Ballmer Reiterates Interest in Yahoo Talks

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Can it be? Microsoft is still interested in Yahoo after that fiasco that drug out over most of last year? Say it isn't so.

Ballmer said at a technology and media summit Thursday in New York that a deal would help improve Microsoft's Web search business by expanding the base of users. More people using the search engine means more advertisers. And, Ballmer says, a larger pool of advertisers will allow for more tailored ads next to search queries.
Well I guess the deal got even sweeter for MS.
aww and i was hoping they backed off so i could sell a few 939 cpu's to buy yahoo.
Things have worked out pretty sell for MS. Almost like they planned it this way. HMMM. . .
Things have worked out pretty well for MS. Almost like they planned it this way. HMMM. . .

Darn the not edit button! Darn it! Darn it! Darn it!

that's well not sell.

I think I need a sig that says

"Just read what I mean, not what I type!" :(
MS isn't interested in dollar value of the company they just want their search engine to take off of course they are still interested, but Yahoo thinks they can pull it off still with out any help .. who knows, it was the original offer at first that screwed them over to begin with!