Best External Wireless-N Adapters?


Limp Gawd
Apr 2, 2007
I've spent the last hour or so trying to find consistent, up-to-date reviews of "draft" N wireless adapters, so far with no luck. All the comparative articles in the field look to be between 1-2 years old, which is far too long. Everyone seems to be either reviewing one or two (out of a field of a dozen or more) or just ignoring new models. It's hard to make a decision when the same people aren't reviewing the same products. Heck, even Newegg doesn't allow you to sort wireless adapters by class. And most of the N adapters have too few reviews to give solid opinions. I realize that the format isn't finalized, but that's only a technicality when half the market has already moved in that direction. If I remember correctly, Draft-N products have been coming out for at least two years now.

Can anyone point me towards a solid resource of reviews and comparisons? I'd like to know what the best external (connecting via USB or ethernet) wireless-N adapters out there are. Size and fashion are irrelevant; I just don't want something that must be installed inside the computer. Barring any single resource, I'm certainly open to educated suggestions. In the past, I've had far too many flaky adapters to make an uninformed decision. I learned my lesson, I want to do my homework.