Battlefield 2 Problem


Jul 23, 2004
Well I jsut bought battlefield 2 earliar and played it on single player ( internet wasnt working)
and about 3 to 4 minutes into it will get laggy and then get better ... then just crashes to desktop.. no error or anything not even in the event viewer

it does something like this in half life 2 to me as well..but its a memory error...beat it 3 times already so no biggie

is this a problem with my hardware.. or you think the game needs a patch pretty badly?

specs are

Msi K8N Neo 2
AMD Athlon 64 3500
E-Vga 6800 Gt
Ocz Pc-3500 ( runs pretty darn hot)
500 gigs of Hdd's
Fsp 500 watt bluestorm

the drivers from the battlefield 2 are installed..77.30 or whatnot and im pretty darn sure everything is updated
1 gigabyte
i even put timings from 2.5-3-3-7 at 1T to 2.5-4-4-8 at 1T

is 1T too much to ask ?
update i loosend timings to 2.5-5-5-9 and battlefield runs fine...

also got nvidia 77.72 drivers form thier main site, game sure is a ram hog :eek:
I think its the game itself, needs to be optimized more because lately I'm starting to have a similar problem as you. I put my G.Skill memory, which is rated to run at 2.5-4-4-8 at DDR550 at those timings, but running at DDR533 and I still get that problem. No other game does that to me at when I have my system setup like this.

The wierd thing is when I first installed the game yesterday it ran just fine, a little hiccup here and there, but no crash to desktop and that was running at DDR600 2.5-4-4-8, a speed that my memory is not rated at. I will try loosening my timings even more, though they are about as loose as I like them to be, but I'm I'll be waiting for a patch.
Yea i was listening to the pre release and the guys were like " im actaully glad it came out late to fix it to thier liking " not exactly what they said....why is it so freaking hard to make a game that isnt buggy.. i want a patch to fix

1 Server browser SUCKS
- it lacks a favorites deal
-very slow in a nutshell

2 It jitters alot and i have a gigabyte of ram, and rest of my machine is in sig im pretty darn sure it should be able to handle this game at 1600 by 1200 at 2x AA/ 0x AF :mad:

and ill be calling OCZ to see why my ram crashes games when it is set to stock speeds actaully 16 mhz less than stock ( pc 3500 ram )

Counter strike source, half life 2, battlefield 2, Splinter cell CT all have buggered out on me

well whatever the case lowering the timings a few makes it not crash
u mean ur 6800gt can't play those thsoe settings...hehe..... my ultra runs 1600x1200 4xAA 16xAF on high settings cept for textures onmedium just OOO JOLLY GREAT :) probably ur ram then heheh
aZn_plyR said:
u mean ur 6800gt can't play those thsoe settings...hehe..... my ultra runs 1600x1200 4xAA 16xAF on high settings cept for textures onmedium just OOO JOLLY GREAT :) probably ur ram then heheh

im sure it can handle it ... im seeing it read off my hard drive as if its going into the page file as i fly around and it gives me a headache when it jumps alot at 4x/ 8x it looked good and ran good fps just jumped alot because it was getting it from hard drive

.. i have a gig of ram..isnt that enough??!? ( defragging drive as we speak )
umm yes and here's a trick....... turn texture to mediumn and no more hard drive page filing crap..... freaking if u turn texture to high it eats up the ram like crap...turn it to medium and ur fps will stay high and no jumping..

Don't you think it is odd that your PC is better than azn's (except for the video card) and he says he can run it on those high settings and you can't? I hope we get a patch soon but knowing EA it will take 3 patches and a year to get it smooth like BF1942 ended up.

I have a problem with the game crashing to desktop, with no error or anything as well. Very frustrating. Buggy code for the win!
Hum this wierd, my laptop, a Dell 9300 with a 6800 clocked at 360/765, I run 1600x1080 WS res, everything on high, but shadows,and dynamic light on medium, and 4AA and runs great no stuttering, anything. I do get lower FPS with huge amounts of smoke or dust, but other than that it runs really good. 1.73 Pentium M, 1.25GBS of memory, and 60GB 5400 RPM HD.
bonkrowave said:

I have a problem with the game crashing to desktop, with no error or anything as well. Very frustrating. Buggy code for the win!
What res, and refreshrate. I remember 1942 had this same problem.
Doesn't matter what resolution, happens at all of them I have tried, from 1024x768 -1920x1080. The refresh rate is a constant at 60hz as I have my comp hooked up to my 46" DLP through DVI-D.
well we should just make one thread of ALL the BF2 problems that are being found.

Heres mine!
Start the install, i have all programs closed in the background etc.
halfway through the install (with the dvd versian) it stops, tells me to restart. Then it wont let me restart the install. Then my Dvd player wont even read the disc anymore. Ive updated the firemare on my dvd drive but Im starting to think the drive is dieing on me (read on some forums about the drive and after a while of use they seem to crap out on people)

Anyone else have install problems with this game? The install stopping and saying it failed etc.?
this is getting interesting.. and im gonna try setting texture to medium.. it was like that recommended but i wanted higher lol

lets just give them a few weeks for a new patch or whatever, they will fix most of this soon enough :rolleyes:

edit : last time i ran the game it crashed like it always im deffinetly anxious for a new patch :mad:
bonkrowave said:

I have a problem with the game crashing to desktop, with no error or anything as well. Very frustrating. Buggy code for the win!

change drivers..... try 77.30 if ur not on it already..I heard from some people the newer forcewares crashes to desktop.
aZn_plyR said:
change drivers..... try 77.30 if ur not on it already..I heard from some people the newer forcewares crashes to desktop.

i had 77.30 and it crashed constantly .. went to 77.76 or whatever is out now and it worked for a few hours and now its acting up
I have very similar hardware as you and had to tweak like crazy to get HL2 DM to run stable, however *knocks on wood* I've had 0 problems with BF2. I run it at 1200x1600 with Lighting at Med, everything else on High, and no AA but 8x Ansio. It only skips now and then briefly, but on the whole is fine.

THe K8N Neo2 is very picky about the DRAM settings in the bios, I can tell you that. The last tweak I did was to update my bios to 1.8 and it automatically turned my HT multi from 5x to 4x. My PDP memory runs at 2-2-2-5 1T.
aZn_plyR said:
change drivers..... try 77.30 if ur not on it already..I heard from some people the newer forcewares crashes to desktop.

I have tried ever version of Nvidia drivers I can for my 6800. I think its safe to say at this point ... the BF2 engine = POS.
I know this sounds funny, try running through S-Video or componet. Mabey with the DVI and H-Def portion of the drivers are messing you up.
Vengance_01 said:
I know this sounds funny, try running through S-Video or componet. Mabey with the DVI and H-Def portion of the drivers are messing you up.

Lol yeah right. I dont have a 15' s-video cable so thats not going to happen. Plus S-video is shit compared to DVI, it would be worthless.

Yes I have tried running my CPU at stock speed at same problem.
I'm the Dude said:
I have very similar hardware as you and had to tweak like crazy to get HL2 DM to run stable, however *knocks on wood* I've had 0 problems with BF2. I run it at 1200x1600 with Lighting at Med, everything else on High, and no AA but 8x Ansio. It only skips now and then briefly, but on the whole is fine.

THe K8N Neo2 is very picky about the DRAM settings in the bios, I can tell you that. The last tweak I did was to update my bios to 1.8 and it automatically turned my HT multi from 5x to 4x. My PDP memory runs at 2-2-2-5 1T.

i hope you mean 1600 by 1200 ;)

and I'm the Dude, man Dude You're Lame. :p
Dudeyourlame said:
i hope you mean 1600 by 1200 ;)

and I'm the Dude, man Dude You're Lame. :p

yeah, that one you said. :D

Anyway, I just want to rub it in some more. My gear is handling this game like a champ. I get HIGH textures. It's all HIGH except shadows.... er, I think lighting, not shadows. :p

OH and BTW. I use the video drivers that I got with the demo. 77.30 I think they are. checking now. yes. 77.30.