Best 19" CRT monitor?


Aug 18, 2002
I'm looking for a good 19" CRT monitor that can display HIGH refresh rates for about $400. Can you guys give me some suggestions?
Yeah for that price, you could get a great LCD panel and not worry about the refresh rates :)
Xeon22 said:
Yeah for that price, you could get a great LCD panel and not worry about the refresh rates :)

or he could get a CRT, and not have to worry about the crappyness of Lcds with ghosting, motion, blur and dead pixels,.
I don't know, but I really like my NEC MultiSync 97F. :cool: 100$? can do 200 Refresh Rate
On the higher end LCD's, ghosting / motion blur aren't near as big of a problem as they used to be. You can play games with little or no ghosting, especially with alot of those <16ns monitors out now. And believe it or not, there are some CRTs that ghost due to something with their tube. Seen alot of reports on Sonys doing this.
higher end = higher $$$

I dont like LCD's, I like CRT's. I dont know why anyone would want a LCD over a CRT unless they're moving it around alot. Even then quit being such a pussy and carry the thing. :eek:

Chams said:
higher end = higher $$$

I dont like LCD's, I like CRT's. I dont know why anyone would want a LCD over a CRT unless they're moving it around alot. Even then quit being such a pussy and carry the thing. :eek:


I havn't bought a crt for 5 years - but didn't they release some models that were 30-40% less deep?