Best 9800Pro Card?


Jun 25, 2004
Ok, I narrowed it down to getting a 988pro card over the 5900U, So my next question is, what brand 9800pro OC's the best and has a great price?
Thank you all for your help! :)
The MSI ones come with R360 core too and you can get the retail ~$200. You also get alot of games with it.
Wich0 said:
The MSI ones come with R360 core too and you can get the retail ~$200. You also get alot of games with it.

yeah get this one
I am real happy with my ATI built 9800pro it OCs really well stock 400/380 esp. the mem. I have heard others have not done as well and others have gone higher. I can tell you mine has been a great card. :)
The last 2 cards I have owned {9500Pro and 9800Pro} have been Saphire. Both have overclocked fairly well.