Battlefield series : All sequels suck for single player?


Nov 1, 2006
I played BF1942 when it first came out, even though there were only a handful of maps (12??) it had replayability for single player in so much as you had to 'progress' through the maps, and you could jack up the enemy difficulties and such.

I jumped on the chance to play BF-2 when it came out. But was disappointed with it due to the fact that there seemed to be no "play all the maps in order to win the war" in sequence feature, and.. really, the AI sucked ass...

Is BF2142 the same as bf2 where single player is concerned? or is it a "high tech, futuristic" version of BF1942 ?

I don't want to plunk any $ down on a craptastic single player game that has no real purpose other than multiplayer.

alternatively, can anyone suggest a good "high end" war game for single player? I want the feel of BF1942, but with better models :)

Not looking for a top-down "RTS" like c&c games, and not looking for a true "First person shooter" like halflife2..

Oh.. PC only, please.
all the BF games are multi-play. They have some limited single-player (with bots) that is good for practice (ie flying)
I think my point was that the original was actually fun for single player.

But the point has been made..

Now.. what do I play for single player?!?! in the genre.
Unreal Tournament = Multiplayer
Battlefield = Multiplayer

For single player have you tried the newest Ghost Recon and Rainbow 6 games?
Halflife, Blueshift, Opposing Force, Halflife 2, Halfife 2 Episode 1 + 2 (when it comes out)

Always good stuff :)