make it overly difficult. I don't want a checkpoint every time I turn a corner without dying, but I don't want to play something for two hours and have nothing to show for it either.

As I said, it's a great and unique game, but people that are easily frustrated, such as myself, should stay away from it. I'm trying to save the man from breaking his controller, here!
If you're like me you may enjoy interspersing Metro2033 in between another game. I found it a bit slow and uninspiring, so am playing a bit of it here and there, but I can't do it in very long doses.