BattleField 2142 Trailer

EA has won me back with Fight Night Round 3... this game looks fun :)
hmm looks like they ripped off planetside :p

Ah well, actually I hope it's awesome, because I loved planetside but just couldn't justify the monthly fee. If it actually comes out by christmas I'll be shocked.
Circuitbreaker8 said:

Terrible vehicle design

...what exactly led you to this conclusion? Looked pretty decent to me, but seeing as its a 2 minute video im not gonna jump to any conclusions. I can understand the hatred of ea, but i mean cmon now- there's no details about gameplay or features whatsoever, and people are criticizing it. If it was any game other than battlefield it would be received far better. Just wait and see.
This looks pretty interesting. I used to think Halo on the Xbox was fun until I got Battlefield 2 which had way more freedom to do stuff, especially when hacked to run 64 bots, 2000+ tickets and co-op. You can play any way you want, so after BF2, I can't go back to story based games like Halo, Half-Life etc., which now seem too restrictive. I just hope they keep a co-op option, even if it's not officially supported.
Spaceman_Spiff said:
...what exactly led you to this conclusion? Looked pretty decent to me, but seeing as its a 2 minute video im not gonna jump to any conclusions. I can understand the hatred of ea, but i mean cmon now- there's no details about gameplay or features whatsoever, and people are criticizing it. If it was any game other than battlefield it would be received far better. Just wait and see.

I based my observation ( not conclusion ) on the video.
As much as I like real wars more than fictional ones I can understand that they want to try something new.
It looks good, the graphics are just like BF2 (minor improvements), I will play it as long as they improve the net performance and bugginess from this that BF2 has.
futuristic guns... im not sure , i like the ''real'' feeling i had with bf2 ...

with this , its all gone
Is this real? The graphics dont look anywhere near as good as BF2, the mech designs arent that great, and its coming out this year? Like wtf?

Dice should stop wasting their time with crap like this and patch BF2 so that its not ridden with bugs. Sheesh, as if they have a hope in hell of competing with Quake Wars or UT2007.....oh joy we can play the same old tired conquest mode with futuristic vehicles, woop dee doo
Sad thing is..its Prolly just a Mod for BF2 ....seeings how the Models look exactly the same as BF2 Models..cept for new skins...

Sad..truly sad..nothing new here...Yay..EA/Dice makes another mod..and sells it as a new Game....

All the Mod makers for BF2 could prolly already do this..and they do it for FREE.

BF2 will be my last EA purchase for a long time...Quake Wars/UT2007 here I come...

or just hold out till Forgotten Hope 2 comes out for BF2
Once again I shall say... "some of you people are serious asshats."
looks like GDI vs NOD, also the graphics look a bit.... well like battlefield 2. and i'm tired of jus blowing up, i want localized damage. i shoot a rocket at tank treads bam that things disabled but still can shoot but not move. i'll pass, ET:QW here we come.

i just hope its not as bad as bf: vietnam
I hope it has cool, futuristic ranks, and weapon unlocks...along with point whores like in BF2 we can all make fun of. :D I looked up the stats on the number 1 or 2 guy recently and it was rediculous--thousands of matches on Karkand, and maybe a hundred or 2 for the others. What a joke!
Wow, now that they own DICE I bet they will make another generic war combat game based after BF 1942 every year now like every other EA game.
WorldRunner said:
Perhaps that's because that's what the consumer wants?

No, I think the consumer wants them to fix their damn games first.
peacetilence said:
Wow, now that they own DICE I bet they will make another generic war combat game based after BF 1942 every year now like every other EA game.

I dont think they understand the FPS gamer, when we find a game we like we play it for years (CS / Q2/Q3/ HL etc) We dont want to learn a new game every year
Battlefield 2142? Is that the date the current Battlefield games will work properly? :rolleyes:

I loved Battlefield 1942, after that game the other two suck IMO. But even BF1942 ran horribly.
Bop said:
No, I think the consumer wants them to fix their damn games first.

Then they wouldn't show up and spend millions on sequels everytime they're released.

We're americans... We want to over indulge. We don't want something new...we want something familiar.

Maybe you don't...but you're probably not an average consumer either.
God, gamers are so fickle nowadays. I'm pretty psyched for this game, sequel or not, I love the Battlefield series and I'll gladly buy anything related to it.
its probably just a revision of the BF2 engine with new models/skins/textures. (bigger textures/maps, more complex models = more ram)

Continuing the trend its going to use 4Gb of ram, and take 5 minutes to load a map. :)

Battlefield 1942 - needed 1Gb to run smoothly
Battlefield 2 ------ needs 2Gb to run smoothly
Battlefield 2142 -- will need 4Gb to run smoothly
chrisf6969 said:
its probably just a revision of the BF2 engine with new models/skins/textures. (bigger textures/maps, more complex models = more ram)

Continuing the trend its going to use 4Gb of ram, and take 5 minutes to load a map. :)

Battlefield 1942 - needed 1Gb to run smoothly
Battlefield 2 ------ needs 2Gb to run smoothly
Battlefield 2142 -- will need 4Gb to run smoothly

QFT. lol

I can't believe they unwrapped this so soon. What about BF2 and its community? Oh that's right... EA's profits have been down. Time to crank out BF series games like Madden! Except... the BF series has infinitely more bugs. Ah well... the gamers suffer again. I've come to live with this fact.
chrisf6969 said:
its probably just a revision of the BF2 engine with new models/skins/textures. (bigger textures/maps, more complex models = more ram)

Continuing the trend its going to use 4Gb of ram, and take 5 minutes to load a map. :)

Battlefield 1942 - needed 1Gb to run smoothly
Battlefield 2 ------ needs 2Gb to run smoothly
Battlefield 2142 -- will need 4Gb to run smoothly

Not true.

It takes fifteen seconds to load the map. It takes five minutes to verify that you've loaded the map correctly :rolleyes: