BenQ G2400W

So, I was wondering how I should do this. I have a Gaming PC, PS3 and a 360 (with HDMI port). Should I connect my PC through VGA and PS3 through DVI (HDMI>DVI adapter) and my 360 through HDMI? I heard this monitor scales when connected via VGA.
I have used an HDMI switch from AudioVox without problems on the BenQ over both DVI and HDMI. The MonoPrice HDMI switch should also work without issue.

You can connect your PC over VGA, or if you have an Xbox, use 1360x768 over VGA to get 1:1 pixel mapping. The only issue with this monitor over VGA is 1920x1080 gets stretched to 1920x1200, but that is the only resolution this happens with.

My belief is that the display quality over DVI/HDMI is much sharper than VGA, though VGA is still pretty good for 360.

Coolchu001: Yes it's a standard gamut TN without overdrive.


I've had this monitor for about 5 hours now and all I can say is wow. Blacks are BLACK; whites are WHITE (but not painfully bright); no dead/stuck pixels and text is razor sharp. Viewing widescreen images is simply a joy.....d/l a bunch from now.

Setup was painless as I am using out of the box settings and it looks perfect. It only took a few minutes to adjust my chair height and tilt the monitor slightly to get very good viewing angles and the only real color shift I've noticed is the gray bars here on the forums (but still only slightly noticeable).

When I took it out of the box and set it on the desk it didn't seem quite so big until I turned it on and then it just seems enormous. I have to say I am very pleased....and quite possibly the best $369 I've ever spent on pc hardware in over 25 years.
Spooge, can you give us more details into the revision, when it was made and if you have any consoles to hook up to it?

You may have the new revision?

Who knows

I'm still waiting to buy mine, i'm kinda scared still.:(

Also where did you purchase it from?


Revision: BA-130
Pack Date: February 2008
Bought at Newegg....on sale in Hot Deals for the week. ($369 - free shipping)

I was too lazy to go get an HDMI cable tonight, but I will get one and hook up the 360 and see how cod4 looks on it. So far even playing regular dvds on it full screen I don't see any noise or funky scan lines. Just the tiniest bit of backlight bleed.....about 1 row of pixels at the top and about the same at the bottom in the middle 1/3 of the screen........very hard to see unless you really look for it.

I was first looking at the hp2408h, but it's a bit expensive and was lacking the dvi input. Then I saw the new LG 24" at frys. Very nice looking lcd, but ~$500 and no hdmi input. I'm still in shock at the range of color and detail I see in every photo. This puts my 21" triniton flatscreen crt to shame.......and is only 1/6 the weight :D
Just a quick update: after leaving the monitor on all night (set to sleep after 20 minutes) I wiggled the mouse this morning and it came right back to life connected by dvi.

Still working on getting an hdmi cable to try out the 360 with it but right now patiently waiting for the ups truck to drop off my 9800gtx :D My luck I'll be gone 20 minutes and come home to a "sorry you were out" tag and have to wait yet another day for my new video card.
OK so i played around intill i found the best color settings, gets rid of the color banding and blue dominance, this monitor just became 10X better, here are the settings i use

Brightness - 40
Contrast- 50

Red - 98
green - 92
blue - 68

Let me know what you guys think
The G2400D seems to be an update containing the same screen as the V2400. Differences are dynamic contrast and overdrive (2ms).
That's probably why they added the "D" > dynamic contrast. Though the "A" suffix in Europe means analog. Confusing.

Hopefully there is an OverDrive toggle. This panel with overdrive should be even more gamer friendly as I think BenQ recognizes mostly gamers and console people buy this screen.

Gar818: Those settings were pretty good, but I used a bit more blue. It seems like the higher blue settings cause a bit of banding, so lowering to around 75 worked for me.

SpoogeMonkey: I've put the monitor in power save mode the past two nights, and it has come up both mornings with no issues. Mine is also BA-130, November 2007 build.


That's probably why they added the "D" > dynamic contrast. Though the "A" suffix in Europe means analog. Confusing.

Hopefully there is an OverDrive toggle. This panel with overdrive should be even more gamer friendly as I think BenQ recognizes mostly gamers and console people buy this screen.

Gar818: Those settings were pretty good, but I used a bit more blue. It seems like the higher blue settings cause a bit of banding, so lowering to around 75 worked for me.

SpoogeMonkey: I've put the monitor in power save mode the past two nights, and it has come up both mornings with no issues. Mine is also BA-130, November 2007 build.



So with that said it's better to pull the trigger on a G2400WD rather than a G2400W? I'm really anxious to buy one.... :(


I kid, but I don't think you would end up being a guinea pig. While the viewing angles look worse on the DigitalVersus link Snowdog showed, it looks like the angles on the V2400W look to be taken at a more extreme angle.

I've seen this done by another user on this forum (who will rename nameless) to compare panels, but it looks to me that the G2400WD has a "up angle" advantage. Hard to say without them being side-to-side.

I honestly would recommend trying it. I would think it is at least as good as the G2400W (non-D).


So with that said it's better to pull the trigger on a G2400WD rather than a G2400W? I'm really anxious to buy one.... :(
What does dynamic contrast exactly mean? And what positive/negative effect would it have?

I am wondering cause you're mentioning that it would be an ok monitor if you can disable the dynamic contrast!
I too expect that is the photo rather than a panel difference. I expect it is essentially the same panel with some new electronics. I actually was on the input lag page when I copied the link.

Lag is increased slightly, but I think it is still insignificant. I really think it is safe to go with the newer one, or the V2400W with the sharper looking case.

Dynamic contrast means they turn the backlight up and down. When the the screen is dark they turn down the backlight to make it darker. When the screen is bright, they turn up the backlight to make it brighter. Thus they pump up the "contrast" numbers but it is incredibly lame to actually use on a monitor and 9/10 likely shut it off. It would be the first thing I would do. It also does not actually improve the contrast on the screen at the same time. It is the contrast between different screens. This is a perfect example of the length manufacturers will go to add useless features if it can pump up a stat number on a spec sheet for marketing. Be dubious of all marketing.
I too expect that is the photo rather than a panel difference. I expect it is essentially the same panel with some new electronics. I actually was on the input lag page when I copied the link.

Lag is increased slightly, but I think it is still insignificant. I really think it is safe to go with the newer one, or the V2400W with the sharper looking case.

Dynamic contrast means they turn the backlight up and down. When the the screen is dark they turn down the backlight to make it darker. When the screen is bright, they turn up the backlight to make it brighter. Thus they pump up the "contrast" numbers but it is incredibly lame to actually use on a monitor and 9/10 likely shut it off. It would be the first thing I would do. It also does not actually improve the contrast on the screen at the same time. It is the contrast between different screens. This is a perfect example of the length manufacturers will go to add useless features if it can pump up a stat number on a spec sheet for marketing. Be dubious of all marketing.
Thanxs for the answer because I'm seriously considering exchanging my G2400W because my 'no wake up' issue got worse about 2 days ago and now it's sometimes not waking up when I start my PC after being off overnight or most of the day. I am afraid some component might be failing and getting worse. Although my workaround with plugging in the VGA cable into the monitor side still seems to work when the display sleeps when the PC is on.

I still have a few days remaining on my 30-day replacement policy at newegg and I'm thinking I can argue with them to get the 'D' version because searching online the DVI wake up issue is not that uncommon. So maybe the 'D' is a safer bet, maybe different components. I don't know.

It's quite annoying when a little issue like this ruins what is otherwise a really nice monitor.
I hope I can get newegg to pay for the shipping back to them otherwise it's gonna cost quite a bit to ship such a large package :(
I would hope that you could exchange it.

I guess the difficulty would be proving that it is a common problem, but once there, I would think they might agree with you.

I'm pretty sure the dynamic contrast would be defeatable. Trust me, you would want to stop it. It will make dark scenes/games darker and bright scenes blinding. Useless.

I took a look at their web site and they actually have a G2400WAD. WAD, that's funny.

If you can do it, do it. Best of luck with that.

Here's my dumb question of the day, but have you ever tried different vid card ports or loading the G2400W driver from the CD? With ATI cards I always had more issues with port number 2, and nVidia more often with port 1.



Thanxs for the answer because I'm seriously considering exchanging my G2400W because my 'no wake up' issue got worse about 2 days ago and now it's sometimes not waking up when I start my PC after being off overnight or most of the day. I am afraid some component might be failing and getting worse. Although my workaround with plugging in the VGA cable into the monitor side still seems to work when the display sleeps when the PC is on.

I still have a few days remaining on my 30-day replacement policy at newegg and I'm thinking I can argue with them to get the 'D' version because searching online the DVI wake up issue is not that uncommon. So maybe the 'D' is a safer bet, maybe different components. I don't know.

It's quite annoying when a little issue like this ruins what is otherwise a really nice monitor.
I hope I can get newegg to pay for the shipping back to them otherwise it's gonna cost quite a bit to ship such a large package :(
Here's my dumb question of the day, but have you ever tried different vid card ports or loading the G2400W driver from the CD? With ATI cards I always had more issues with port number 2, and nVidia more often with port 1.
That's actually a valid question.
Yes I have the drivers installed, but I don't think that will matter for the new issue that started recently, that is sometimes it won't wake up on boot after the PC has been off for a few hours. The BIOS post doesn't show.
I tried it on another PC and had no problems, BUT I only tried it for about half an hour of sleep (I tried it at work, so I was sort of limited with how much time I had) so cannot really judge by that. I don't have another PC at home (other than a couple of laptops that have no DVI outs).
Another bit of uncertainty is that I am running it on a built-in Intel graphics (G35). I have the Asus P5E-VM HDMI motherboard (SFF system), which has an HDMI out (no dvi) + VGA, so I am using the HDMI to DVI adapter that came with the board. I tried going thru 3 different BIOS versions to see if it helped, but it acted exactly the same. I didn't get a dedicated graphics card because I'm not a gamer. I would get one, but at this point I cannot really be sure that that will resolve the issue, and I am kind of running out of time on my exchange policy.
i wonder if this fixes the 1080p flicker of death (1080p FoD) that plagued the g2400w monitiors


A big request for you.
Could you please post a photo of your BenQ 241W (or which model?) displaying that 1080p video ("Transporter 2", 2.35:1) over HDMI as you did for 2400?
I would use it as a reference for another forum members to confirm that overscan issue is fixed(?) and the BenQ 241W(?) is now suitable for 1080p over HDMI.
Would be great if you can do the same photo/video test for component input and DVI.
Thank you.
First of all, a big thanks for everyone who has posted in this thread, especially 10e. You guys have made my decision for me, in buying this monitor.

So I the G2400W last Tuesday from Umart (Brisbane, Australia ) for $au 469.00.

I have been using a 17" Samsung lcd monitor for the past 5-6 years, so a 24" was quite a big step up.

On the G2400W, I have currently got my pc connect via DVI, and ps3 connected through hdmi.

I haven't had much time to play with it, due to my thesis being due soon, and me spending most of my waking hours at uni. However I am in love with this monitor, with the limited time I have spent on it.

I'm loving the high res, and tested out cs1.6 and tf2. I had to play cs windowed because it didn't have a high enough resolution lol, might google to see if there is a way to play FS when I have more time. TF2 is just awesome, playing at the G2400W native res is unreal. Unfortunately the fps drops to around 30 (due to my aging rig) and it will take a bit getting use to lol.

GT5p on 1080p looks great. It's a bit annoying I have to turn all resolutions but 1080p off, to play gta4. I noticed when I played the haze demo, since it didnt support 1080p, it would run on that lower 500 somthing p. So it gets a bit annoying changing resolution settings, depending on the game I want to play.

Also the black bars that are used, flicker a bit. I remember reading a bit about this issue in one of the pages before. So is this a common problem? It is possible to get a replacement due to this (if the problem is not common)?

Also what is the best way to check for stuck or dead pixels? Is it still deadpixle buddy or something?
The black bar problem does not seem to have been fixed and seems to affect all build dates of the G2400W. Usually the lower one is more noticeable than the one on top due to viewing angles of TN panels showing images lighter from above.

I don't find them distracting, but this is a user preference. The slightly flickering/moving black bars only seem to appear in 1080p. At 720p they won't show up. Very strange.

The PS3 has to be set at "custom" resolution under display settings for 1080p-only with 1080p as the only setting enabled. Most games (except for GT5 Prologue) on the PS3 are at 720p. I don't see any difference from setting the monitor to "aspect" under "Picture-advanced" and using 720p with PS3 than I do setting the PS3 to 1080p only. This is a PS3 specific issue.

Dead Pixel buddy is a great way to check for dead pixels. It's a 23k download and I cycle through the colors black > red > green > blue to check for dead pixels or sub-pixels. I generally do this about 2 hours after I've started using the monitor. Rarely, but some times a dead pixel shows up a few hours after first power-on.



First of all, a big thanks for everyone who has posted in this thread, especially 10e. You guys have made my decision for me, in buying this monitor.

So I the G2400W last Tuesday from Umart (Brisbane, Australia ) for $au 469.00.

I have been using a 17" Samsung lcd monitor for the past 5-6 years, so a 24" was quite a big step up.

On the G2400W, I have currently got my pc connect via DVI, and ps3 connected through hdmi.

I haven't had much time to play with it, due to my thesis being due soon, and me spending most of my waking hours at uni. However I am in love with this monitor, with the limited time I have spent on it.

I'm loving the high res, and tested out cs1.6 and tf2. I had to play cs windowed because it didn't have a high enough resolution lol, might google to see if there is a way to play FS when I have more time. TF2 is just awesome, playing at the G2400W native res is unreal. Unfortunately the fps drops to around 30 (due to my aging rig) and it will take a bit getting use to lol.

GT5p on 1080p looks great. It's a bit annoying I have to turn all resolutions but 1080p off, to play gta4. I noticed when I played the haze demo, since it didnt support 1080p, it would run on that lower 500 somthing p. So it gets a bit annoying changing resolution settings, depending on the game I want to play.

Also the black bars that are used, flicker a bit. I remember reading a bit about this issue in one of the pages before. So is this a common problem? It is possible to get a replacement due to this (if the problem is not common)?

Also what is the best way to check for stuck or dead pixels? Is it still deadpixle buddy or something?
Whats a good place online, besides newegg, to buy the G2400W? Amazon currently needs 1-2 months to ship it.
Whats a good place online, besides newegg, to buy the G2400W? Amazon currently needs 1-2 months to ship it.
No other trustworthy online company has it in stock for less than I so want to get this monitor but I really don't need it and I am saving up to buy a new (or newer) car although that will take a few years and buy that time I might just go with an electric car as it is 5 to 10 times cheaper than gas to "refuel" after you take into account efficiency and cost of electricity.
I ordered it from TigerDirect, came out to $418 after shipping. Good enough for me
all i can say about the G2400W is..... beautiful. I went from a crappy 19" 2ms monitor to this 24" beast. The colors in vista look great, games look awesome. I couldn't be happier.

Only thing that bugs me is the DVI input doesn't display until vista is loaded. Anyone have an idea on that? :confused:
Check out eBay guys for the G2400WD

380$ free ship - outlet BNIB
Actually it is $390 not $380 but it is the same price if you just go to and get it there however the shipping for 2nd day is only $5.49 which I would consider a steal. BTW does anyone know if you can disable the dynamic contrast ratio on the G2400WD?

Though as I go along, I'm wondering if it's just better to pay the amount for a truly great monitor than go through the whole upgrade cycle on a regular basis.




This was posted more than 10 pages ago but I wanted to comment.
I bought a Samsung Syncmaster 940B 19" 4:3 monitor 2,5 years ago for about the same price as the G2400W costs today.
So in 2,5 years, you've gotten +5" inches size and +widescreen.
This makes me think monitors are just like other computer hardware. They develop so quickly that it's a bad idea to get a really expensive one and try to stick with it for a decade. You should just get whatever fulfills your needs at the time.

With the new OLEDs coming and displays getting thinner, I'm sure they'll figure out a way to manufacture 30" screens for the same price as 24" is now in no more than 3 years.
Another thread jam-packed with helpful info ! Love it !

Could someone who owns one of these possibly answer 2 quick questions for a potential buyer ?

1) Does the infamous "black-bar-flicker" only occur when displaying HD (1080) content ? Or would it also happen when doing 1:1 for a smaller resolution over DVI ? (Like running a game in 800x600, for example.)

2) I'm still learning about 1:1 pixel mapping, and have an aging but soon to be replaced rig. Could someone give me a rough idea just how small running a game in 1:1 at say 800x600 would be ? Is "postage stamp" pretty close, or can somebody give a more definitive answer (in inches,maybe ?)

Thanks in advance for all the help, and keep it coming !:D
An 800x600 image is roughly 8 1/2 x 6 1/4 inches according to my tape measure. Actual screen real estate is 20 1/2 x 13". Just over 1/3 the screen used. But this thing deserves to be thrown full screen goodness! Go get a cheap 9600gt at the very least and make this monitor happy. You'll be glad you did.
The problem only happens over consoles at 1080p. It doesn't occur at 720p at all, nor on smaller resolutions from a PC over DVI with 1:1 or aspect ratio scaling (which leaves black bars too).

In your position I would let the video card do the scaling with aspect ratio (both nVidia and ATI do it) so you still get the performance of 800x600, but the simulated pixels of 1600x1200 because of the 4:3 aspect. 1:1 would be very small, and I wouldn't recommend 800x600 at 1:1 with no video card scaling. The video cards have a hardware scaler that will interpolate up to certain resolutions without huge quality loss.

Or let the monitor do it by using the "aspect" mode in "Picture - Advanced".



Another thread jam-packed with helpful info ! Love it !

Could someone who owns one of these possibly answer 2 quick questions for a potential buyer ?

1) Does the infamous "black-bar-flicker" only occur when displaying HD (1080) content ? Or would it also happen when doing 1:1 for a smaller resolution over DVI ? (Like running a game in 800x600, for example.)

2) I'm still learning about 1:1 pixel mapping, and have an aging but soon to be replaced rig. Could someone give me a rough idea just how small running a game in 1:1 at say 800x600 would be ? Is "postage stamp" pretty close, or can somebody give a more definitive answer (in inches,maybe ?)

Thanks in advance for all the help, and keep it coming !:D
does anyonw know if the g2400wd revision fixes the black border problem

i just dont see them rereleasin this monitor with tat flaw