Batman Arkham Knight $4.99 @ Bundlestars

Good game. I have it for my PC and my Xbox One and I have yet to finish it let alone get very far in it. It is fun and looks great even on the Xbox One.
It is playable and fun, but I think there is still a memory leak so you need like 12gb or so of ram. Still crashed randomly for me when I played through it a few months ago. Well worth the $5 though. especially if you liked the others in the series.
Its a great looking game. For $5 it would be good but too much bat-tank-mobile though.
I guess they should have fixed the game up at least somewhat by now...right..? :cautious:
WB said they're not going to be patching it any more, and any problems that currently exist (as of... a year ago I think?) are there forever.

Console version is fine though.
It's not that bad. I put 50 hours into it and didn't have any major issues. For $5, definitely worth it if you're a fan of the series.
How does Arkham Origins compare with the first two of the series? Is it a worthy successor? If so, I feel obliged to complete that one first.
It not as good of a story as the first one, but it's a fun dive into the Batman world. Some of the bat tank stuff gets annoying at points but fun. Also if you like that style of game Mad Max and Shadow of Mordor use a similar fighting engine and are pretty fun in their own right. I think the steam keys are pretty cheap on
great deal...I would not hesitate to buy at that price...I loved all the Rocksteady Arkham games
It not as good of a story as the first one, but it's a fun dive into the Batman world. Some of the bat tank stuff gets annoying at points but fun. Also if you like that style of game Mad Max and Shadow of Mordor use a similar fighting engine and are pretty fun in their own right. I think the steam keys are pretty cheap on

Mad Max was my 2015 GOTY...loved every minute of it.
For $5 I figured why far it seems like it runs alright. No major hangups with max graphics (including nVidia stuff) at 1440p. Sometimes the physics are a bit wonky but overall seems like a pretty decent game.
$5 is a great price for this game. You still need a beefy system to get all the eye candy out of it tho. I played through it little problems on a 1080.
$5 is a great price for this game. You still need a beefy system to get all the eye candy out of it tho. I played through it little problems on a 1080.

I played this on a 2500k and 970 on max settings (minus physx) and the game ran at 60fps no problem. So you don't need a beefy machine. Physx always kills performance big time.
If you turn PhysX off, you're not getting all of the eye candy. So technically he was need a beefy system to get *all* of the eye candy out of the game.
I played this on a 2500k and 970 on max settings (minus physx) and the game ran at 60fps no problem. So you don't need a beefy machine. Physx always kills performance big time.
Well I run physx =P